
50% of the human population have historically been silenced - denied education, employment, financial independence, the right to participate politically, even the right to autonomy.
Well 50% of the human population have said no longer! Womens rights movements are rising up, leaders are opening their eyes, and women are becoming empowered.
The importance of a gender equal society in fighting key issues such as poverty, disease, and hunger are finally being recognised by world leaders.
Better World Info explores the barriers that women continue to face including child marriage, cultural and societal mindsets, the pay gap, and unpaid labour.
In this ➡️ platform for women we provide the essential information needed to inform women of their rights, we connect women's organisations to create stronger support systems, and we raise awareness of the important issues affecting women today such as access to education and reproductive rights.
We believe that education is key to a gender inclusive world and aim to play an important role in the dissemination of reliable and impartial information for women.
Where can I find Women’s News?
Here you can find an extensive collection of the best media sources by women, for women.
In a male dominated world, just 24% of news sources are from women.
Better World Info recognises the importance of the female voice, and the need for fair representation in journalism. By being more inclusive, the media can only benefit by offering different perspectives, from more experts, and providing coverage of female related issues.
Likewise, without diversity in media coverage, the quality of journalism is diminished, women can be portrayed in a bias sexist manner, and left on the margins of society. Gender equal media is an important factor in creating fair, open, and democratic societies.
Where can I get Background Info on Women?
Students, researchers, and those new to the women's movement will find our background information section especially interesting.
We feature a variety of important categories to get you started. Find women's research and study centres, women's initiatives and campaigns including the Beijing Platform for Action.
We highlight remarkable women who have made invaluable contributions to society through literature, peace work, environmentalism, and global health.
Find our excellent guide to coronavirus made specifically for women, as well as information for handicapped women, and on the growing sector of women's philanthropy.
Learn about the additional barriers to society that indigenous women and women of colour have faced throughout history, and still face today. Find excellent organisations fighting to uplift their voices, provide support, and safe spaces for women to thrive.

What are Women's Rights?
The women's rights movement began in the 19th century, and the fight continues to this day.
In many parts of the world women still do not enjoy the same rights and opportunities as men. There are places where women cannot vote, cannot open bank accounts, own property, attend high school, seek employment, or travel unaccompanied.
Even in places where women have the legal right to do these things, often bureaucracy, social stigmas, fear of reprisal, lack of education, and other barriers exist to prevent women from exercising their rights.
Find top women's rights organisations working tirelessly to expose dire rights situations, and promote and secure a more gender equal world for women in every corner of the world.
Let us take you on a history tour through the Suffragette movement and various right to vote campaigns throughout history.
We also highlight the most pressing women's rights issues today. Find extensive categories on violence against women, femicide, reproductive rights, female genital mutilation, child marriage, dowries, women in conflict regions, trafficking, sexual abuse and harassment, and specific issues faced by women in developing countries.

How can we Achieve Gender Equality?
The United Nations recognises that in order to achieve peace, prosperity, and sustainability, it cannot be done without working towards gender equality.
As the official 5th Sustainable Development Goal, they have cemented their commitment to improving the situation for women worldwide.
Despite this, the 16th Global Gender Gap report by WEF revealed that women must wait another 132 years before full gender parity is achieved. Although there has been slow progress, it is clear than the gender equality movement is facing an uphill battle.
Better World Info serves as a platform for positive long-lasting change. You can find excellent gender equality portals, organisations, initiatives, and get access to the experts on social media.
Discover who is leading the way in opportunities and rights for women, learn about excellent policies already in place to promote inclusivity.
Better World Info highlights key gender equality issues such as the pay gap, employment inequality, harmful societal mindsets, unpaid labour, and female poverty - find in-depth categories exposing the full picture.
By raising awareness, providing accurate information, and connecting excellent gender initiatives, we hope to be a catalyst for change, to break down harmful stereotypes, and foster a new culture where gender does not dictate safety, success, and freedom.
Who are the Best Organisations for Women?
Discover over 800 inspiring organisations dedicated to uplifting the rights of women all over the world. Sorted by country this directory assists those in need of support, helps women's organisations find each other and combine efforts, aids funders and philanthropists find worthy causes, and raises the profile of the many excellent NGOs, campaigns, groups, and resources available.
Search through women's events and campaigns by the United Nations, learn about One Billion Rising aimed at ending rape and sexual violence against women, and find women’s philanthropic foundations.

