Long COVID - late effects
- Long Covid - Wikipedia223307
- * Long Covid SOS - UK367237
- Long Covid SOS - YouTube367236
- NHS - I think I have long COVID 316700
- Mayo Clinic - COVID-19: Long-term effects367231
- * A clinical case definition of post COVID-19 condition by a Delphi consensus - WHO 06.10.21367233
- A Delphi consensus statement for the management of post-COVID interstitial lung disease 9/22367232
- #LongCOVID216176
- #LateCOVID216175
- @longcovidAT241164
- @long_covid241461
- Long Covid SOS - tw367235
- Long Covid SOS - fb367234
- Long Covid SOS301594
- @LongCovidSOS301593
- Long Covid Kids301592
- @LongCovidKids301591
- #LongCovidKids266337
- Living with long Covid - Guardian 309997
- COVID-19 > Clinical features - UpToDate216179
- Canadian Consensus Criteria - Me-Pedia243441
- Mayo Clinic - Covid-19: Long-term effects223311
- Chronic fatigue syndrome - Wikipedia263307
- CFS > Viral and other infections - Wikipedia301590
- Long COVID: women at greater risk compared to men – could immune system differences be the cause? - Conversation 06.02.25457244
- 1 in 22 COVID survivors develop debilitating chronic syndrome - Live Science 24.01.25454166
- Rep. Ilhan Omar to Introduce Major Long Covid Bill - Mother Jones 27.09.24440510
- New study finds Long COVID is one of the most common diseases globally - WSWS 09.08.24427977
- Long Covid may be nothing unique in the future – but its effects today are still very real - Guardian 23.03.24408853
- Tweet: Brain injury, loss of grey matter, and cognitive dysfunction at 1-year in people initially hospitalized compared with controls #LongCovid https://researchsquare.com/a…394258
- Vaccination Dramatically Lowers Long COVID Risk - Scientific American 03.01.24394261
- Does timely vaccination help prevent post-viral conditions? - BMJ 22.11.23387497
- Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness against post-covid-19 condition among 589 722 individuals in Sweden: population based cohort study - BMJ 22.11.23387498
- Inflammation in severe COVID linked to bad fungal microbiome - Nature 23.10.23379948
- Long COVID patients are much more likely to have multiple organ abnormalities - Conversation 02.10.23367256
- A prospective observational study of post-COVID-19 chronic fatigue syndrome - PubMed 30.08.23387409
- ‘Underwhelming’: NIH trials fail to test meaningful long Covid treatments — after 2.5 years and $1 billion - Stat News 09.08.23375903
- NIH begins long-delayed clinical trials for long Covid, announces new research office - Stat News 31.07.23375904
- ‘Brain fog’ of long Covid comparable to ageing 10 years, study finds - Guardian 21.07.23360799
- Immunologist Akiko Iwasaki: ‘We are not done with Covid, not even close’ - Observer 27.05.23347765
- US study finds 1 in 10 get long COVID after omicron, starts identifying key symptoms - AP 26.05.23367253
- Post COVID-19 condition after delta infection and omicron reinfection in children and adolescents - Lancet 05.05.23347404
- Video: The 3 TOP Symptoms Of Long Covid & What You Need To Know To Protect Yourself | Dr. Leo Galland - Mark Hyman, MD 12.04.23398204
- Long COVID Now Looks like a Neurological Disease, Helping Doctors to Focus Treatments - Scientific American 01.03.23337794
- What Not to Ask Me About My Long COVID - Atlantic 15.02.23330000
- The Future of Long COVID - Atlantic 13.02.23329997
- “ #LongCovid rates could be slashed if people exercised and ate healthy” Brazen lie - @agy_lena 09.02.23330658
- Long COVID: major findings, mechanisms and recommendations - Nature 13.01.23394257
- Long covid outcomes at one year after mild SARS-CoV-2 infection: nationwide cohort study - BMJ 11.01.23327696
- Long Covid patients using unproven and expensive treatments, experts warn - Guardian 25.12.22323508
- Tweet: Long covid has wrecked my life It’s bad, very bad. But you knew that already I want to tell you a hopeful story - @rowlsmanthorpe - 17.11.22316709
- Fauci urges US to resume long Covid research funding efforts - Guardian 17.10.22310624
- I was an athlete – now I’m 30 and in a wheelchair thanks to long Covid - Guardian 14.10.22311799
- WHO Chief Demands 'Sustained Action' to Help Long Covid Patients - CD 12.10.22310048
- The astounding impact and reach of long Covid, in numbers and charts - Guardian 12.10.22 309996
- The data is clear: long Covid is devastating people’s lives and livelihoods - Guardian 12.10.22309995
