Green Economy & Green Growth
- Q&A: What is a "Green Economy?" (World Resources Institute)74328
- Green Economy Coalition !74329
- Facebook - Green Economy Coalition74330
- Twitter - Green Economy Co74331
- Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE)74332
- UNEP - Green Economy74333
- ICC: Green Economy Roadmap74334
- Why Green Economy74335
- IIED: Green economy74336
- O*Net- Green Economy Resource Centre74337
- Green Economy Group74338
- Green economy guidebooks (UN DESA)74339
- UN Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform - Green Economy74340
- Rio+20: Green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication74341
- UNEP Green-Up: Green Economy 10174342
- Green America74343
- Green America - Green Business74344
- Green Economy Report - UNEP 2012 *.pdf74345
- Green Economy - Wikipedia74346
- Guardian - Articles on Green Economy74347
- Green Economy Post74348
- Global CleanTech 100 - Guardian74349
- UNESCAP - Green Growth & Green Economy74350
- Green Growth Knowledge Platform74351
- Green Growth Best Practice74352
- Global Green Growth Institute74353
- Wikipedia - Green Growth74354
- OECD - Green Growth74355
- OECD Green Growth Studies Publication Series74356
- What is green growth and how can it help deliver sustainable development? (OECD)74357
- ODI - Green Growth74358
- Institute of Green Growth Solutions (IGGS)74359
- World Bank: Getting to Inclusive Green Growth74360
- Global Green Growth Forum74361
- Donor Committee for Enterprise Development - Green Growth74362
- UN Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform - Green Growth74363
- Green Growth 205074364
- PROUT345971
- Norden - Green Growth The Nordic Way74365
- No EU money for fossil gas projects - We Move Europe268927
- Green Growth Nordic Web Magazine74366
- Ecological Economics - Wikipedia74367
- Category: Ecological Economics - Wikipedia74368
- University of Vermont Gund Institute for Ecological Economics74369
- The International Society for Ecological Economics74370
- Twitter - Schumacher Center74412
- Environmental Economics - Wikipedia74371
- Category: Environmental Economics - Wikipedia74372
- Green Economics Institute74373
- International Journal of Green Economics74374
- Green Economist74375
- Sustainable Prosperity74376
- Green Collar Workers - Wikipedia74377
- Independent (UK) - Green Living74378
- The Green Goldrush - Guardian74379
- A green transition for North Africa - Ecologist 09.11.24439863
- Video: Is There an Alternative to "Growth, Growth, Growth" - LSE Library 16.03.23421524
- ‘Litigation terrorism’: the obscure tool that corporations are using against green laws - Seascape 12.02.24397365
- Globalisation is not dead, but it is fading: ‘glocalisation’ is becoming the new mantra - Guardian 21.01.24394680
- ‘Cheaper to save the world than destroy it’: why capitalism is going green - Guardian 15.01.24394737
- EU faces ‘make or break moment’ for green transition, report says - Guardian 28.09.23374281
- Idea of green growth losing traction among climate policy researchers, survey of nearly 800 academics reveals - Conversation 20.09.23373443
- This cost of living crisis could spur Net Zero, not derail it. - Joss Garman 10.06.22291731
- McKinsey: fundamental transformation of global economy needed for net zero - Guardian 25.01.22273807
- £262bn investor says it will target bosses who fail on climate or human rights - Guardian 24.01.22270983
- Green Public Spending a 'Win-Win Opportunity' for Climate and Workers, Global Study Shows - CD 18.10.21258350
- Want to know what a just transition to a green economy looks like? Ask the workers - Guardian 18.10.21258347
- A Just Transition to a Fair and Sustainable Society or Healthy Green Growth? - CD 18.02.21235736
- World is running out of time on climate, experts warn - Guardian 09.11.20224674
- We Need More Than Disaster Recovery—We Need Green Jobs - CD 02.09.20215376
- How to build a business in the circular economy -WEF 26.04.1874380
- The Long Ecological Revolution - ZNet 02.12.1774381
- The Economy of an Ecological Society Will Be at the Service of Humanity - Truthout 20.08.1774382
- Economics for a finite planet - Corporate Watch 31.03.1774383
- Book: Doughnut Economics: Seven ways to think like a 21st Century Economist- Kate Raworth, 04/1774384
- Book: Creating an Ecological Society: Toward a Revolutionary Transformation - Magdoff, F and Williams, C 02/1774385
- Book: Green Growth: Ideology, Political Economy and the Alternatives (Gareth Dale, et al, 2016)74386
- Book: Green Growth, Smart Growth A New Approach to Economics, Innovation and the Environment (Ralf Fücks, 2015)74387
- Book: Green Growth: Managing the Transition to a Sustainable Economy Learning By Doing in East Asia and Europe (Vazquez-Brust, et al 2012)74388
- Book: Deep Economy: The Wealth of Communities and the Durable Future (Bill McKibben, 2007)74389
- George Monbiot- Finally, a breakthrough alternative to growth economics – the doughnut - Guardian 12.04.1774390
- New scientific insights on ecologically unequal trade – Ecologist 23.11.1674391
- GLOBAL GREEN GROWTH: Clean Energy Industrial Investments and Expanding Job Opportunities (pdf) - GGGI 74392
- Green Growth: A U.S. Program for Controlling Climate Change and Expanding Job Opportunities - Center for American Progress 09/1474393
- Financing the green transition: The European Green Deal Investment Plan and Just Transition Mechanism - European Comission268931
- The Dark Side of Green Growth Human Rights Impacts of Weak Governance in Indonesia’s Forestry Sector - Human Rights Watch 07/1374394
- Report: Green Growth Innovation: New Pathways for International Cooperation - Brookings 11/1274395
- Report: Procurement, Innovation and Green Growth: The story continues... - ISD 10/1274396
- Report: Inclusive Green Growth: The Pathway to Sustainable Development - World Bank 06/1274397
- Green growth: Shoots, greens and leaves - Economist 06/1274398
- Green Growth: 12 Things to Know - ADB 06/1274399
- From Growth to Green Growth - a Framework - NBER 02/1274400
- Green Growth: A Win-Win Approach to Sustainable Development? - UNU 09/1174401
- From Growth to Inclusive Green Growth: The Economics of Sustainable Development - World Bank 05/1274402
- Sir Richard Branson: We must put the planet before profit - Telegraph 2/1274403
- Chu: President’s 2013 Energy Budget Makes Critical Investments in Innovation, Clean Energy, and National Security 2/1274404
- 10 Big Green Ideas - Newsweek 10/1074405
- Green Rankings: The Top 10 - Newsweek 10/1074406
- Green Rankings: U.S. Companies - Newsweek 10/1074407
- ‘You Don’t Need Politicians for This’ - Newsweek 10/1074408