Voices of REASON & Voices for PEACE
- United Nations - New Agenda for Peace331514
- The Transnational - Ukraine271444
- Medical Appeal: No War in Europe! - IPPNW273439
- Appeal for Peace356041
- Two years of war on Ukraine - Right Livelihood 399218
- #ObjectWarCampaign340065
- #StandWithObjectors340066
- #ivetowar436144
- Normandy Format - Wikipedia270172
- MINSK II - 12.02.15 - Wikipedia147962
- White-blue-white flag - Wikipedia 291027
- WILPF - Ukraine277717
- Ukrainian Pacifist Movement275702
- Ukrainian Pacifist Movement - Peace Link275704
- Action for Ukraine and the World - World Beyond War 435658
- International Appeal for a Christmastime Peace in Ukraine - Christmas Peace Appeal 318369
- AVAAZ - We reject war and nuclear weapons. Join the global call279824
- #StandWithUkraine - Project to protest around the world.276650
- A Ceasefire and Peace for Ukraine - IPPNW Germany417827
- Action Network - No war in Ukraine - World Beyond War petition271258
- Join The Effort To Prevent The U.S. From Going To War In Ukraine! - Progressive Hub 272998
- OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine147958
- OSCE - The crisis in and around Ukraine270296
- OSCE SMM to Ukraine - Daily Reports147959
- OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine270297
- ODIHR in Ukraine (human rights) - OSCE270298
- OSCE SMM - Facebook147960
- #OSCE_SMM147961
- TFF Associates - Ukraine271442
- Facebook - We Refuse to be Enemies147963
- Facebook - #refusetobeenemies147964
- @Jonathan_K_Cook275782
- Anatol Lieven - Wikipedia277435
- Kings College London - Professor Anatol Lieven277437
- Responsible Statecraft - Anatol Lieven277436
- #EUCELACSummit364656
- #refusetobeenemies147965
- #refusetobeenemies *.pdf147966
- Echo of Moscow - Wikipedia 284199
- Ray McGovern - YouTube147967
- Yuriy Shelyazhenko - Official Site387404
- Cuban Missile Crisis - Wikipedia271132
- Diplomacy Not War - Peace in Ukraine! - Veterans for Peace 301355
- Resources on Nonviolent strategies in Ukraine War285628
- CRInfo - Conflict Resolution Information Source > User Guides19205
- Ask the Prime Minister to work to end the conflict in Ukraine - CND430840
- Declaration 2022 – Call for Peace from the International Scientific Community by Nobel Laureates - IPB276379
- No Means No – to the War in Ukraine No Belarusian Troops for the War – Call for Action Day February 20 - Connection e.V.328306
- Trump has a mandate to end the Ukraine War - Responsable Statecraft 13.11.24440505
- Orban Pushes Cease-Fire Plan in Kyiv Talks With Zelenskiy - Bloomberg 02.07.24422567
- Russia-Ukraine war: Germany stands by decision not to provide long-range missiles – as it happened - Guardian 24.04.24411078
- Video: Jeffrey Sachs Excoriates Biden On Ukraine- Russia War - The Hill 06.04.24406658
- Pope calls for negotiations - Peace News 01.04.24405723
- British General calls for Ukraine negotiations: 'Peace for land' - Peace News 01.04.24405718
- Podcast: International Anti-Militarism: Ukrainian War Resisters - Spotify 14.03.24402844
- Putin Makes Public Peace Offer to Ukraine - Anti War 14.06.24419869
- Pacifism Today: A Dialogue about Alternatives to War in Ukraine - The Transnational 11.03.24403994
- The Take – From India to Ukraine: the South Asians fighting in Russia’s war - Al Jazeera 05.03.24403029
- No deployment of NATO ground troops to Ukraine! - Pressenza 29.02.24400223
- As emergency NATO-Ukraine council meets, peace campaigners call on Prime Minister to withdraw use of Storm Shadows - CNDUK 26.11.24442628
- Ukraine One Year On: time to negotiate peace - Peace News 24.02.24399009
- Two years into Russia’s war on Ukraine, Vladimir Slivyak keeps up the fight for peace and Russia’s soul - Right Livelihood 23.02.24400728
- Two Years After Russian Invasion, UN Experts Demand Renewed Push to End Ukraine War - CD 23.02.24399324
- Ukraine: Fighting for Human Values - IWPR 23.02.24 399013
- CODEPINK Statement on the Second Anniversary of Ukraine War - Code Pink 23.02.24399012
- After Two Years of War in Ukraine, It’s Time for Peace - World Beyond War 21.02.24399010
