
Two open palms are painted with a map of the world, in the background there are white doves in the air in front of a blue cloudy sky
Pixabay | Pixel2013


Ever wondered what it would take to achieve world peace? Who is preventing this from happening? What are the drivers for conflict, forever wars, and human suffering? Is conscientious objection possible?

With over 100,000 links (English and German) this ➡️ platform for peace is devoted to peacebuilding, nonviolence, and covers related topics such as conflict regions, nuclear disarmament and the military

We aim to spread reliable information throughout the peace and nonviolence movement, educate, and inspire. As Ghandi once said "You must be the change you wish to see in the world."

To achieve peace, we must compete against high-level corruption, the global arms trade, injustices, human rights abuses, and persecution - often at risk to our own personal safety.

Through diplomacy, the combined efforts of peace groups, and peace education it is possible to work together with law and order and governmental institutions for a more peaceful world.

Here you can find our 6,000 German links on Peace.

Where Can I Find Peace News?

Better World Info has chosen the best selection of magazines, blogs, and newsletters for you to stay up to date and informed on the latest issues in peace building, movements and campaigns.

Gain access to up to the minute news from peace experts and top peace organisations with our excellent peace Twitter list, and checkout our top picks from Facebook covering the latest and most pressing issues in the peace world today.

Where Can I Get Background Info on Peace?

Want to improve your background knowledge and get a general overview of all things peace? Better World Info has got you covered. This is the first step in your peace learning journey.

Find the most essential information on key themes such as calls for peace tax and disarmament. We highlight the inspiring work of excellent peace initiatives such as GCOMS, Uniting for Peace, World Beyond War, and the Ministry of Peace.

Learn about important peace events and documentaries raising awareness of the importance of peace and nonviolence in conflict resolution.

Find the physicians, lawyers, artists, politicians, and many other professionals who have created peace initiatives which you can join and help in their fight for a peace first approach.

You will also discover eye-opening categories on the military and nuclear weapons. We expose outrageous military budgets, the deadly arms trade, NATO’s expansion, the dangers and costs of nuclear proliferation, and so much more.


Black and white sketch drawing of a smiling Mahatma Gandhi wearing his signature round glasses
Flickr | Wasfi Akab

Does Nonviolence Work?

Creating a culture of peace through nonviolence is key to progress in the peace movement. Pacifists and peacemakers will find this category especially interesting.

Learn about the organisations promoting nonviolence as a first-choice solution, and where to find up to date news on the topic. Explore examples of many nonviolence success stories throughout history, and the pacifists behind them.

We discuss pacifism in general, and offer information on nonviolence training, recommended books, various movements towards a world without violence, and further reading on direct action and civil disobedience.

Start learning about how we can avoid endless human suffering, enormous military funding, and unnecessary destruction - nonviolent solutions should be the main approach for conflict resolution.


Many anti-war protesters stand in the street holding placards with the blue and yellow Ukraine flag and words of No War written across them
Pixabay | Wal_172619

Where Can I Find Peace Groups Near Me?

Looking to get more involved in peace work, network with others, contribute your time, money, or simply educate yourself on the incredible work of these peace movements? Better World Info has all the local and national information you could need.

With over 3,000 links to peace directories, alliances, philanthropic foundations, volunteer opportunities, and religious organisations you needn’t look any further. Search by country or region to find organisations near you.


Famous black and white symbol used against war. Two hands hold the broken ends of a weapon holding them up in victory
Free SVG | Public Domain

What is Conscientious Objection?

Conscientious objectors say NO to war. By refusing to participate in military service or to bear arms on moral, religious or ethical grounds, these brave war resisters send a powerful statement to governments.

Historically these people have been treated harshly, abused, and imprisoned, especially those who refuse compulsory military service.

Find information by country on anti-militarist organisations, campaigns, deserters, religious groups, protests, and courageous individuals who have said no to giant war industries.

Special highlights can be found on countries such as Turkey, Ukraine, Russia, the USA, and Korea.

How can we Build Peace Locally?

The ultimate goal of peace building is the nonviolent resolution of conflict, and transforming the conditions that started them. Methods aim to construct long-lasting respect, understanding, and open dialogue, tackling the cultural and structural conditions which created tensions.

We feature extensive information on topics such as violence prevention, conflict mediation, reconciliation, unarmed peace keeping, and international and European volunteering services for those looking to get involved. Peace workers will find this resource especially useful.

Despite the proven success of peaceful solutions in ending and preventing violence, "The world is over-armed and peace is under-funded" as Ban Ki-Moon once famously said.

The U.S military budget for 2021 was $801 billion, with over one million people in active military duty.

The U.S budget for the Peace Corps was $508 million, accounting for less than 1% of the foreign operations budget.


