Domestic Violence
- In eastern Ukraine, women tackle domestic violence amid conflict - Open Democracy 11.11.20223401
- Domestic violence law signals hope for Kuwait’s women - HRW 29.09.20217813
- Seven attempts: What it takes to leave an abuser - Al Jazeera 14.08.20214232
- Impunity for domestic violence still the norm in Kyrgyzstan - HRW 03.07.20212055
- Brazil's innovative domestic violence centre - Guardian 12.05.20207648
- Video: Mark'd - Award Winning Emotional Abuse Short Film #Gaslighting - Danny Gibbons 13.04.20261029
- Quarantined Argentine women protest spike in femicides from their windows - Pressenza 11.04.20206020
- Patriarchy and power: how socialisation underpins abusive behaviour - Guardian 08.03.20202229
- Domestic abuse against Palestinian women soars - Al Jazeera 20.04.20205316
- Video: The War At Home - VICE News 29.01.20314852
- Domestic violence kills 15 times as many as terrorism in Britain - Guardian 28.12.19194964
- Guatemala, el peor país para ser mujer en América Latina - Forbes Mexico 02/19191572
- Video: Confronting Domestic Violence Abusers Face-To-Face - VICE News 04.12.18314851
- One country's plan to solve the world's hidden health crisis - BBC 24.10.18350733
- Video: #1 Married to a Narcissist - My 24 years of emotional and mental abuse - Narcissists Schmarcissists 02.05.16261031
- Video: Domestic Violence (Actor Scene) - Elle Marie Pierce 14.09.15261024
- Domestic abuse is a private matter in China - DW 08.03.13197448
- Twitter - #DomesticWorkers41345
- Twitter - @DomWorkUnited41344
- Twitter - #DomesticViolence41346
- Women's Shelters (USA)210924
- National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (USA)210925
- COVID-19 and Domestic Violence210926
- Find Shelters in Canada210928
- Women's Community Shelters (Australia)210929
- Global Network of Women's Shelters210930
- The Commission on Domestic & Sexual Violence210931
- National Domestic Violence Awareness Month - October210932
- Joyful Heart Foundation - education and advocacy 210933
- Recovery: Resilience and Growth in the Aftermath of Domestic Violence - 2012 *.pdf210934
- I Am Evidence - documentary on survivors210935
- AVP - New York City Anti-Violence Project for LGBT individuals210936
- Istanbul Convention Action against violence against women and domestic violence210937
- Book: Women and Domestic Violence Law in India: A Quest for Justice (2019)210938
- Ending misconceptions about the Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence - 2018210939
- Domestic violence and pregnancy - Wikipedia210940
- Domestic violence in lesbian relationships - Wikipedia210941
- Parental abuse by children - Wikipedia210942
- The Duluth Model - domestic abuse intervention programs210943
- The Muslim Wheel of Domestic Violence (Archive)210944
- Power and Control - domestic violence in America documentary210945
- The Center for violence-free relationships210946
- Podcast: Child to parent violence and abuse - Community Care 11/19210947
- No More toolkit - ending domestic violence and sexual assault210961
- Stand Up, Don't Stand By training - protect children from domestic violence210962
- See The Signs & Speak Out: Become an Upstander - how to recognize and respond to domestic violence, dating abuse, and sexual assault210963
- New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty Against Children210964
- Jewish Women International (JWI) - ensuring the safety of women, girls and families210965
- Ohio Domestic Violence Network210966
- A ROCKSTAR Guide to embracing your healing & inner wisdom *.pdf210968
- Dating Abuse - tools for talking to teens210969
- Qatar: Domestic workers share harrowing accounts of abuse and exploitation - Amnesty International 10/20296935
- Elimination of domestic violence, Resolutions - Human Rights Council 14.10.24449639
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