General Info
- WHO Model List of Essential Medicines - 23rd list, 2023368388
- Global Health Webinar - TPNW 1/21236182
- The State of the World’s Midwifery 2021 - UNFPA243371
- 2020 International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife - NSW 202181
- WFPHA - World Congress on Public Health 2023389763
- Tracking universal health coverage: 2017 Global Monitoring Report - WHO & WB 2017108826
- The Lancet Commission on pollution and health10/17108833
- Global pollution kills 9m a year and threatens 'survival of human societies' - Guardian 10/17108835
- The cost of a polluted environment: 1.7 million child deaths a year, says WHO 3/17108836
- Conflict Medicine: A Manifesto - Medicins Sans Frontieres 2015108850
- Global Health 2035: a world converging within a generation - Lancet 12/13108837
- Road deaths, cancer and diabetes becoming Africa's hidden epidemics - Guardian 8/13108855
- World Health Report 2013 - WHO108827
- World Health Report 2010 - WHO108828
- WDR 1993 : Investing in Health (World Bank)108843
- UCL Centre for International Health & Development - CIHD108838
- The GLOBAL FUND to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria108839
- IssueLab - Health108830
- International Federation of Medical Students' Association108840
- SatelLife - health information & technology108841
- WHO - YouTube 205446
- World Health Report - Wikipedia108829
- WHO - by Topics108822
- MSD Manuals 217159
- Sian Development Bank - Health108842
- Independent WHO (critical)108823
- Essential Drugs - E-Drug108844
- Elsevier Health - World Health Month406279
- Health Action International - HAI108845
- Health & fitness - Guardian252926
- Medical Peace Work108846
- MSF - e-Campus108847
- Counterfeit Medications - Wikipedia108848
- Communication Initiative Network108849
- Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy - Wikipedia 217160
- Cochrane Collaboration108851
- Campbell Collaboration108852
- Access to Medicine Index108853
- Clinical Trial Registry - India108854
- Global Health Overview - Global Issues108824
- Global Health - Wikipedia108856
- United Nations - Humanitarian Aid108825
- Center for Global Health Science and Security218543
- Pollution - Lancet Infographic108832
- @georgetown_ghss - Center for Global Health Science and Security tw218544
- @HealthFinInst - Health Finance Institute 226489
- @psr_washington - Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility215277
- @APHAPeaceCaucus - Creation of social justice & peace through public health.390115
- People's Health Movement108831
- @MSF_Access108857
- @Kathersuch (MSF)108858
- Global Health Workforce Alliance - R4D 227613
- Global Health and Human Rights Database186505
- Global Health Governance Programme231449
- 29May - 16Jun - Institute in Infectious Diseases and Global Health341655
- World Health Day Marked amid Widespread Failures to Invest in Public Health Care - HRW 05.04.24406134
- Ethos of global health initiatives - Borgen Project 17.03.24402822
- The Ominous Link Between Rare Disease Outbreaks in 2023 - Gizmodo 26.12.23391181
- McGill Summer Institutes in Global Health from May 23 - June 16, 2023341499
- What is the World Health Assembly and why is it important? - WEF 15.05.23346913
- World Health Day: 8 trends shaping global healthcare - WEF 05.04.23340161
- $2.54 billion needed to tackle unprecedented health needs in 2023 - Global Issues 23.01.23326900
- China’s return to wildlife farming ‘a risk to global health and biodiversity’ - Guardian 15.12.22320900
- Nine in 10 health care companies with financial stress are owned by private equity - STAT 14.12.22323522
- Global health at mercy of fossil fuel addiction, warn scientists - Guardian 25.10.22313349
- Pharmaceutical companies are changing global health care - Borgen Project 25.07.22297202
- Africa will be the world’s ashtray if big tobacco is able to get its way - The Guardian 02.06.22291218
- New data-sharing requirements from the National Institutes of Health are a big step toward more open science – and potentially higher-quality research - Conversation 24.03.22280688
- The Lancet and Financial Times Commission on governing health futures 2030: growing up in a digital world - Lancet 24.10.21264295
- New report sounds the alarm on global shortage of 900 000 midwives - WHO 05.05.21243372
- UK to become WHO's largest state donor with 30% funding increase - Guardian 25.09.20218222
- WHO needs $14B — here's how it plans to raise it . Devex 12/18202182
- Pollution kills 9 million people each year, new study finds - Washington Post 10/17108834