Green Jobs
- Green Jobs - Wikipedia84060
- Green Collar Worker - Wikipedia84061
- Green Collar Economy - Wikipedia84066
- Green, Safe and Healthy Jobs - NIOSH (USA)84067
- Green Collar Jobs (Australia)84068
- Green Jobs (USA)84069
- Ethical Job - Wikipedia84078
- One Million Climate Jobs" pamphlet84079
- Green Business Bureau - GBB (USA & Canada)84080
- Your Future in Green Jobs - Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens390927
- Where are all the green jobs? - New Statesman 07.02.25456986
- Where Is the UK’s Green Jobs Revolution? - Novara Media 22.10.24437777
- Jobs in nature and biodiversity are increasing — here are 14 of the most interesting - Trellis 13.05.24427802
- Renewables Jobs Nearly Doubled in Past Decade, Soared to 13.7 Million in 2022 - Sonnenseite 04.10.23376960
- The renewable energy transition is creating a green jobs boom - GreenBiz 20.01.23326891
- 400 million new green and digital sector jobs, will pave way to ‘rebalance societies’ - UN News 23.09.22306770
- ‘This is the future’: rural Virginia pivots from coal to green jobs - The Guardian 08.09.22305173
- Green jobs 'mean higher wages' - Ecologist 20.06.22293195
- The sectors where green jobs are growing in demand - GreenBiz 14.12.21265639
- 'People want a job with purpose': why businesses are becoming more sustainable - Guardian 19.10.20225931
- What are green jobs – and why are they important? - Guardian 19.10.20225930
- Green Jobs: Women and the Birth of Earth-Care - World Pulse 20.04.1084081
- What Is a Green-Collar Job, Exactly? - Time 5/0884086
- Video: Wind and Solar Technicians as the Two Fastest-Growing Jobs in America (Climate Reality, 2018)84087
- Publication: Green Jobs: Towards Decent Work in a Sustainable, Low-Carbon World (UNEP, 2008)84088