United Nations peacekeepers stand in their uniforms and blue hats holding a giant blue banner that says 'What are you doing for peace?'
Flickr | United Nations Photo

What Peace Memorial Days are there?

National and international days dedicated to peace serve as a reminder of the work still needed to be done to achieve global stability, peace, and tolerance.

Peace protests focus on the deadly arms race, the outrageous growth of military spending, and call for ceasefires.

Better World Info is an excellent information hub for events, celebrations, protests, and commemorations for days such as Hiroshima Day, International Day of Peace, International Day of Non-Violence, and many others.

Why is Peace Research Important?

In order to fully understand, analyse, and identify areas of concern, peace and conflict research is essential.

This extensive directory on peace research institutes, partnerships, associations, books, and journals is organised by region. It offers an excellent overview of peace research and a great resource for finding vital statistics, and facts.

Use this tool to network with other scientists, lecturers, study programs, and peace centres worldwide.


A painted mural of Malala Yousafzai on a brick wall. She wears a headscarf and is flexing her bicef in a display of strength. The words 'All I want is an education' are painted on a door next to it.
Flickr | Mike Rastiello

Where Can I Study Peace?

Peace education is an essential tool in conflict and violence prevention. By integrating peace into childhood education, we can nurture responsible openminded citizens, with the skills to show empathy, kindness, and tolerance.

Better World Info gives you access to all the resources, organisations, courses, and projects to enable effective peace education in today's classrooms.

Peace studies enable us to understand the root causes of conflict, and to implement strategies to prevent and end them without violence in a sustainable and just manner.

Discover the many fields of peace academia such as research and conflict transformation and the brilliant institutes which offer these courses.

What are the Main Peace Prizes?

Learn about the most important peace prizes which honour the deserving individuals and initiatives for their contributions to the global peace movement. Awards such as the Nobel Prize for Peace and the Sean MacBride Peace Prize support the invaluable work of peace builders and nonviolence advocates.

Through funding and publicity these prizes help raise the profile of peace work, and the dire need for more of it! Better World Info offers an excellent resource on these prizes and their inspiring laureates throughout the years.

What if I Want to Know More About Peace?

Who are the individuals and organisations funding the peace movement? Where can I learn about peace in the art world? Who are the main peace organisations, and how can I volunteer?

Learn about the monuments, museums, libraries, and parks, all built in the name of peace. If you are looking for funding, or to donate, you can find top peace philanthropists and their inspiring foundations.

For those wanting to delve deeper, Better World Info has even more for keen supporters of peace. Here you can find extra peace resources such as toolkits, manuals, books, and directories for activists and campaigners.


A black and white photograph of Nelson Mandela wearing a black suit and leaning into the camera
Flickr |

Who are the Champions of Peace?

A special highlight of Better World Info for Peace is our extensive category on the most influential peacemakers and nonviolence advocates – past and present.

For endless inspiration, look no further than these individuals who have dedicated their lives to securing and maintaining peace. Fighting against corrupt institutions, dictatorships, greed, hate, fear, and often at risk to their own well-being.

Through protest, politics, religion, journalism, activism, and education, selfless individuals such as Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, Thich Nhat Hanh, Megan Rice, Kathy Kelly, and Jan Oberg have kept the light shining bright even in the darkest of times.

With over 3,000 links to Better World Info’s top people in peace, we are sure you will find your muse.

Better World Info's Afterthoughts on Peace

The right to peace is a fundamental human right. Despite this, more than 40 countries are currently plagued by violent conflict. Citizens and taxpayers are always the first to lose as the inevitable death, destruction, and devastation ensues.

Worrying trends reveal military budgets receiving record funding year after year, meanwhile peaceful solutions through dialogue, negotiation, and structural change remain an afterthought.

Better World Info as a platform for peace activists is here to support your organisation, campaign, and fight for peace. By providing the vital information needed, a space for peace initiatives to network, and by raising the profile of these excellent projects, we hope to be a catalyst for long-lasting change.

Made specifically for campaigners, peacemakers, negotiators, activists, and concerned citizens you will find everything you need on peace in one place. - Input from experts and activists is welcome!

Let's work together to provide peace education for our children, effective nonviolent alternatives, the research for successful peace strategies, promote peace funding, and create a global culture of peace.

As philosopher Albert Camus once said, "peace is the only battle worth waging".

Author: Rachael Mellor, 25.11.22  licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0

For further reading on Peace see below  ⬇️

Hot Topics

Image of World Beyond War co-founder David Swanson from 2012
RT America | CC BY 3.0

The Real Nobel Peace Prize

After questioning the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize, peace activist Fredrik Heffermehl established the Real Nobel Peace Prize. With only 36 out of 134 recipients qualifying according to Nobel’s criteria (disarmament, demilitarisation, peace negotiations, mediation, peace journalism, conflict resolution) Heffermehl set out to spread awareness of this so-called Nobel Peace Prize fraud. The first-ever recipient of the Real Nobel Peace Prize in 2024 was David Swanson, the founding director of World Beyond War which was awarded by the Lay Down Your Arms Foundation in Oslo.

