Military-Industrial-Congressional-Media Complex (MIC)
- The Military-Industriai Complex (MIC)58518
- Military Industrial Complex - Responsible Statecraft387663
- YouTube - Military Industrial Complex58519
- President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Farewell Address (1961) - Milestone Documents448090
- military-industrial complex - Britannica448084
- Military-Industrial Complex - Wikipedia58533
- Politico-Media Complex - Wikipedia58534
- Iron Triangle - Wikipedia58535
- MICIMATT - Prolewiki 448083
- Military-Industrial Complexities - Rand448085
- ADDICTED To WAR: Why the U.S. Can't Kick Militarism - Recommended !58520
- Can the Voices of A-Bomb Victims Drown out the Military-Industrial Complex? - CD 16.03.25461802
- Analysis Shows US Lawmakers Traded Up to $113 Million in Arms Stocks This Year - CD 26.12.24449422
- Josh Gottheimer Nancy Pelosi Tommy Tuberville Top defense stock traders in Congress in 2024 - Responsible Strate Craft 25.12.24449421
- The Biden Administration's THAAD Deployment and the Path to War - CD 25.10.24437460
- Military-Industrial Complex | History, Elements & Significance - Study 05.10.24448082
- The Military-Industrial Complex and the Militarization of Society - Mercatus 10/24448088
- It’s Time for the US to Kick Its War Habit and Get Mad at MAD - CD 25.09.24433869
- Here Are the Members of Congress Invested in War - Sludge 12.09.24432510
- 'Obvious Conflict of Interest': Report Reveals 50+ US Lawmakers Hold Military Stocks - CD 12.09.24432512
- The Rising Democratic Threat of "Hopeful Militarism" - CD 26.08.24430916
- How the Military-Industrial Complex is Killing us All - Informed Comment 03.06.24448089
- Ray McGovern's MICIMATT: The Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence- Media-Academia-Think-Tank - Research Gate 01.06.24448056
- Report: How Big Tech and Silicon Valley are Transforming the Military-Industrial Complex - Watson Institute 17.04.24408502
- Report Sounds Alarm Over Growing Role of Big Tech in US Military-Industrial Complex - CD 17.04.24408501
- The Obscene US Profiteering From Israeli War and Occupation - Jacobin 16.03.24402796
- $400,000 Per Missile? Sanders Rips War Profiteers 'Fleecing' US Taxpayers - CD 27.02.24402066
- Good times for the Military-Industrial Complex - DiEM25 19.11.23448091
- How People Are Fighting the World’s Reliance on the War Economy - Pressenza 27.08.23369233
- The Military-Industrial Complex is finally facing intense bipartisan scrutiny - Intercept 11.07.23358960
- The Military Industrial Complex Is More Powerful Than Ever - Nation 09.05.23448058
- The Military-Industrial Complex Has Never Been Worse - Jacobin 07.05.23345275
- The Current War Machine Isn’t Your Grandparents’ Military Industrial Complex - CD 04.05.23346409
- Ordinary Americans Are Being Forced to Subsidize the Military-Industrial Complex - Jacobin 19.04.23341827
- The US Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex Is a Nightmare Now - Fair Observer 22.03.23448057
- How the Military-Industrial Complex Gets Its Power and Harms Workers, in 6 Graphs - Jacobin 13.10.22310621
- Weapons Industry's $10 Million Investment in Congress Could Yield 450,000% Return - CD 07.07.22294155
- Inside The Military-Entertainment Complex - Lever 09.06.22291736
- Chris Hedges: A return to permanent war is here – First it will bankrupt America, then destroy it - TFF 26.05.22307737
- Military interference in American film production - World Socialist Web Site 14.03.22291952
- Alex Lo: China a godsend for the US arms industry - TFF 29.09.21259201
- MIMAC - The Military Industrial Media Academic Complex - DNS The Necessary Teacher Training College 02.06.21448086
