Domestic Violence
- Abuse & Domestic Violence - Barnes&Noble 210788
- Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence210767
- BBC Action Line - Domestic Abuse454063
- Battered Women’s Justice Project210760
- Battered woman syndrome - Wikipedia210780
- Casa de Esperanza: National Latin@ Network of Healthy Families and Communities210762
- Center for the Study & Prevention of Violence41339
- Center for Women and Families - Kentucky (USA)41342
- Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence - Wikipedia210776
- Cycle of Abuse - Wikipedia210771
- Cycle of Violence - Wikpedia210772
- Domestic Violence Facts - Feminist Majority41333
- Domestic violence in same-sex relationships - Wikipedia210777
- Domestic Violence News - The Guardian210795
- Domestic Violence - Wikipedia41334
- Domestic Violence - National Hotlines (USA)41335
- Dennis Kucinich on the Department of Peace (Archive)41340
- Effects of domestic violence on children - Wikipedia210773
- Ending Violence Against Women - UN Women41338
- Family Violence and Domestic Relations - National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (USA)210766
- Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community210764
- Intimate Partner Violence - Wikipedia210770
- List of domestic violence hotlines - Wikipedia210779
- Management of Domestic Violence - Wikipedia210778
- National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health210765
- Elimination of Violence against Women - UN Women 325117
- National Domestic Violence Hotline (USA)41336
- National Health Resource Center on Domestic Violence - Futures Without Violence (US)210763
- Outline of domestic violence forms - Wikipedia210774
- Sexual violence by intimate partners - Wikipedia210775
- White Ribbon Campaign - Men working to end men's violence against women (Canada)41341
- Women's shelter - Wikipedia210781
- Book: Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence (2007)210782
- Book: Pulling the Punches: Defeating Domestic Violence (2010)210783
- Book: Family interventions in domestic violence a handbook of gender-inclusive theory and treatment (2007)210784
- Book: Surviving Domestic Violence: Voices of Women Who Broke Free (2004)210785
- Book: No Visible Bruises: What We Don’t Know About Domestic Violence Can Kill Us (2020)210786
- Book: Healing the Trauma of Domestic Violence: A Workbook for Women (2004)210787
- Prohibiting Violent Punishment of Girls and Boys: A key element in ending family violence - Resources at Save the Children210789
- Domestic Shelteres (USA)210790
- Domestic Violence Books210791
- International Directory of Domestic Violence Agencies210792
- Ending gender-based violence - European Commission 325150
- Ending Violence Against Women (EVAW) - UN Women 325186
- Domestic abuse: how it escalates and why that makes it so hard to leave - Conversation 27.02.25459204
- Millions of young women suffer at the hands of their intimate partners - UN News 29.07.24425453
- UK: Violence against women, girls at ‘epidemic’ levels - Al Jazeera 23.07.24424394
- As Heat Soars in India, so Does Domestic Violence - Global Issues 04.07.24421374
- Australia’s Albanese declares ‘national crisis’ after killings of women - Al Jazeera 02.05.24410764
- ‘Every Italian recognised a piece of their own family’: film on abuse of women touches a nerve - Guardian 12.03.24404202
- Abuse is main driver of mental ill health in women and girls, say psychiatrists - Guardian 08.03.24401406
- Video: The True Cost of Financial Abuse | Advertiser content from The Allstate Foundation - Vox 11.10.23377200
- This is Not a Test: Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month - DN! 05.10.23378296
- Burned, suffocated, beaten: why women in Lebanon are dying at the hands of their partners - Guardian 27.02.23332130
- Hundreds of Met Officers Accused of Violence Against Women Have Cases Reviewed - Bloomberg 17.01.23325124
- Climate change puts more women at risk for domestic violence - Washington Post 03.01.23323622
- 'Women will die': Warnings as domestic abuse services struggle with rising costs - ITV 03.01.23323629
- Domestic Abuse and Violence Against Women and Girls strategy to be adopted in Southampton - Southampton City Council 29.12.22323624
- New tech gadgets are making it harder to escape domestic abuse: advocates - Global News 28.12.22322622
- Fighting domestic violence with music in rural Ghana - DW 26.12.22322619
