
Sustainability is a vital concept that describes a way of living which meets the needs of the present, without compromising the needs of future generations. Sustainability has become a global necessity. Economic, ecological, and social factors form the triple bottom line - a term that has become prominent in sustainability discussions.
Furthermore, sustainability heavily advocates for intra- as well as intergenerational justice. This means that we must strive for justice and equality within today’s society, and ensure that future generations are left with a world which offers the same opportunities – if not more.
Truly sustainable actions, therefore, benefit the planet and its inhabitants both today, and in the future.
Better World Info offers is an excellent ➡️ platform for sustainability, providing a comprehensive collection of quality sources covering every element of sustainability.

Where can I get Background Info on Sustainability?
Better world Info provides detailed background information for a sweeping view of sustainability. Find excellent resources, directories, events, and the latest concepts in the sustainability world.
Discover the best places to study sustainability, as well as the courses available. We have even compiled a list of the best green, and sustainable careers, and where to find them.
Where can I find Sustainability News?
Dodge the fake news and corporate greenwashing with our handpicked selection of the most trustworthy and reliable news sources dedicated to sustainability, the environment, energy, and climate change.
Be the first to know latest developments with our top picks of magazines, blogs, and up to the minute sustainability experts on Twitter. Be sure to check out our excellent Twitter lists on Sustainability and the SDGs.
Who are the Organisations Working Towards Sustainability?
Looking to get involved with a local organisation, need advice, support, or just want to stay up to date with the latest sustainability projects? Then look no further. Better World Info has selected over 200 of the most effective, and forward-thinking institutes, companies, and organisations in the field of sustainability.
You will find a special section dedicated to the UN Biodiversity Summits an UN Climate Change Conferences (COP). All previous COP events and the recent COP 27 are featured extensively. Find information on the events, videos, NGOs, developments, controversies, and information specifically for activists.
Other special features include excellent resources on the German non-profit World Future Council, the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, and the 2002 Earth Summit in Johannesburg – all helping to raise awareness of the need for global collaboration to fight climate change.

What are the Main Issues in Sustainability?
A key challenge in the fight for a sustainable world is that of climate change. Better World Info provides one of the best resources to the global climate crisis available. Access over 10,000 links to essential resources, reports, climate experts, and reliable news sources.
Divided into easy-to-use categories including causes, consequences, and solutions, climate activists needn’t look any further. Find special sections on movements and campaigns, climate action, and the key players and NGOs – including the bad guys.
It is well documented the horrific environmental impact and costs of the fossil fuel industry. As a counter measure, renewable energy is a viable solution for long-term and sustainable energy supply. Often cheaper, and more resilient, the green transition is well on its way.
Discover a complete guide to solar, wind, and hydropower, the importance of divestment away from Big Oil, and the desperate need for more green investment into the renewable energy sector.
Urban areas account for around 70% of the worlds carbon emissions. Those living in cities experience higher levels of air, light, and noise pollution, poor water quality, lack of green spaces, decreasing biodiversity, a lack of connection with nature, and warmer temperatures.

The need for sustainable transport, housing, waste management, energy, and land use management has created a new concept of sustainable cities. Sustainable development, and urban planning turn concrete jungles into multi-use areas which benefit and co-exist with the environment, the local flora and fauna, and create sustainable living spaces for everyone to enjoy.
The concept of sustainable living is gaining popularity, people are choosing alternative lifestyles more than ever. A more eco-friendly approach to life embraces ideas such as minimalism, urban gardening, ecovillages, tiny homes, ethical purchasing, and anti-consumerism.
Where can I Learn About Sustainability?
An important tool in the protection of our planet, Better World Info fills the information and education gap on the complex topic of sustainability. Find links to crucial sources that help you learn about sustainability related topics such as collaboration, systems thinking, and how to include sustainability in the classroom.
Check out our collection of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) including sociology, human rights, social entrepreneurship and, of course, sustainability.
Discover a comprehensive overview on sustainable study programs as well as ethical and sustainable careers for future change makers, allowing you to make a positive impact in the world.

