The Players
- Benjamin NETANYAHU (Israel) & Likud[52]
- Avigdor LIEBERMAN (Israel) & Yisrael Beiteinu[3]
- Ehud BARAK (Israel) & Labor[4]
- Shimon PERES (Israel) & Kadima[8]
- Tzipi Livni (Israel) & Kadima[1]
- Ehud Olmert (Israel) & Kadima[4]
- Yasser ARAFAT (Palestine)[42]
- Mahmoud ABBAS = Abu MAZEN (President of PNA)[17]
- Salam Fayyad (Palestine)[5]
- HAMAS (Palestine)[94]
- Ismail Haniyeh (Hamas)[15]
- Marwan Barghouti (Palestine) - imprisoned[46]
- Ariel Sharon (Israel) [28]
- The NeoCons (USA)[5]
- Other Jewish Hardliners & Extremists[16]
- Arab Hardliners & Extremists[12]
- Yitzhak Rabin (Israel) - assassinated
- U.S. Security Coordinator[7]