Wesley Clark
- Video: US-General Wesley Clark: Warum wir Syrien angegriffen haben + Dazu ein Interview mit Assad - New Scan 12.11.16293983
- General Wesley CLARK for President - out of the race, endorsed Kerry49504
- General Wesley Clark on the Issues49505
- Wesley Clark Biography49506
- Clark on the Environment49507
- Clark on Health Care49508
- Clark on the Economy49509
- Clark on Education49510
- Clark's Families First Tax Reform49511
- Clark: Civil Liberties and the USA PATRIOT Act49512
- Clark: Success in Iraq49513
- Draft Clark 200449514
- CNN Special on Clark49515
- Wesley Clark - MSNBC Campaign Embed49516
- Clark on C-SPAN49517
- General Wesley Clark (APFN)49519