Ariel Sharon (Israel)
- Wikipedia21181
- The Electronic Intifada - Ariel Sharon21182
- Ariel Sharon: Former Israeli prime minister moved home - BBC 11/1021183
- Ariel Sharon reaches 80 in coma - BBC 2/0821184
- Comatose Sharon's influence still felt - BBC 1/0821185
- The Samurai of Zionism - New Yorker 1/06 (Archive)21186
- An Israeli journalist’s six years of conversation with Ariel Sharon - New Yorker 1/0621187
- U.S. Jews mingle anxiety with confidence in Israeli democracy - Haaretz 1/0621188
- Arab world anxious over a Middle East without Sharon - Haaretz 1/0621189
- Sharon on life support in Jerusalem hospital after stroke - Times 1/0621190
- Operation "Defensive Shield" - Sharon's Answer to the Arab Summit Peace Plan ! (Archive)21191
- Sharon defends killing of militants - BBC 12/0221192
- Ariel Sharon: Controversial hardliner - BBC 1/0121193
- Indict Ariel Sharon - Justice for the Victims of Sabra & Shatila (Archive)21194
- Indict Sharon - The Case Against the Accused (Archive)21195
- Ariel Sharon: Profile of an Unrepentant War Criminal (EIR)21196
- Ariel Sharon's Crimes Against Humanity 1953-200021197
- Sharon's War Crimes in Lebanon: The Record - WSWS 2/0221198
- Sabra & Shatila: The Accused - Global Policy Forum - International Justice21199
- Twenty Years On, Sharon Is Up To No Good - Global Policy Forum - UN Security Council21200
- Israel: Sharon Investigation Urged - Global Policy Forum - International Justice21201
- Key Witness in War Crimes Trial of Ariel Sharon ‘Blown to Bits’ Before Disclosing Revelations 6/02 (Archive)21202
- Sharon and Peres are pushing the USA to attack Iraq - Gush Shalom 8/0221203
- Sharon is the right man for the job - Gilad Atzmon 8/02(Archive)21204
- Car Bomb Kills Key War Crimes Witness Against Sharon 1/0221205
- Operations Order: Uri Avnery on Ariel Sharon's intentions21206
- Ariel Sharon: Profile of a British Tool (EIR)21207
- Mount Temple - Tanya Reinhart 10/00 (Archive)21208