Climate Camps & Actions
- 2021 Youth4Climate: DrivingAmbition256048
- By2020WeRiseUp - tw187153
- On Climate: Grieve, Cry, But Don’t Give Up! - CD 17.05.23347927
- Climate activists ‘prepared to risk lives’ to stop German coalmine - Guardian 10.01.23324071
- European states ordered to respond to youth activists' climate lawsuit - Guardian 30.11.20257049
- U P - C O M I N G E V E N T S in 2022 :194855
- 2022 - Agenda of the european climate camps, actions and activist’s gatherings264556
- COP27 Coalition (NGOs & movements) Sharm El-shikh, Egypt - 6-18 Nov 2022305580
- No climate justice without open civic space. The Egyptian Human Rights Coalition on COP27, 2022305581
- Jan 8+9 : Niederlande – Coming Up: The #ShellMustFall Online Conference.194859
- May 22-29 - Austria : Climate Camp does Lobau, near Vienna.268826
- July 8-11 – Lyon, France – Le Festival Alternatiba – un Festival pour le Climat et la Justice Sociale. Org: mouvements citoyens Alternatiba et ANV-COP21268821
- E V E N T C A L E N D A R S - International Resources for self-service187189
- Global - Extinction Rebellion - events196023
- Fridays For Future International - calendar195106
- International - Fossil Banks, No Thanks187191
- International - Climate Spring For Future - fb events187193
- International : Gastivists187194
- International - Global Climate Strike - fb events187196
- International - Fridays For Future International - fb187197
- International - Parents for Future International187198
- International - Parents for Future Worldwide - fb events187199
- @parents4future366784
- International - International Youth Climate Movement - fb events187200
- International - Doomsday Clock 2020: it is 100 seconds to midnight - The Elders197805
- International : EARTH STRIKE187201
- International - Earth Strike - fb events187202
- International - Extinction Rebellion - Find an Extinction Rebellion group near you187474
- International - Bank Track - fb events187203
- International : End Ecocide on Earth195967
- Europe - Europe Beyond Coal - Climate Action Network Europe187204
- Europe - Climate Action Network Europe, Brussels187205
- Europe : Climate Justice Action187475
- UN - Climate Action Fast Facts344898
- A O E A R O A - N E W Z E A L A N D ..........................................................................194917
- School Strike 4 Climate NZ195111
- 350 Aotearoa 189502
- Oil Free Wellington195107
- Extinction Rebellion Aotearoa New Zealand - fb189501
- Oil Free Otago195108
- Oil Free Auckland195110
- Greenpeace New Zealand195109
- - A U S T R A L I A .............................................................................194914
- School Strike 4 Climate187207
- Stop Adani - events187208
- Market Forces - is an affiliate project of Friends of the Earth Australia194976
- Australian Youth Climate Coalition - events187209
- Galilee Rising - step up to Stop Adani194915
- Lock The Gate Alliance194979
- Earth Strike Australia - events187210
- A U S T R I A :194916
- System Change, not Climate Change - fb - events187211
- Klimacamp bei Wien - fb 187212
- Cycle for Change Austria187213
- Earth Strike Austria187214
- LCOY Austria190557
- B E L G I U M : 194868
- Act For Climate Justice -events187215
- Belgium - Rise for Climate - events187216
- Belgium - Youth for Climate - events187217
- Belgium - Students for Climate - events - fb187218
- Belgium - Students for Climate - website187219
- Belgium - Teachers for Climate Belgie - fb - events187220
- Belgium - Parents for Climate - fb187221
- Belgium - Grootouders voor het Klimaat Be - fb187222
- Belgium - Grands-parents pour le climat - website187223
- Belgium - Grands parents pour le climat Belgique - fb - events187224
- Belgium - Workers for Climate - fb - events187225
- Belgium - Génération Climat - fb - events187226
- Belgium - Fossil Free Culture Belgium187227
- Belgium - Climate Case : The lawsuit in which everyone wins187229
- Belgium - klimaat Coalitie - fr, fl - Klimaatagenda -- Agenda climat187230
- Belgium - Climaxi - fb - events187231
- Belgium - Climate Express - events - fb187232
- Belgium - 350 org Belgium - fb events187233
- Belgium - Extinction Rebellion Belgium - events187234
- Belgium - Ende Gelände Belgium - fb187235
- B R I T A I N :194867
- Reclaim the Power - Britain187236
- Britain - Friends of the Earth UK - fb events187238
- Britain - The Climate Coalition - fb events187241
- Campaign Against Climate Change - Britain187242
- Britain - UK Youth Climate Coalition - events187244
- Britain : Fossil Free UK187245
- Britain - Earth Strike UK - events187246
- Britain - UK Students Climate Network187247
- Britain - Parents For Future UK - fb events187248
- Local Conference of Youth - LCOY UK189065
- Stop Ecocide: Change the Law - Britain195966
- The Ende Gelände climate camp this August allowed activists to come together and discuss strategy. We urgently need such spaces in Britain - Ecologist 11.08.23390315
- SCOTLAND .................................................................................................................194941
- Scotland - Stop Climate Chaos - events187427
- Climate Camp Scotland 2020195975
- Campaign against Climate Change - Glasgow195968
- BP or not BP? - Scotland Branch - fb events187240
- Scotland - Extinction Rebellion - fb - events187428
- C A N A D A :194919
- Canada - FridaysforFuture #Climatestrike Toronto/GTA187249
- Canada - Climate Strike Canada - fb events187250