News Media

Better World Info is an excellent ➡️ platform on news media, the mass media, and real news. This resource is a must for critical thinkers, inquisitive minds, researchers, and journalists.
Discover over 11,500 links to reputable news sources from all over the world, as well as critical analysis of the media industry, fake news and fact checking tips, corporate media, exemplary journalists and organisations, an essential guide to social media, and much more.
For Better World Info’s top recommended reading check our Real News section where we have collated over 1,800 news sources of journalistic integrity and verifiable content.
For German speakers, be sure to check out our sister site Bessere Welt Info and the essential Medien guide with over 3,000 links.
The News Industry and Press Freedom
The way we consume our news has changed dramatically in recent decades. Up to the minute developments are just one click away. The internet enables large-scale dissemination of information which can be used to educate and inform whole populations of currents events. Likewise, it can also be used to sway opinion, manipulate, control the narrative, spread propaganda, and even alter voters' choices.
Learn about the multitude of journalism organisations who work hard to protect press freedom, uphold the integrity of the industry, and protect journalists who are faced with threats and violence simply for exposing the truth.
Press freedom is a human right which must be upheld. 67 journalists were murdered in 2022 alone, and those held in jail is at a record high. The state of journalism in more than three-quarters of the world is classified as problematic or worse.

It is essential for democracy, justice, the environment, and our fundamental rights that critical journalism does not die out and that information lobbying does not gain the upper hand.
Learn more about how censored and under-reported stories, media conglomerates, corporate media and propaganda, and perception management twist the truth to enable corruption, abuse, war, and repression. The mass media, television, and social media are used as superficial appeasement designed to distraction citizens from critical issues.
The growing popularity of alternative news subscriptions keeps the quality of journalism high, allows readers to avoid propaganda pieces, and have unlimited access to critical analysis. Discover how NGO journalism can enhance reporting standards. Collaboration between the media and NGOs cuts costs, allows knowledge sharing, removes barriers on the ground, and allows for important foreign news stories to reach Western audiences.
What does Better World Info have to offer?
Better World Info is a central information hub which features global issues related to our future. As such, you will find extensive categories on peace, nuclear disarmament, environment, sustainability, climate, human rights, politics, social justice, gender equality, health, economy, democracy, and religion – Each category with its own dedicated news section.
Search through the topics which most interest you and find our top picks of newspapers, magazines, blogs, NGOs, podcasts, videos, and social media delivering only the most reliable and trustworthy news to you.
When you need a pick-me-up, check our top selection of good news for uplifting stories which spread positivity. Just because there is darkness in the world, it does not mean there is no light. Positive news stories reignite our hope and increases our trust in mankind.

Better World Info offers you a comprehensive collection of 2,500 media sources from around the world. Sorted by region, browse through our dedicated resources on Europe, the Americas, a special section on the U.S, the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Russia. We are sure you will find the stories you are looking for.
Bored of mainstream media bias, censored news, clickbait, filter bubbles, tabloidization and sensationalism? Tired of media conglomerates and lack of real choice?
Better World Info brings you the best alternatives to mass media. Here you won’t find cherry-picked stories, false agendas, or narrative fallacy, but rather fact-based independent investigative journalism based on truth.
Search through our categories - International, UK, U.S, Europe, the Middle East, the Americas, Asia, Africa, and Russia for journalism with integrity.
Additionally, check out our comprehensive real news category which is handpicked for quality journalism.

Social Media as a Platform for News
More people are now turning to social media for a quick fix of their daily news digest. With such a minefield of information out there, Better World Info is here to sort the wheat from the chaff. Start following our carefully selected Twitter lists on important topics such as climate, refugees, human rights, peace, social justice, anti-nuclear weapons, women's rights, the LGBTQI+ community, and so much more.
With almost 50% of U.S adults now getting their news from social media, the importance of information and media literacy has never been greater. Social media is now a major source of disinformation, fake news, and bias. Other issues include censorship and surveillance, algorithms which amplify bias, lack of data privacy, addiction, and mental health implications.
Our social media guide provides a wealth of information on these issues, as well as critical comment on major platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Mastodon, Instagram, and YouTube. You will also find excellent resources on social media for NGOs and non-profits, how to use it for campaigning and advocacy, blogging, monitoring and metrics, and free online courses.

Who are the Top Journalists and Investigative Reporters?
Journalists and investigative reporters are essential in ensuring citizens remain well informed about both local developments and those further afield. They act as watchdogs exposing wrongdoings, corruption, rights violations and abuses, and hold the mass media, powerful governments, politicians, and corporations accountable.
By bringing light to these kinds of issues, journalists create transparency and uphold democracy. To celebrate the brave correspondents, broadcasters, frontline investigators, and columnists who are not afraid to reveal the truth, Better World Info brings you our top selection of investigative journalists and whistle-blowers.
Learn about Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and his on-going 12-year legal battles, the murdered Palestinian-American reporter Shireen Abu Akleh, and co-founder and host of independent news outlet Democracy Now! Amy Goodman. Find further reading on anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist, and outspoken mass media critic Noam Chomsky, and social media transparency and accountability advocate Frances Haugen, as well as many others.
As Noam Chomsky said, ‘He who controls the media controls the minds of the public.’ It is therefore of highest importance that the public has unadulterated access to the truth, and the whole truth.
Better World Info advocates for press and internet freedom, freedom of speech, and for the safety of all those who seek to expose fact and reality. It is our duty to support journalists by subscribing, donating to local and non-profit news sources, sharing quality reporting amongst friends, advocating for the real news industry, and paying for the news that we consume.
Author: Rachael Mellor 09.03.23 licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0
For further reading on News Media see below ⬇️
Info on News Media
- General INFO on News Media[512]
- News Media - by TOPIC
- News Media - by COUNTRY[2662]
- Other ALTERNATIVE Media - by country[791]
- INVESTIGATIVE Journalism[623]
- Censored & UNDER-Reported[70]
- CORPORATE Media / Global Media Giants[311]
- FAKE News[146]
- Online Filter Bubbles[110]
- Bread & Circuses - TV & Junk News[38]
- SOCIAL Media
- Exemplary Journalists
- TOP News Media[1]
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