- Video: MIMAC - The Military Industrial Media Academic Complex - Jan Oberg 6/21 (must see)381199
- Video: How Hollywood Sells Us War - Second Thought 31.01.21273935
- The Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex Is Fascism - CD 11.11.20448087
- Video: Why America is Always at War | Learn Something 6/18 (must see)186562
- What I've Learned About U.S. FOREIGN POLICY: The War Against the Third World' (Video/DVD) - Recommended !58521
- Ike's Dystopian Dream - And Why It Came True58522
- The Military Industrial Complex at 50 (Book)58523
- Moral Intelligence or Nuclear War - CD 15.07.21254990
- Endless War is a Disastrous (But Profitable) Enterprise - Responsible Statecraft 1/20197342
- Video: The true cost of the military-industrial complex - Our Changing Climate 06.12.19234041
- Taking MLK Out of Context and Promoting Military Industrial Complex, Super Bowl Ads Condemned - Common Dreams 05.02.1858524
- The Information-Industrial Complex - The Corbett Report (Video) 18.12.1758525
- Ex CIA agent explains how to delete the elite! 7/10 (recommended)58526
- Interview with Vijay Mehta on Military Industrial Complex - The People's Voice TV 12/1358527
- Book: The War State: The Cold War Origins Of The Military-Industrial Complex And The Power Elite, 1945-1963 - Michael Swanson 30.08.13280733
- Military-Industrial Complex from Eisenhower to Obama - YouTube 3/1158528
- Fifty Years After Eisenhower’s Farewell Address, A Look at "Prophets of War: Lockheed Martin and the Making of the Military-Industrial Complex" - Democracy Now! 1/1158529
- Confessions of a minion of the military-industrial complex - Guardian 4/1158530
- Video: Eisenhower's "Military-Industrial Complex" Speech Origins and Significance 1/11 (must watch)381200
- Ron Paul ON FIRE! exposes military industrial complex - CNBC 2/1058531
- Military Industrial Complex 2.0 - Cubicle Mercenaries, Subcontracting Warriors, and Other Phenomena of a Privatizing Pentagon 9/0858532
- Private Military Company - Wikipedia58536
- Project for the New American Century - Wikipedia58537
- Military Funding of Science - Wikipedia58538
- Etta Hulme - "Military-industrial complex"58539
- Hollywood and the War Machine ! 8/12 - Al Jazeera Empire58540
- Michael Moore: Woodward Book Reveals That Civilian Control of the Military Is a Joke - AlterNet 9/1058541
- Inside the Military-Industrial Complex 9/0758542
- Why We Fight - Film 200558543
- President Eisenhower's Historic Farewell Address to the Nation58544
- President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Farewell Address (1961) - Nation Archives 58545
- Eisenhower's Farewell Address (Wiki)58546
- Farewell Speech: Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex - YouTube (2 min)58547
- Eisenhower Was Right 2/0458548
- The New Nuclear Danger: George W. Bush's Military-Industrial Complex - Helen Caldicott 200258549
- The New Nuclear Danger: George W. Bush's Military-Industrial Complex - Helen Caldicott (amazon)58550
- Military Expansion - GlobalIssues58551
- Military-Industrial Complex Revisited: How Weapons Makers are Shaping U.S. Foreign and Military Policies ! - FPIF (Archive)58552
- Introduction - Back to the Future ? - FPIF (Archive)58553
- From Military-Industrial Complex to Permanent War State - FPIF 1/1158557
- Military Keynesianism - Wikipedia58562
- The X-Files (1993-2002) - Wikipedia58563
- War is a Racket - Film 193558564
- Review: Prophets of War - FPIF 2/1158565
- Eisenhower's "Military-Industrial Complex" Speech Origins and Significance - US National Archives 19.01.11363997
- Permanent War Economy - Wikipedia58566
- Military Industrial Complex (CDI)58567
- Military Industrial Complex - Resources (CDI)58568