The Real Nobel Peace Prize
Terumi Tanaka, a survivor of the US atomic bombing of Nagasaki, speaks at an ICAN event in Hiroshima in 2011
TimMilesWright | CC0

Nihon Hidankyo - Nobel Prize for Peace 2024

The Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers, shortened to Nihon Hidankyo, is a grassroots movement representing the Hibakusha (survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki). The organisation is led by Terumi Tanaka, a Japanese anti-nuclear and anti-war activist and Hibakusha himself. They were awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace for their work towards achieving a world free of nuclear weapons, and for promoting the social and economic rights of all nuclear weapons victims. Through the recording of witness testimonies, governmental lobbying, public appeals, and sending delegates to important international events, they promote global nuclear disarmament and raise awareness of the dire humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons.

Nihon Hidankyo - Nobel Prize for Peace 2024
Two open palms are painted with a map of the world, in the background there are white doves in the air in front of a blue cloudy sky
Pixabay | Pixel2013

International Day of Peace - September 21

2024 marks the 25th anniversary of the UN General Assembly’s adoption of the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace. The theme this year is Cultivating a Culture of Peace. - International Day of Peace enforces 24 hours of non-violence and ceasefire, which has only been violated 4 times since it was established in 1981. Here you can discover events and commemorations from the United Nations initiative, Peace One Day, and many other local initiatives around the world calling for peace.

International Day of Peace - September 21
Logo for the non-profit organization World Beyond War, used on websites and publications since 2015. A blue infinity symbol has the world map inside its two circles. The words 'World Beyond War - A Global Movement to End all Wars' is written beneath it.
World Beyond War | CC BY-SA 4.0

World Beyond War

World Beyond War is a global nonviolent movement dedicated to ending war and establishing a just and sustainable peace. The organization focuses on educating the public about the destructiveness of warfare and militarism while advocating for alternative approaches that can resolve conflicts without violence. They challenge the notion that war is necessary for security or an inevitable part of human nature. Instead, they promote a vision of security based on cooperation and the fulfilment of basic human needs.

World Beyond War
Graphic for International Day of Non-Violence with many hands together representing peace and tolerance
Rachael | BWI

International Day of Non-Violence - October 2

Every year on the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi we honour his values and commitment to peace, tolerance, and nonviolence. International Day of Non-Violence serves to remind us that peaceful means should be the main solutions in ending and preventing conflict. Dialogue, negotiation, and understanding are the corner stones of the nonviolence movement.

International Day of Non-Violence - October 2
Kkaaii - Wikipedia Commons


Nuclear weapons are a threat to our world, they have lasting catastrophic effects on health, societies and the environment. ICAN is a coalition of organizations that promotes the adhesion of countries to the "TPNW" of the UN. Keep track here of the states and cities that join the treaty.

GDAMS poster for their 2024 campaign. A black tree grows out of the silhouette of an army tank.  Above reads ‘War Costs us the Earth.’
GDAMS | Krime_1

GDAMS 2024 - Global Days of Action on Military Spending

This year's theme of ‘War Costs Us the Earth’ aims to address the escalating issue of global militarization. Set to take place from 12 April to 15 May, with a focus on how wars are driving military spending around the world - The Israel and Gaza conflict has just entered its sixth month, and the Russian invasion on Ukraine has crossed the 2-year threshold. Coinciding with the release of the annual SIPRI Report on global military spending, the event aims to inspire a global discussion about the necessity to reallocate military expenditures to vital social needs, environmental protection, and peace initiatives. We must continue to demand a peace budget, defund war, protest spiralling military budgets, and start investing in peace and human security. Find the schedule of events and more information about the campaign here.

GDAMS 2024 - Global Days of Action on Military Spending
Graphic for International Conscientious Objection Day, two men stand holding banners which say 'end the draft now' and 'refuse conscription. Behind them are many other protesters. The words 'Refuse war, resist for peace' are written above in green and white
John | Better World Info

International Conscientious Objection Day - May 15

International day raising awareness of the brave people who refuse to take part in armed conflict. The day celebrates those who have, and those who continue to resist war. This year, War Resisters’ International will launch their international action campaign #RefuseWar! They aim to raise awareness of the increasing militarisation of our societies, and to stand in solidarity with conscientious objectors around the world. In particular, they wish to ensure the protection of war resisters from Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine who are being persecuted for fleeing mandatory military service. In many countries there are harsh penalties for pacifists, and with increasing numbers of men refusing to bear arms, international support is needed more than ever.