What is Feminism?
Feminism is the social, political, and economic movement advocating for the equal rights of women. Although it has materialised in different ways over the decades, and by different cultures, the end goal remains the same.
Empowerment, equality, and equity.
Oppression, sexual exploitation, egotism, sexism, and harassment are still common problems. The origins of feminism lies in the 19th century and the women's suffrage movement, but the fight is still very much ongoing today.
Learn about iconic feminists throughout history, and the trailblazers of today. Let us take you on a tour of the best resources for budding feminists including podcasts, social media, action guides, blogs, foundations, and more.
How are Women Treated by Society?
Traditional roles, expectations and attitudes towards women have thankfully been changing over recent decades. Once resigned to the kitchen and motherhood, normalised societal views have become much broader.
Better World Info investigates how these attitudes are changing, and the many different roles that women of today play in modern society.
Of particular importance is the participation of women in politics. Once viewed as a man's world, the need for more women in governmental leadership is now seen as vital.
Find interesting topics covering girls' education, the portrayal of women in the media, harassment, and the role of women in religion.
Much work is still needed to be done for gender barriers in society to be broken down. In developing countries even more so. Women are often seen as second-class citizens - marginalised from society, left voiceless, and without social or economic freedoms.

What Role do Women Play in their Families?
The role of women in the family has recently been thrust into the limelight with the ongoing restrictions to pregnancy healthcare and access to abortion in the US.
Political involvement in women's body autonomy has caused waves of protest and anger worldwide.
Fears are widespread that the rollback of women's rights will set a precedent for further removal of rights in the US and in other countries who look to them as a role model.
Find extensive information on many family issues that affect mothers and girls. Special highlights include resources on birth control, sexuality, relationships, and even Mother's Day.

Are Women Treated Fairly in the Workplace?
Female labour force participation is just over 50%, albeit lower than the figure for men at 80%, there are still more women working than ever before.
Employment brings many benefits - to the worker, the workplace, and the economy as a whole. Women are able to become financially independent, confident, valued, and empowered.
Female employment can lift families out of poverty, and provide better opportunities for children.
It is proven that drawing on the talent pool of both men and women brings effectiveness and growth to a business. Closing the employment gap, and supporting women in the economy are key in achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
Despite the known benefits, there is still a massive gender difference in the workplace. Women make up the bulk of the informal labour market, they are generally paid less than men, discrimination, poor attitudes and workplace harassment are rife, and the digital divide prevents many women from entering higher paid positions.
Better World Info is the place to source information on women working in science, technology, journalism, media, film, and even women in retirement. We have got you covered.

How can I Celebrate Women’s Day?
International Womens Day celebrates the incredible achievements of women – socially, culturally, economically, and politically.
The day raises awareness of bias, discrimination, and stereotypes. It also is a global call to action for a more diverse and equal world, one where women are empowered and valued.
This is your one stop shop to this important annual women's initiative. Get important background information, access to top accounts on social media, campaigns, events, and celebration guides.
Better World Info's Afterthoughts on Women
Women live in a world which in many ways was designed by men, for men. Even in the wealthiest and most developed countries in the world, women face barriers.
We do not need a world where gender defines us. We are not opposing teams. We need a world which offers equality for all.
Womens rights are human rights.
As Malala Yousafzai said, “I raise my voice not so I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard. We cannot succeed when half of us are held back.”
- 380 million women and girls live in poverty
- 1.2 billion women are denied access to safe abortions
- 12 million girls married under 18 every year and,
- 130 million girls are not receiving any formal education
Better World Info serves as a platform for gender equality. It is here to support your organisation, campaign, and fight for women's rights. By providing the vital information needed, a space for women's initiatives to network, and by raising the profile of these excellent projects, we hope to be the catalyst for positive change.
Let's work together to provide a more gender equal world for our children. Inclusive leadership, policy, workplaces, societies, and attitudes are key in creating a global culture of equality.
After all, ‘When women and girls are equal, everyone is greater,” Melinda Gates.
Author: Rachael Mellor, 07.12.22 licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0
For further reading on women see below ⬇
Info on Women
- Women NEWS[58]
- General INFO[803]
- Women's RIGHTS[2939]
- Women ORGANIZATIONS - by country[804]
- Women & SOCIETY[503]
- Women & FAMILY[534]
- Women & WORK[747]
- International Women's Day - March 8[289]
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Tweets by @BetterWorldInfo/lists/women
Hero of the Month
Ounaysa Abdallah
Ounaysa is a student and journalist from Sudan. Her activism began during the 2018-2019 revolution, which led to the deposition of Omar al-Bashir. Although many feminist activists were at the forefront of the uprising, they were never given due recognition or equal voice during the post-dictatorship scenario, and this led Ounaysa to work for women's empowerment in her country.
Ounaysa believes that knowledge empowers people, and that everyone should rise up to fight for an equal voice despite challenges and harmful traditional gender norms.

Featured Organisation of the Month
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
The WILPF is an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) with National Sections covering every continent. Since 1915, they have united women from all corners of the world, to work for peace through non-violent means and to promote political, economic and social justice for all.

Featured Online Resource of the Month
Wiki Gender
Wikigender is a global online collaborative platform linking policymakers and experts, from both developed and developing countries, to find solutions in advancing gender equality. It provides a centralized space for knowledge exchange on key emerging issues, with a strong focus on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).