- Are you living with long Covid? We want to hear from you - Guardian 12.10.22323992
- WHO chief urges immediate action to tackle ‘devastating’ long Covid - Guardian 12.10.22309994
- COVID raises risk of long-term brain injury, large U.S. study finds - KSL 23.09.22309500
- Long Covid: where we stand and challenges ahead - Nature 07.09.22314607
- 100 million People with Long COVID is a Crisis We Must Address - Global Issues 01.09.22303697
- Growing evidence that Covid-19 is leaving people sicker - Financial Times 30.08.22304268
- * Op-Ed: We’re starting to understand long COVID. Next we can fight it - Eric Topol, LA Times 21.08.22301586
- Distinguishing features of Long COVID identified through immune profiling - Klein J, medRxiv 09.08.22301589
- Persistence of somatic symptoms after COVID-19 in the Netherlands: an observational cohort study - Ballering AV, Lancet 06.08.22301588
- Heart disease after COVID: what the data say - Nature 02.08.22309118
- Long COVID, rest, and helping our immune systems recover - Al Jazeera 01.08.22298254
- Covid study finds millions have long-term smell or taste problems - Guardian 27.07.22297490
- COVID-19 Reinfections May Be Common—But They're Not Harmless - Time 13.07.22367252
- Long COVID: female sex, older age and existing health problems increase risk – new research - conversation 28.06.22293162
- Study Finds 1 in 5 Adults Who Survive COVID-19 Suffer Long-Term Symptoms - Democracy Now 27.05.22288772
- Five tips for young people dealing with long COVID – from a GP - Conversation 20.05.22288991
- I was a marathon runner with killer biceps – long Covid has stopped me in my tracks - Guardian 01.05.22284933
- Long COVID Patients Say Doctors Are Ignoring Their Symptoms - BuzzFeed News 29.04.22305007
- Vaccines are no match for long Covid. Treating it is science’s next great challenge - Guardian 16.04.22282564
- For survivors of severe COVID-19, beating the virus is just the beginning - Science 08.04.20216178
- Biden orders push on long COVID, pandemic’s shadowy mystery - AP 06.04.22367254
- We need answers to these four long Covid questions - Guardian 30.03.22280261
- For some patients, cardiovascular problems persist long after COVID - NPR 05.03.22275893
- Multiple early factors anticipate post-acute COVID-19 sequelae - Su Y, Cell 03.03.33301587
- Vaccination reduces chance of getting long Covid, studies find - Guardian 15.02.22273548
- Covid Survivors at Higher Long-Term Risk of Cardiovascular Damage: Study - Common Dreams 08.02.22272905
- ‘Good, not great’: Some long Covid patients see their symptoms improve, but full recovery is elusive - StatNews 08.02.22274865
- ‘The scariest thing’: the children living with long Covid - Guardian 01.02.22272055
- ‘Like sewage and rotting flesh’: Covid’s lasting impact on taste and smell - Observer 30.01.22271800
- The Boy Who Survived 73 Days of Pure COVID Hell - Daily Beast 30.01.22273802
- Long Covid study finds abnormality in lungs that could explain breathlessness - Guardian 29.01.22271618
- Coronavirus vaccines may reduce risk of long Covid, ONS study finds - Guardian 26.01.22272015
- Long Covid: nearly 2m days lost in NHS staff absences in England - Guardian 24.01.22272792
- Tweet: The neurologic consequences of Covid - @EricTopol 20.01.22334016
- My wife had long Covid and killed herself. We must help others who are suffering - Guardian 12.01.22269271
- Covid clinics: hope and high prices on the long road to recovery - Observer 02.01.22267698
- More than a million of us are suffering with long Covid – yet still it’s not taken seriously - Guardian 22.12.21267252
- Even people who were never sick enough to need hospitalization are in danger of developing heart failure and deadly blood clots a year after having Covid, a study showed. - …267230
- UK launches trial of drug to tackle fatigue in long Covid patients - Guardian 03.11.21260031
- Virginia governor reveals his long Covid symptoms as he urges vaccinations - Guardian 19.10.21258426
- The WHO is letting down long Covid patients - Guardian 17.10.21258166
- Long Covid: what are you entitled to if you can’t work in the UK? - Guardian 16.10.21258107
- UN health agency issues definition of post COVID-19 condition to aid treatment - Global Issues 08.10.21257543
- 'Long Covid is real': former athlete warns about debilitating battle after coronavirus – video - Guardian 06.10.21262168