- Video: Campaign to end domestic violence as statistics spike in the Northern Territory - ABC News (Australia) 17.12.22322634
- Total number of domestic violence-related homicides in France in 2021, by age group and gender - Statista 16.12.22322630
- Black women are 7% of MN population, 40% of its domestic violence victims - CBS Minnesota 16.12.22323626
- Hundreds helping end violence against women - BBC 16.12.22323623
- Average number of women experiencing sexual and/or physical violence by their spouse or former spouse each year in France from 2014 to 2020, by type of aggression - Statista …323625
- Eastern Europe and Central Asia: Lack of protection against domestic violence exacerbated by crises and ‘traditional values’ – new report - Amnesty 14.12.22325203
- As WA reels from another alleged domestic violence-related murder, what will it take to stop the horror? - ABC 12.12.22323627
- Filipino women march to end domestic violence - UCA News 09.12.22323632
- End violence against women and save $1.5 trillion a year - Forbes 09.12.22325217
- Tunisia: Domestic Violence Law Not Protecting Women - HRW 08.12.22322628
- “So What If He Hit You?” Addressing Domestic Violence in Tunisia - HRW 08.12.22325285
- Tunisia law failing to protect women from domestic violence: HRW - Al Jazeera 08.12.22325284
- Hidden in plain sight: How to help employees struggling with domestic violence - HR Morning 07.12.22322623
- Domestic abuse victim speaks up as campaign to end gender violence begins - The National News 05.12.22323630
- Video: Courts introduce new scheme to identify people at risk of domestic violence - ABC News (Australia) 05.12.22322632
- Video: Woman Accuses Herschel Walker Of Domestic Violence In Exclusive Interview - NBC News 05.12.22322631
- Video: Antonio Brown Wanted By Tampa Police For Alleged Domestic Violence - NBC News 02.12.22322633
- Domestic abuse victims report violence to police several times before action - The Guardian 01.12.22322620
- Sudan: Stop escalation of violence against women - protect them! - International Service for Human Rights 29.11.22325111
- Still a nightmare for domestic violence survivors - The Hindu 29.11.22322625
- Queen Consort condemns 'pandemic' of violence against women - BBC 29.11.22322621
- Engaging Men to End Gender-Based Violence Against Women - ReliefWeb 28.11.22325121
- The cost of living crisis is making it harder for domestic violence victims to leave their abusers - Big Issue 26.11.22322627
- Taliban’s draconian violations against women may amount to crimes against humanity - UN 25.11.22325296
- More than 100 women murdered in Italy so far this year - CNN 25.11.22325219
- Women’s Aid is asking the public to raise awareness of domestic abuse services during the World Cup to help survivors - Women’s Aid 25.11.22322629
- Launch of 16 Days of Activism Campaign against Gender-Based Violence against Women and Girls in the occupied Palestinian territory [EN/AR] - ReliefWeb 25.11.22325207
- Norway: evaluation report on violence against women - Council of Europe 25.11.22325115
- According to Women’s Aid, domestic abuse could rise by as much as 38% during the World Cup - Hunger TV 25.11.22322624
- Violence against women prevents the full realisation of their right to food - RelifWeb 24.11.22325200
- Domestic violence in Germany increases over last 5 years - AP News 24.11.22322626
- Violence Against Women: The European Union establishes an EU-wide helpline number and calls to end violence against women worldwide - European Commission 24.11.22325112
- Violence against women in Cyprus: Despite positive developments, rape victims need more support says new report - Council of Europe 23.11.22325295
- Statement: Push forward – act now to end violence against women and girls - UN Women 23.11.22325287
- Estimated 45,000 women and girls killed by family member in 2021, UN says - Guardian 23.11.22316971
- Press release: Women and girls are more at risk to be killed at home, new UNODC and UN Women report on femicide shows - UN Women 23.11.22325189
- Consign violence against women and girls, ‘to the history books’: UN chief - UN 23.11.22325114
- Video: 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence 2022 - UN Women 21.11.22325280
- Push forward: 10 ways to end violence against women - UN Women 18.11.22325122
- In focus: 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence - UN Women 18.11.22325151