Johan Galtung (Norway)
- Transcend PEACE UNIVERSITY (TPU)8741
- Galtung INSTITUTE - for peace theory & practice8742
- Johan Galtung, Professor of Peace Studies, Dr hc mult - Transcend399817
- TRANSCEND - a peace and development organisation for conflict transformation by peaceful means8743
- Johan GALTUNG - Right Livelihood Award 19878744
- RLA Acceptance Speech 12/878745
- VIDEO compilation - by TFF422599
- TRANSCEND Books209096
- Wikipedia8746
- Twitter8747
- YouTube8748
- Google Videos8749
- Google Scholar8750
- International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO)8751
- PRIO Journal of Peace Research 8752
- Johan Galtung - TFF (old)8753
- Johan Galtung (TFF)8754
- Google Books8755
- BOOKS (amazon) - Johan Galtung8756
- Democracy Now! - Galtung8757
- Johan Galtung Videos - TFF 460465
- Twitter - Transcend Media8758
- CPP: Works of Johan Galtung8759
- Google News8760
- Democracy Now!8761
- CommonDreams8762
- Memorial site for Johan Galtung 1930-2024 - TFF 17.02.25457890
- Johan Galtung: Father of Peace Studies (24 Oct 1930 – 17 Feb 2024) - TFF436688
- Criminalize War! - TFF 21.11.24441659
- The Injustice and Tragic Circumstances Surrounding Johan Galtung’s Death - Irene Galtung, TFF 06.08.24427243
- Peace researcher Johan Galtung’s human rights violated as he approached death - The Transnational 17.05.24414211
- Johan Galtung on Peace Studies, Peace Communication, Peace Journalism: Transcending the Underlying Conflicts - Transcend 04.03.24400724
- Tweet: In memory of Johan Galtung. Galtung has had an outstanding lasting impact on peace theory, practice & education & therefore the lives of many. An impressive legacy for…400725
- Remembering Johan Galtung, the ‘father of peace studies’ - Waging Nonviolence 29.02.24400717
- Johan Galtung, “Father of Peace and Conflict Studies,” Dies at 93 - DN! 26.02.24400722
- Johan Galtung, “the father of peace studies,” dies at 93 - Right Livelihood 21.02.24400716
- Remembering Dr Johan Galtung - Peace Boat 20.02.24400723
- In Memoriam: Johan Galtung - IPB 20.02.24400718
- A Tribute to Johan Galtung - War Prevention Initiative 19.02.24400721
- Remembering Johan Galtung: A Pioneer in Peace and Conflict Studies - BNN 17.02.24400720
- Johan Galtung 1930-2024 - TFF 17.02.24399816
- Johan Galtung - Prio 17.02.24400719
- Video: Mirpuri Foundation Leif Eiriksson Peace Award 2022 - Johan Galtung 7/22427388
- Johan Galtung at 90: His Enduring Legacy to Peace Research in Oslo - PRIO Blogs 24.10.20267633
- Inspiration from a Father: Johan Galtung Interviewed by Henrik Urdal - PRIO Blogs 15.05.19267634
- Academic who defined news principles says journalists are too negative - The Guardian 18.01.19267635
- TFF PressInfo # 437 – Johan Galtung is Awarded Peace Prize in Nobel’s Spirit - 28.11.188763
- Experiments with Peace: a Book Celebrating Peace on Johan Galtung's 80th Birthday 2/11 (amazon)8764
- The Peace Journalism Option (2000)8765
- RELIGIONS, HARD AND SOFT by Johan Galtung - Archive8766
- One on One - John Galtung - YouTube 3/108767
- Galtung: U.S. empire will fall by 2020 - YouTube 10/098768
- Johan Galtung at 75 - Uppsala University 10/058769
- Professor Johan Galtung on the US economy and post-war Iraq - ABC 4/038770
- The Education of a Peacemaker: Interview with Dr. Johan Galtung - Indymedia 5/038771
- September 11 2001 : Diagnosis, Prognosis, Therapy - 20028772
- To End Terrorism, End State Terrorism - Waging Peace 20.09.028773
- A Peace Proposal for the Middle East - Johan Galtung & Dietrich Fischer 11/018774
- What’s next for the Western Balkans? - Conversation 05.06.198775
- Soka University Interview with Johan Galtung 1996 (Archive)8776
- Nato War - Friedensvorschlag von Johan Galtung et al. (Archive)8777
- Google Search8778
- Google Images8779
- Time & Date - Paris8780