Denis HALLIDAY (Ireland)
- Wikipedia23756
- YouTube23757
- Google News23758
- Common Dreams23759
- AlterNet23760
- Google Images23761
- Google Scholar23762
- Google Books23763
- Amazon Books23764
- Admit you have failed, Mr. Hain! - Guardian 1/0123767
- UN Sanctions Against Iraq Only Serve US Ambition - Halliday 8/0023768
- Iraq Sanctions Are Genocide - Halliday 7/00 (Archive)23769
- Denis Halliday: A Voice of Reason in an Insane World - Counter Currents 15.04.2123770
- The Catastrophe of Sanctions Against Iraq - FCNL 2/99 (Archive)23771
- Remarks from Amman - Hans von Sponeck Denis Halliday (Archive)23773