Kathy Kelly (USA)
- @voiceinwild449990
- Voices in the Wilderness (Archive)449991
- Voices in the Wilderness - Library of Congress449994
- Voices in the Wilderness Records - Marquette University449992
- Kathy Kelly: Letters from Iraq (Archive)23635
- Kathy Kelly Papers - Marquette University449993
- The Long Wait 1/02 (Archive)23642
- Kathy Kelly: "Time to Break Ranks" 12/0123641
- The Most Precious Gift 12/01 - by Kathy Kelly23634
- On the Ground in Iraq: An Interview with Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Kathy Kelly - JIA 2/01449997
- Does Killing Iraqis Get Easier? (2000)23640
- Video: Kathy Kelly: Lies, Sanctions, and War - Massachusetts Peace Action 24.03.21 293362
- Voices in the Wilderness Ordered to Pay $20K for Bringing Aid to Iraq - Democracy Now! 16.08.05293366
- Book: Other Lands Have Dreams: Letters From Pekin Prison (Counterpunch) - Kathy Kelly, 2005293364
- American Friends Service Committee nominates Denis Halliday and Kathy Kelly for the Nobel Peace Prize (1) (Archive)23632
- American Friends Service Committee nominates Denis Halliday and Kathy Kelly for the Nobel Peace Prize (2) (Archive)23633
- The Hunger for Peace - Interview with Kathy Kelly (Archive)23636
- A Passionate Voice in the Wilderness: Woman crusades for Iraqi people (Archive)23637
- Wired Art from Wired Hearts - Faces of Reality (Archive)23638
- Banning Child Sacrifice: A Difficult Choice? (Archive)23639