
Our extensive ➡️ platform for politics boasts over 90,000 links aimed at promoting political and civic education, and the political participation of everyone. Search by country to find extensive information on key political issues that affect you.
Politics effects everything around us. It influences the kind of world that we live in today, and shapes it for future generations.
One of the biggest challenges to democracy that we face is political apathy. For example, in the U.S. 2020 presidential election only 62% of citizens of voting cast their ballet. Sadly, this is actually the norm, and was even the highest voter turnout since 1960.
Lack of positive change, similarities between candidates, disconnection between your own life and governmental policies, corruption, propaganda and media influence, misinformation campaigns, and absence of political education and understanding are huge barriers to progress and social improvements.
Countries which have higher levels of democracy and freedoms produce governments which are accountable to their citizens and more responsive to their needs. An informed population can make smart political decisions.
Poor governance leaves a legacy for decades. It is a key driver of poverty, inequality, inflation, unemployment, weak economic growth, violent conflict, rights violations, and the failure of important social provisions such as healthcare and education.
A recent report from the Climate Observatory concerning the 2019-2022 Bolsonaro administration, revealed a 60% increase in deforestation, a 12% increase in greenhouse gas emissions, a 212% increase in indigenous land invasion, and a 125% increase in illegal mining.
This deliberate rollback of environmental protections is proof that politicians leave behind a legacy that lasts for generations. Politics can define our quality of life; we must create the world that we want our children to live in.
Political instability is rising, 68% of all countries are predicted to become more unstable by the end of 2023. 24% of the global population currently live in fragile states, 29 countries are currently at war, military coups are on the rise, and high-level corruption is worsening.
Whilst one-third of the world is facing economic recession in 2023, world military expenditure reached a record high of $2240 billion!

Anti-governmental protests have rocked the globe in recent years. Protesters have taken to the streets in record numbers in response to harsh austerity measures, authoritarian regimes, the rise of the right-wing, police brutality, the reversal of women's rights, continued investment in the fossil fuel industry, spiralling costs of living, election fraud, media censorship, and failure to address climate change.
The coronavirus pandemic, the climate crisis, the global food crisis, and the Russian war in Ukraine have plunged the world into a multi-crisis. More than ever, we need strong, transparent, and citizen focused governance.
Be sure to check out our related topics on democracy, economy, globalisation, international development, social justice, and environment. You can also follow our excellent Twitter list on Politics for critical analysis and updates from key political experts, activists, politicians, political scientists, NGOs, and international relations experts.
For German speakers we invite you to visit our sister site Bessere Welt Info for over 50,000 links to political resources from a European perspective.
Where can I get Background Info on Politics?
Here you can find excellent political resources and NGOs, information on political sciences, the influence of capitalism, and weakening international relations. Learn about increasing U.S. tensions with Russia, China, Israel and the Middle East, U.S. foreign relations in general, and UK foreign policy.

Discover the main political ideologies including socialism, capitalism, fascism, anarchism, populism, and progressivism. In order to highlight and promote the inspiring work of exemplary people in politics and standout politicians we bring you a comprehensive guide to those who are not afraid to stand-up for social justice, citizens' rights, peace, and the environment. Find our heroes including Bernie Sanders, George Galloway, Nelson Mandela, Elizabeth Warren, Salma Yaqoob, and Kofi Annan. You can even find a compilation of historical political thinkers whose theories created a culture of critical thinking and greater political comprehension.
We dive deep into the worrying new influence of social media, filter bubbles, and fake news on politics and democracy. Finally, learn about the inspiring Suffragettes, their fight for women’s right to vote, and how it paved the way for women's rights and female political participation across the globe.
What is Global Politics and who are the United Nations?
Global politics refers to larger scale political processes which shape our world. Various international GO’s such as the IMF, World Bank, and WTO are key players in global governance. Global politics oversees issues related to globalisation, conflict, democracy, peace, the environment, debt, the global war on drugs, and many other international concerns.
Our toolbox on the United Nations contains everything you need to know about this huge global organisation addressing our planets most pressing issues. Find over 800 resources to the latest news, the SDGs, UNESCO, UNICEF, and WHO, as well as their work in peacekeeping, disarmament, the environment, human rights, and international development.
Politics – Country Profiles
Our country-by-country political guide is sorted by region. It is easy to stay informed with our collection of reliable and independent news sources for each country, and find the organisations fighting for positive change. Follow past and present elections, key political issues, and important politicians.