International Conscientious Objection Day - May 15
Multiple white, red, and blue candles sit on a white square base float on dark still water
Flickr | kallu

Hiroshima Day - August 6

Every August 6, thousands of people around the world commemorate the catastrophic event that was the dropping of the atomic bomb in the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. - Seventy states have ratified the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) until now.

Hiroshima Day - August 6
A green and white poster created by the IPB on justice for Yurii Sheliazhenko the Ukrainian conscientious objector. There is an image of the white male with long brown hair and glasses on the right hand side, on the left is the statement from the IPB calling for his rights to be upheld and at the bottom is the contact information for the IPB.
International Peace Bureau

Prosecution of CO Yurii Sheliazhenko

The IPB council member, Seán MacBride Prize Laureate, and leader of the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement has been prosecuted by the Ukrainian government for ‘justification of Russian aggression’. The charges came after the publication of ‘Peace Agenda for Ukraine and the World.’ The document opposes both sides of the ongoing war, and promotes peace, justice, and the right to object to military service. Yuri is an important advocate for peaceful negotiation and resolution. We must ensure that his rights to freedom of speech, conscientious objection, and his wellbeing are upheld.

Prosecution of CO Yurii Sheliazhenko


Peacebuilding, a multi disciplinary method, aims to end injustice in non-violent ways, targeting all structures of society. It seeks to build effective relationships between people, groups and politicians across gender, ethnicity, classes, religions and nations. The aim is to generate sustainable peace.


Peace Education

Based in themes such as conflict resolution techniques, democracy, disarmament, gender equality, human rights, environmental responsibility, history, communication skills, coexistence, international understanding and tolerance of diversity, peace education is increasingly being considered a vital human right.

Peace Education
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament


When the proliferation of nuclear weapons began to spread throughout the world in the 1950s, the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament was established in the United Kingdom. 61 years later, it has become a global movement. The CND advocates nuclear disarmament and opposes Trident and the proliferation of WMD.


Conscientious Objection

Conscientious objectors, people refusing to perform military service based on their religious beliefs, consciousness or freedom of thought, have been imprisoned, murdered or penalized throughout history. In 1995 the UN created a resolution to make their execution illegal.

Conscientious Objection
IPB logo - text and simple picture of leaves in yellow on a dark green background
Wikimedia | Sarah 1993

IPB World Peace Congress – Barcelona, 2021

The second ever International Peace Bureau World Congress will be taking place from October 15th-17th. An incredible networking event for international peace and justice movements providing a space for 40 countries to gather, share and discuss key global challenges – including peace, disarmament, gender issues, LGBTQIA+, racism, human rights, the refugee crisis and the global climate crisis. A chance to reimagine the world and take action for peace and justice.

IPB World Peace Congress – Barcelona, 2021
Rob Bogaerts

IPB Peace Prize

In honor of the 1974 Nobel Peace laureate Sean MacBride, every year the International Peace Bureau awards a person or organization that has done outstanding work for peace, disarmament or human rights with the Sean MacBride Prize.

IPB Peace Prize
Buch mit dem Titel: "How Not To Go To War" von Vijay Mehta
Vijay Mehta

How Not To Go To War

Vijay Mehta’s new book makes the case for the establishment of a Department for Peace and Peace Centres, which will result in not only building a better world with less violence and wars, but also in saving billions of pounds in world’s military spending which governments can utilise for job creation, healthcare, education and sustainable peace building.

How Not To Go To War
Elise Amendola via The Guardian

In Memory of Gene Sharp

Prolific author and an icon for nonviolent action. He founded the Albert Einstein Institution, which he ran by himself from his house in Boston. His writings have inspired many peaceful resistance movements around the world.

In Memory of Gene Sharp

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Hero of the Month

2021 Nobel Peace Prize Laureates

At a time when journalism is one of the most dangerous professions, Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, for their efforts to protect democracy and freedom of expression. Ressa is a Filipina journalist who, despite the delicate press freedom situation in her country, has always had the courage to report on human rights violations in the context of Duterte's war on drugs. Similarly, Muratov, is the editor-in-chief of Novaya Gazeta, one of the most fearless media outlets reporting on Russian government corruption and the human rights situation in his country. 

Featured Organisation of the Month

International Alert

International Alert has been working for 30 years with people directly affected by conflict to find peaceful solutions. It collaborates with all those striving for peace to strengthen our collective voice and impact.

Featured Online Resource of the Month

Waging Nonviolence

Waging Nonviolence is a source for original news and analysis about struggles for justice and peace around the globe. Ordinary people build power using nonviolent strategies every day, yet these stories often go unnoticed.

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