Long COVID - late effects
- Long Covid: What is it and what are the symptoms? - BBC 17.09.21257700
- Long Covid in children and adolescents is less common than previously feared - Guardian 16.09.21257329
- ‘They worry they will never get better’: a day in Bolton’s long Covid clinic - Guardian 21.08.21253326
- Long covid clinics should be run as research hubs - bmj 20.08.21253681
- What public health officials can learn from a new long covid survey - Global Issues 30.07.21251186
- Long COVID: symptoms experienced during infection may predict lasting illness - Conversation 27.07.21251250
- Video: The Why, When and How of Pacing | Long Covid's Most Important Lesson 13.07.21367255
- How can we manage covid fatigue? - BMJ 24.06.21250101
- Almost 25% of Covid-19 patients develop long-lasting symptoms, according to a new report – TIME 15.06.21248199
- Why are women more prone to long Covid? - Guardian 13.06.21248328
- GPs stricken by long Covid ‘shocked and betrayed’ at being forced from jobs - Guardian 23.05.21246867
- Long Covid symptoms ease after vaccination, survey finds - Guardian 18.05.21246917
- Can children get long COVID? - AlJazeera 16.05.21246286
- Desperate for treatment, Covid 'long haulers' push for 9/11-style health registry - Politico 16.05.21245569
- Researchers fear people of color may be disproportionately affected by long Covid - STAT 10.05.21243494
- Researchers are closing in on long covid - Economist 01.05.21246708
- Scientists set out to connect the dots on long COVID - Nature Methods 28.04.21242489
- High-dimensional characterization of post-acute sequalae of COVID-19 - Nature 22.04.21242474
- How scientists are teasing apart the biology of Long COVID - Science 13.04.21241261
- Long COVID: an estrogen-associated autoimmune disease? - Nature 13.04.21245636
- Long Covid: many will need specialist therapies, says expert - Guardian 11.04.21241561
- They Tested Negative for Covid. Still, They Have Long Covid Symptoms. - KHN 09.04.21 241153
- The Way Out of Brain Fog - Atlantic 09.04.21241154
- Health workers report 'long COVID' after just mild illness - CIDRAP 08.04.21240995
- Long Covid isn’t as unique as we thought - Vox 07.04.21240975
- UK's long Covid patients facing postcode lottery for support - Guardian 06.04.21241010
- Strain on NHS as tens of thousands of staff suffer long Covid - Guardian 03.04.21240660
- How The Coronavirus Vaccines Affect Long-Haul COVID-19 Patients - npr 28.03.21240183
- Middle-aged women 'worst affected by long Covid', studies find - BBC 25.03.21239803
- Inside the 'cyclone' of brain fog many COVID-19 long-haulers are still experiencing - ABC 24.03.21239808
- Post-acute COVID-19 syndrome - Nature 22.03.21241015
- We need to start thinking more critically — and speaking more cautiously — about long Covid - STAT 22.03.21239297
- Survivors struggle as scientists race to solve COVID mystery - AP 14.03.21238577
- 'There’s a lot of nasty stuff': the people living with long Covid - Guardian 05.03.21237927
- Video: Voices of long Covid: ‘We are the people that never recovered’ - Guardian 01.03.21237626
- Scientists liken long Covid symptoms to those of Ebola survivors - Guardian 28.01.21233461
- Long-term follow-up of recovered patients with COVID-19 - Lancet 08.01.21232708
- I'm a consultant in infectious diseases. 'Long Covid' is anything but a mild illness - Guardian 27.12.20229662
- Here’s how it feels when COVID-19 symptoms last for months - PBS 27.11.20226711
- Damage to multiple organs recorded in 'long Covid' cases - Guardian 15.11.20225946
- Majority of patients have ‘long Covid’ symptoms seven weeks after discharge - The Canary 11.11.20223493
- Long-COVID post-viral syndrome: Lessons from the Russian Flu of 1889 for the COVID pandemic - WSWS 10.11.20223181
- This study could explain why some patients suffer 'long COVID' - WE Forum 09.11.20223304
- The long-term health impact of COVID-19 is only now being understood — and it’s not pretty: study - AlterNet 02.11.20223477
- Doctors begin to crack covid’s mysterious long-term effects - Wall Street Journal 01.11.20223312
- Long-term symptoms of COVID-19 ‘really concerning’, says WHO chief - UN News 30.10.20223309
- Women aged 50-60 at greatest risk of ‘long Covid’, experts suggest - Guardian 21.10.20222917
- Health Secretary warns of long-term effects of COVID-19 as new film released - Gov.uk 21.10.20223317
- Long Covid: Who is more likely to get it? - BBC 21.10.20223305
- Have we been thinking about long-haul coronavirus all wrong? - Time 16.10.20223315
- Long Covid: what we know so far - Guardian 15.10.20223308
- 'Long COVID' may affect multiple parts of body and mind, doctors say - Reuters 14.10.20223314
- 'Long Covid' symptoms can last for months - Financial Times 14.10.20223310
- How long does covid last? Why are people experiencing symptoms for months? - Independent 12.10.20223316
- Health systems stumble on ‘Long COVID’ as crisis grows - Politico 09.10.20223313
- 'Long Covid': Why are some people not recovering? - BBC 05.10.20223306
- Long covid: How to define it and how to manage it - BMJ 07.09.20220460
- Covid patients have lung damage 'weeks after leaving hospital' - Guardian 06.09.20218782
- When covid-19 becomes a chronic illness - The Economist 22.08.20226728
- Long Covid: What is it, what are the symptoms and what help is there for sufferers? - itv 12.08.20216177
- From ‘brain fog’ to heart damage, COVID-19’s lingering problems alarm scientists - Science Mag 31.07.20236530
- Panel: Pandemic has exposed long-standing health inequities - Cornell Chronicle 30.07.20226720
- Open Call for Resources: Scoping the Indirect Health Effects of COVID-19 - CGDEV 23.04.20226518