- The MERCK MANUAL of Diagnosis & Therapy (2018, amazon)76491
- Merck Manuals - Official76492
- WHO Model List of Essential Medicines - 23rd list, 2023368387
- Physicians‘ Desk Reference (USA) - PDR (2017, amazon)76493
- HESPERIAN Publishers - for community health & empowerment76499
- Hesperian - BOOKS and Resources !76500
- Hesperian - Resources by LANGUAGE76501
- Hesperian Foundation (California) - Wikipedia76502
- Where there is NO DOCTOR (2020 Updated, HHG) - recommended217631
- Where There Is NO DOCTOR ! (2017, amazon) - recommended76503
- Where There Is No Dentist (amazon, 2012)76509
- American Medical Association‘s online ethics journal - Virtual Mentor76510
- Life- saving device to be developed for mothers and babies - WHO 9/1376511
- Odon Device - complicated labour76512
- Journal of Global Health186443
- BMC (BioMed Central) Globalization and Health186444
- Global Health Action186446
- Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health186447
- The Lancet Global Health186448
- BMJ Global Health186449
- Global Health: Science and Practise186450
- Global Health Journal186451
- International Journal of Global Health186452
- Health Affairs186453
- Bulletin of the World Health Organization186454
- Revisiting Lessons from the Field - WHO 186455
- Global Public Health186456
- Journals of the World Health Organization186457
- Pan American Journal of Public Health186458
- International Health186459
- The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 186460
- Global Health Governance186461
- Health and Human Rights Journal186462
- Health Policy and Planning186463
- International Journal of Public Health186464
- Global Health Hub186465
- International Journal for Equity in Health186466
- BMC International Health and Human Rights186467
- Human Resources for Health186468
- Global Health Research and Policy186469
- PLOS Neglected Tropical Disease186470
- eLife - Epidemiology and Global Health186471
- Global Heart186472
- Global Health Promotion186473
- Perspectives in Public Health186474
- The International Journal of Travel Medicine and Global Health (IJTMGH) 186476
- Global Health Council186477
- Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health186478
- Journal of Global Oral Health186479
- Journal of Local and Global Health Perspectives186480
- Publication: 2020 Global Health Impact Report (pdf) - Canwatch 2020227554
- Publication: Addressing the Global Health Crisis: Universal Health Protection Policies - International Labour Office 2014186482
- Essential and actionable measures for enhancing country preparedness for Viral Haemorrhagic Fever outbreaks in the WHO African Region - World Health Organization 03.01.25449527