International NGOs - COP29
- UNFCC - Non-party Stakeholders ! (recommended)439735
- GLOBAL Climate NGOs ! - our huge Twitter list439723
- Climate ACTIVISTS - our huge Twitter list439724
- 350.org439725
- Greenpeace439732
- Don't Nuke The Climate at Cop 29440955
- IPPNW - International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War439731
- AVAAZ - Emergency Appeal for Climate Action439727
- COP29 Resource Hub - WRI439734
- Climate Action !439728
- RSPB - Birds & Wildlife439729
- SHE Changes Climate439730
- Jesuits for Climate Justice440218
- World Farmers' Organisation439733
- Sustainable Innovation Forum ?439726
- COP29: Children Call on World Leaders to Act as Climate Disasters Threaten Their Homes, Education, and Lives - Save the Children 12.11.24440759
- COP29: States must prioritise effective climate action and sufficient finance in accordance with human rights, say experts - UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Righ…441784
- IRC Calls for Urgent Climate Action, Focus on Conflict Zones and Vulnerable Populations at COP29 - International Rescue Committee 11.11.24440832
- Climate Talks and the Chilling Effect: Repression on the Rise: The world is in the throes of unprecedented repression regarding climate activists, human rights defenders, jo…441156
- IRC Calls for Urgent Climate Action, Focus on Conflict Zones and Vulnerable Populations at COP29 - International Rescue Committee 11.11.24441161
- COP29: Achieving Fair Climate Finance to Deliver Resilience, Ambition and a Just Transition Annual Policy Document - Climate Action Network 07.11.24440279