North America Politics
Regarding the U.S, you will find an extensive guide to U.S elections and an excellent toolbox for voters. Find extensive information on massive inequality and social injustice, right-wing populism, democracy under threat, devastating school shootings and lack of gun control, the Roe V. Wade abortion debate, tax injustice, unions, the environment, energy, agriculture, police brutality and the Black Lives Matter Campaign, immigration, and so much more.
Check out and follow our excellent Twitter list on U.S politics for critical analysis from key U.S political experts, activists, and politicians.
Discover comprehesive coverage on political developments in Mexico and Canada.
European Politics
In our section dedicated to the European Union you can learn about past elections, institutions, EU expansion, environmental and energy policies, and increasing EU militarisation.
Following developments in EU member states you can learn about the unpopular pension reforms by Macron’s government in France, rising right-wing policies in Poland, democracy under threat in Hungary, and the huge immigration problem in Greece.
Regarding non-EU member states, you will find an impressive 10,000 links in our guide to the Russian war in Ukraine from a peace perspective, and an in-depth look at the involvement of Belarus and their recent political crisis. You will also find offer in-depth coverage of UK politics including Brexit, the UK Police and Crime bill, NHS privatisation, immigration controversies, austerity programmes, the struggling UK economy, and how British political turmoil has resulted in 5 Prime Ministers in 6 years.
South America Politics
Find extensive coverage of the latest political instability in Ecuador, the protests and political crisis in Peru, detailed account of the new constitution in Chile and Gabriel Boric’s fight against far-right influence, the work of President Lula in Brazil to repair the damage done by Bolsonaro, the ongoing crisis in Venezuela and much more.
Central America Politics
Featuring issues such as the U.S embargo against Cuba, the controversial anti-gang crack down in El Salvador, the corruption crisis in Guatemala, the political crisis in Haiti, and ongoing protests and governmental repression in Nicaragua.
Middle-Eastern Politics
Political tensions, conflict, religious intolerance, the presence of valuable natural resources, and foreign intervention have turned the Middle-East into a volatile and instable part of the world.

Learn about the decades long oppression of Palestinians by Israel, the controversial 2023 Turkish elections,12 years of unrest in Syria, the devastating humanitarian crisis in Yemen, repressive governmental regimes in Iran, and the struggles in post-invasion Iraq.
South East and Central Asia Politics
The 2022 floods in Pakistan sent the country into economic collapse, which was then followed by the arrest of former Prime Minister Imran Khan on alleged corruption charges. Funding and security concerns surround the upcoming elections as the world eagerly awaits the end of political upheaval.

75 years since the partition of India from British rule and we are still witnessing tensions. Kashmir is still a contended region, and controversial Prime Minister Modi is in the spotlight for his dire record on human rights, democracy, right-wing policies, censorship, the 2019 Citizenship Law, and increasing discrimination of Muslims in India. Follow the ongoing economic crisis in Sri Lanka and how anti-government protesters have gathered to challenge inflation, repression, and fuel and food shortages.

The crisis in Myanmar began in 2021 after a military coup cast the country into an increasingly dangerous conflict. Increasing tensions between North Korea and South Korea are causing global concerns as North Korea continues to show off its military and nuclear capabilities.
The political status of Taiwan is again being drawn into the spotlight as China continues to ramp up its military presence in the seas around the island. China is set on reunification, whereas Taiwan, with their own constitution and elected leaders sees itself as independent. U.S. posturing and intervention is adding further fuel to the fire.
The 20-year war led by the U.S in Afghanistan has resulted in 2 decades and counting of suffering by the Afghan people. Now under Taliban rule, the human rights situation has deteriorated, the economy is in crisis, malnutrition is rife, women's rights are non-existent, and mass unemployment and poverty has become the norm. Learn more about the insurgency, the humanitarian costs of war, and the rollback of civil and political rights in Afghanistan.

Africa and North Africa Politics
There are 35 armed conflicts currently taking place in Africa making it an extremely volatile and instable region. Weak governance, a high number of military takeovers, ethnic and religious violence, terrorism, and the backsliding of democracy have created the perfect conditions for corruption and war.
Read more on the political situation in the particularly fragile countries of Libya, South Sudan, the Central African Republic, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Cameroon, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The 2023 Sudan conflict has become a further catalyst for instability in the region as the affects ripple through the surrounding countries and beyond, the humanitarian situation has become deplorable.
Better World Info's Afterthoughts on Politics
We believe that political education is the key to ending apathy and poor governance. The link between high voter turnouts and education has been documented for many decades. Governments must be held accountable for their actions, or lack thereof.
Universal healthcare, pension and social security schemes, commitment to the rule of law, anti-corruption mechanisms, transparency, and freedom of information are all examples of good governance.
Not all politicians are the same, there are good ones fighting for the rights of citizens, for state services, and led by human rights values. We must protect freedom of democracy, promote political engagement, and empower young leaders who carry some of the biggest burdens yet.
One vote really can make a difference. In the wise words of John Lewis, American politician and civil rights activist,
“The vote is precious. It is the most powerful non-violent tool we have in a democratic society, and we must use it.”
Author: Rachael Mellor, 27.06.23 licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0
For further reading on Politics see below ⬇️
Info on Politics
- Politics in General[2403]
- United Nations & Global Politics[1827]
- America[35]
- North America[43716]
- Central America[3327]
- South America[5220]
- Europe[161]
- European Union[2298]
- EU Member States[4708]
- Europe - Non EU[25147]
- Middle East[12027]
- Southeast Asia[6619]
- North Africa[4126]
- Africa[4044]
- Russia[904]
- Central Asia[560]
- Australia & Pacific[457]
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Featured Organisation of the Month
Next System Project
Next System Project is a multi-year initiative that aims to think boldly about what steps are required to deal with the systemic challenges faced by the U.S. now and in coming decades. Their goal is to push forward their idea that a “new system” is possible.

Featured Online Resource of the Month
Good Country Index
The idea is to measure how much each country contributes to the common good of humanity and and what it takes away relative to its size. Using a wide range of data from international organisations, the Index gives each country a balance-sheet to show whether it’s a net creditor to mankind, a burden, or something in between.