- Right Livelihood Laureates reflect on two-year mark of Russia’s war on Ukraine - Right Livelihood 21.02.24399220
- Two years after Russia’s invasion, the power of Ukrainian nonviolent civilian defense cannot be ignored - Waging Nonviolence 21.02.24399011
- The Diplomatic Path to a Secure Ukraine - Quincy Institute 16.02.24400798
- Address root causes of Ukraine war, UN official urges, as anniversary of Russian invasion approaches - UN 12.02.24397995
- Video: 'Putin didn't want the war' John Mearsheimer on Ukraine & Gaza conflicts - The Spectator 19.12.23390887
- Video: Ex-CIA: Ukraine Makes HUGE MISTAKE! 12.11.23383083
- Zelensky Reveals Key Conditions for Ceasefire With Russia - Newsweek 09.11.23382771
- Webinar: Alternativen denken! Frieden schaffen ohne Waffen! - Di 07.11.23 / 20-22 Uhr381937
- Eleven activists Arrested in Senator Bernie Sanders’ Office Demanding Diplomacy Instead of Funding More War in Ukraine - Pressenza 05.10.23375755
- Video: US Marine Corps Officer Scott Ritter Reveals TRUTH About Ukraine 01.10.23383082
- The Many Lessons of the Ukraine War - Chas Freeman 26.09.23393773
- 'Peace has no losers’, Erdogan says, vowing to step up efforts to end war in Ukraine - Global Issues 19.09.23373226
- A roadmap for peace in Ukraine - TFF 29.08.23370434
- Peace in Ukraine Will Only Happen at a Negotiating Table, Not on the Battlefield - CD 24.08.23368017
- Video: Danny Haiphong addresses UN Security Council on NATO's Ukraine Aid 18.08.23367014
- Seeing Our Way to Peace - LA Progressive 18.07.23365131
- Why no one will win the proxy war in Ukraine and why it must and will end by a negotiated solution - TFF 07.07.23359307
- A Welcome Step to End the Ukraine War - CD 07.07.23360725
- Russia’s war on Ukraine has forced us in Germany to think differently about our role in the world - Guardian 06.07.23359546
- Running into the desert: Saudi Arabia making peace in Ukraine - Transnational 04.07.23364242
- Event: International Days of Action for Peace in Ukraine, May 7 and June 25 - Pressenza285696
- War in Ukraine must stop, South Africa’s Ramaphosa tells Putin - Al Jazeera 17.06.23353429
- Global Initiative Is Needed To Stop Immediately Russia-Ukraine War - Dailyhunt 16.06.23356027
- Event: International Summit for Peace in Ukraine, Vienna, 10-11 June 2023349223
- Pope Francis sends Cardinal Zuppi to Ukraine to promote a ‘just peace’ - AW 09.06.23360993
- Can Pope Francis bring peace to Ukraine? - CPNN 09.06.23357393
- Zelensky calls on Vatican to help implement Ukraine's peace plan - Interfax 07.06.23360992
- Papal envoy heads to Ukraine to 'listen carefully' to possible peace plans - Reuters 05.06.23360995
- ‘Stop sending weapons, hold talks’ to end Russia-Ukraine war - Al Jazeera 02.06.23349074
- Video: Masha Gessen Resigns from PEN America Board over Cancellation of Russian Writers Panel - DN! 22.05.23347936
- Pope asks Italian cardinal to carry out Ukraine peace mission - Reuters 20.05.23360994
- Video: “The U.S. Should Be a Force for Peace”: Nat’l Security Experts Demand U.S. Push to End Ukraine War - DN! 17.05.23347900
- US National Security Experts: Give Peace in Ukraine a Chance - CD 16.05.23347916
- To achieve peace, both Ukraine and Russia must feel secure - Al Jazeera 10.05.23367947
- International Summit for Peace in Vienna
- Peace MOVEMENTS & NGOs by Country
- Rage Against The War Machine
- BERNIE SANDERS (independent) - Senator from Vermont
- Jan Oberg (Denmark, Sweden)
- Ray McGovern (USA)
- Pope Francis
- Scott RITTER (USA)
- Jeffrey Sachs (USA)
- CO Yurii Sheliazhenko
- Johan Galtung (Norway)
- Daniele Ganser (Germany)
- Thich Nhat Hanh (Vietnam, France)
- OSCE - Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe
- UN Peacekeepers (armed)
- Civil Society Initiatives - NGOs
- Inside Ukraine
- Ukraine Peace Negotiations
- Direct Action and Civil Disobedience
- Nonviolent ACTION - Positive EXAMPLES
- CONFLICT / Fragile States / Peacebuilding
- The World repeatedly at The Brink! - must read
- Perception Management - Weapons of Mass Distraction
- PsyWar & Information Warfare
- Climate Crisis
- Novel Coronavirus Guide
- Alfred de Zayas (USA, Switzerland)
- Scott Horton (USA)