Key Democrats
- BERNIE SANDERS (independent) - Senator from Vermont[813]
- Alexandria OCASIO-CORTEZ - Congresswoman from New York[102]
- Tulsi GABBARD - Congresswoman from Hawai[37]
- Elizabeth WARREN - Senator from Massachusetts[97]
- Russ FEINGOLD - Senator from Wisconsin[29]
- Dennis KUCINICH - former Congressman from Ohio[102]
- Barbara BOXER - Senator from California[3]
- Paul WELLSTONE +, former Senator from Minnesota
- Martin O'MALLEY - former Governor of Maryland[15]
- Hillary CLINTON - former Senator from New York[94]
- Pramila JAYAPAL - Washington State Senate[21]
- Alan GRAYSON - Congressman from Florida[21]
- Ted KENNEDY - Senator from Massachusetts[3]
- John EDWARDS, former Senator from North Carolina[36]
- Howard DEAN, former DNC Chair, former Governor of Vermont[14]
- Al GORE, former Vice President of the USA[3]
- Henry WAXMAN, Congressman from California[11]
- Tim KAINE - Senator from Virginia[81]
- Keith ELLISON[8]
- Nancy Pelosi, Congresswoman for California[18]
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz - DNC Chair, Congresswoman from Florida[1]
- John Kerry
- Dick Gephardt[3]
- Wesley Clark[16]
- Dianne Feinstein[16]
- Joe Lieberman[17]
- Al Sharpton[4]
- Moseley Braun[3]
- Pete BUTTIGIEG - Mayor of South Bend, Indiana[14]
- Michael BLOOMBERG - former Mayor of New York City[45]
- Amy Klobuchar - Senator from Minnesota[18]
- Other Noteworthy PROGRESSIVE Democrats[13]
- Other Democratic Candidates / Campaigns - Our Links[67]
- Ed MARKEY - Senator of Massachusetts[17]
- Sheldon WHITEHOUSE - Senator from Rhode Island[9]
- Nina Turner (Ohio)[79]
- Ro Khanna - Representative from California[92]
- Marianne Williamson - Author[51]