What are the Sustainable Development Goals?
One of the most important global sustainability initiatives are the UN’s 17 SDGs. The initiative came into effect in 2015 as UN member states agreed to strive for global sustainability together.
Key concepts of the goals include peace, unity, and equality – all with environmental protection and climate change mitigation in mind. Better World Info provides over 800 essential resources on the individual goals, progress reports, key platforms, implementation, and monitoring.
The goals are ambitious, even more so because of the devastating Covid-19 pandemic. Efforts are also being hampered by the effects of climate change, the increasing frequency of natural disasters, large scale conflicts affecting peace, security, and creating mass displacement.
For all of these reasons, working towards the SDGs is absolutely essential for the 700 million people living in extreme poverty, the 89 million people who have been forcibly displaced, and the 2 billion people living in conflict regions.
What was the Rio+20 Conference?
Back in 2012 the Earth Summit was a massive opportunity for world leaders to create a blueprint to help foster international cooperation towards action on environmental and development issues.
The huge event produced several plans including the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Convention on Climate Change, and Agenda 21. Here the basis of the 17 SDGs was formed. It succeeded in raising massive global awareness for key issues, but as we well know, there are still many goals which remain unmet, and the work towards sustainability continues.
What does a Sustainable Economy Look Like?
Better World Info understands the importance of sustainability in our economy. Current growth-oriented capitalist economic systems leave glaring deficiencies regarding sustainability.
Depletion of the Earth’s natural resources, and rising social and economic inequality mean that today’s economic progress rarely can be classified as sustainable.

When profit is put before people it creates massive issues including corporate greenwashing, fast fashion, child labour and forced labour, corruption, pyramid schemes, and tax evasion.
As these concerning trends gain attention, alternative economic approaches are developed. Green growth and the circular economy are highly debated concepts that advocate for a decoupling of economic growth and natural resources, reducing waste, and increasing recycling opportunities. Our growth-oriented system can be sustainable, but only with correct policies, monitoring, and implementation.
The concept of degrowth promotes reduced consumption and production, leading to a slow down or even regression of the economy. This concept puts wellbeing above profit. It promotes a more equal distribution of wealth and allows citizens and the planet to become more sustainable.
Other important topics include universal basic income, ethical business and investment approaches, corporate social responsibility, and many more economic alternatives such as the participatory, social, informal, or free economy.
Better World Info is the best place to find viable, long-term alternatives for a more sustainable economy.
Sustainability, Peace, and Human Rights
An often overlooked part of the sustainability triple bottom line is the social aspect. Encompassing themes such as racism, discrimination, inequalities, and social justice, true sustainability cannot be achieved without the social wellbeing of citizens.
Find human rights educational material, news, organizations, instruments, and key topics in the human rights field. With over 30,000 carefully selected sources providing the full picture in our country-by-country guide.
We explore topics such as press freedom, refugees and migrants, children’s rights, women's rights, LGBTQI+ rights, land rights, and the rights of indigenous peoples.
Better world Info recognises that social justice is a global necessity if we truly want to become sustainable. We aim to inspire and educate citizens with information on empowerment, non-profit organizations, philanthropy, social entrepreneurship, and activism.

Learn about inspiring social justice advocates that have broken down barriers in the fight for a more equal world.
As of 2022 there are at least 27 violent conflicts across the globe. The UN has confirmed that peace is more under threat now than it has been since WWII. With more motivation than ever, peace efforts through nonviolence, negotiation, education, peacebuilding, peace movements and NGOs are of vital importance.
Explore our highly recommended peace platform made specifically for peace activists and NGOs. It serves as an excellent source for peace news, education, studies, nonviolence, conscientious objection, and much more.
Better World Info's Afterthoughts on Sustainability
Better World Info strives to equip users with the best quality information to assist individuals, businesses, and policy makers on their path to sustainability.
Sustainability is a concept that encompasses all aspects of our world – social, environmental, economics, politics, human rights, peace, and development. Without serious changes, and effective implementation of sustainable practices, we cannot hope to provide future generations with the same opportunities, health, and environment that we enjoy today.
Here you can find everything on sustainability and all related topics in one place, you needn’t fight through fake news, greenwashing, corporate propaganda, advertisements and politicians' false promises.
If you are a German speaker, head to our German site for special sustainability information in Germany and Europe. Bessere Welt Info provides all the same excellent information on global issues which will affect our future – your one-stop-shop for human rights, peace, environment, and social justice.
Authors: Rachael Mellor based on the blog by Jan Thomanitsch, 14.12.22 licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0
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Featured Organisation of the Month
Rethink the future
The Ellen MacArthur Foundation was established in 2010 with the aim of accelerating the transition to a circular economy. Since its creation the charity has emerged as a global thought leader, establishing the circular economy on the agenda of decision makers across businesses, governments and academia.

Featured Online Resource of the Month
Beautiful Rising
Beautiful Rising harnesses the insight of changemakers to help make our movements more strategic, creative and effective. Inspired by the concept of a “pattern language,” Beautiful Rising teases out the key elements of creative activism: stories, tactics, principles, theories and methodologies.