Urgently Wanted: New Enemies for Our Country!
- PERPETUAL WAR (great for PROFIT of the 0,01% !! - good for Business !?) - Wikipedia35422
- State terrorism - Wikipedia271346
- 'Beyond the War Paradigm': Report Offers Alternative to 20 Years of Post-9/11 Failures - CD 08.02.22272902
- Evidently the West cannot live without enemy images. Go see a shrink so we shall all live in peace - TFF 27.10.21263990
- Many Americans Refused to Consider Why 9/11 Happened. The Costs Were Enormous - CD 11.09.21256144
- The Unlearnt Lessons of 9/11, Twenty Years Out - CD 10.09.21257309
- 20 Years After 9/11, US Imperialism Lives But the US Empire Is Dying - CD 10.09.21257204
- Congressmember Barbara Lee, the Lone Vote for Peace After the September 11th Attacks - Democracy Now! 09.09.21257325
- U.S. Defense Contractors Tell Investors Russian Threat Is Great for Business - Intercept 8/1635423
- CIA Chief Just Confirmed "War on Terror" Has Created A Lot More Terrorists 6/1635424
- A Special Relationship: The United States is teaming up with Al Qaeda, again - Harper 1/1635425
- The Empire Files: 'This Ship is Sinking' Says Former Bush Official 12/1535426
- 'Global War on Terror' Coincides with Dramatic Increase of Terrorism 11/1535427
- Former Drone Pilots to Obama: Civilian Killings Driving 'Terrorism, Instability' 11/1535428
- Obama's drone war a 'recruitment tool' for Isis, say US air force whistleblowers - Guardian 11/1535429
- Endless enemies - how the US is supporting the Islamic State by fighting it - Nafeez Ahmed 7/1535430
- ISIL: Made in Langley - Strategic Culture Foundation 6/1535431
- The BFP Roundtable Takes on the Islamic Terror Hype 10/1435432
- Obama's War on ISIS an 'Epic Formula for Blowback' - Jeremy Scahill 10/1435433
- Pentagon-Chef: Hagel sieht in IS-Miliz extreme Bedrohung der USA - Spiegel 8/1435434
- Creating Enemies the American Way - Huff Post 4/1435435
- Khorasan (Islamist group) - Wikipedia35436
- Fake Terror - The Road to War and Dictatorship - Michael Rivero35437
- The innocents caught under the drones: For fearful Yemenis the US and al-Qa'ida look very similar - Independent 8/1335438
- The ECONOMICS of KILLING: How the West Fuels War and Poverty in the Developing World - Vijay Mehta, Pluto Press 2/1235439
- The Enemy-Industrial Complex ! (must read) How to Turn a World Lacking in Enemies into the Most Threatening Place in the Universe - TomDispatch 4/1335440
- Britain's wars fuel terror. Denying it only feeds Islamophobia - Guardian 5/1335441
- Dirty Wars: The World Is A Battlefield - Jeremy Scahill 4/1335442
- War on terror is the West's new religion ! - Robert Fisk 2/1335443
- US demonizes Islam to sell weaponry to world: Analyst - Press TV 5/1235444
- Pakistan opposition leader: War on terror creating extremists - msnbc 12/1135445
- Ex-CIA Agent: America creates its own enemies ! - RT 11/11 (recommended)35446
- Ten years after 9/11, time to end perpetual war - NI 9/1135447
- After 9/11, Was War the Only Option? - Noam Chomsky 9/1135448
- Who Are the REAL Terrorists? 1/9935449
- Fake Terror And The War For Your Mind 12/10 (must see video)35450
- The Liberty City Seven / The Miami 7 - Wikipedia35451
- FBI ‘lured dimwits’ into terror plot - Times 5/0935452
- "A Second 9/11": An Integral Part of US Military Doctrine - by Michel Chossudovsky 10/0835453
- Iraq war created a terrorist flood, American spymasters warn Bush - Guardian 9/0635454
- 'Al Qaeda Itself Does Not Exist' 6/0335455
- Noam Chomsky: Rogue States - Z Magazine 4/9835456
- Oh Saddam - You Great Enemy ! (Archive 1998)35457
- Creating Enemies for the Masses ! - Institute for Economic Democracy35459
- Patterns of Global Terrorism, 1995 - U.S. Department of State35461
- Dissolution of the Soviet Union (1991) - Wikipedia35462
- End of the Cold War in 1991 - Wikipedia35463
- Biden: Killing of al-Qaida leader is long-sought ‘justice’ - AP 02.08.22300386