Better World Info is a central information hub covering topics related to our future, such as peace, human rights, the environment, and social justice.

We are a non-profit participatory website providing a user-friendly, comprehensive internet directory with over 650,000 curated links and guides on global affairs. Our aim is to make a contribution to public education.

Better World Info is a unique resource and powerful tool for people who want to make this place a better world. Our collaborative platform allows you to add your own links, share your knowledge, and learn from others.

Formerly Better World Links, we are comparable to a Google directory for engaged citizens and NGOs and function like a Wikipedia for links and a better world. In both cases we aim to be better, and in fact we often are. Help us build a better future - one link at a time!

Here you find some of our Highlights. We also recommend our alternative Real News sources, our extensive Events section and in particular our excellent Twitter Lists.

For our German site visit Bessere Welt Info.

Over 650,000 organised links in English and German on the following global topics:

  • Peace, Human Rights, Environment
  • One World, Social Justice, Sustainability
  • Politics, Media, Conflict Regions, Military
  • Health, Women, Men, Youth, Education, Religion
  • Economics, Globalization, Culture, Exemplary People
  • And many more issues affecting our future


  • Better World Info is the leading website of its kind.
  • We regard our service as a one-stop knowledge and action network.
  • Up-to-date, reliable, hand-picked links - free and without advertising!
  • Unlike Google, Facebook and Twitter your private data is not collected and used for commercial purposes and targeted ads. There is no corporate media dominance, fake news, echo chambers, filter bubbles or hate speech.
  • Our links are regularly checked and have an error rate of less than 2%.
  • We offer 444,800 links in English and 225,980 links in German.
  • You can add links, which after vetting, will remain for all users to benefit from.


Better World Info recognises the profound need for accurate information about the world's most pressing issues which will shape our future. We aim to provide free access to thousands of carefully selected links regarding global current affairs, in order to help people make informed decisions, and affect positive change in this world.


Better World Info aims to make an important contribution to public education and the global internet community, providing essential information so we can leave our children with a world worth living for, in the spirit of Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Schweitzer, Martin Luther King, Petra Kelly, Bernie Sanders, and the Dalai Lama.

"Many small people, who in many small places, do little things that can alter the face of the world"

  • Inform yourself about important topics and share them with your peers.
  • See suggestions from others, and share your own ideas or experiences.
  • Investigate background information for a project, a lecture, an essay or an article.
  • You may also use this resource for cross-references in articles and linking collections.
  • Advance and promote your own project for a better world.
  • Make new contacts, seek out collaborators and establish alliances.
  • People who want to make a difference and have a positive effect on the world.
  • Ordinary citizens, parents and families, and in particular the young generation.
  • Teachers, professors, lecturers and students.
  • Ideal as an internet portal for schools, universities, and adult education centres.
  • Committed people, action groups, civil society groups and movements.
  • Organizations (NGOs), and in particular campaigners.
  • Journalists, reporters, editors and writers.
  • Decision makers in politics, religion, science, education, the media, industry and the military.
  • People from all over the world, from every religion, crede, and ethnic group.

We want to help you create a better world by contributing easy access to free, reliable, and impartial information. We aim to facilitate the sharing of knowledge, and networking of activists and campaigners.

  • To help avoid duplication of internet research, thereby saving time and money for users.
  • To provide access to important information that does not correspond to published opinion: in particular, critical background information on current problems.
  • To direct the attention of people worldwide towards positive ideas, organizations, projects, actions and campaigns. As well as highlighting questionable or unacceptable state of affairs.
  • To bring like-minded and committed people together from all over the world, helping them overcome their isolation and encourage common local, or international initiatives.
  • To help people work towards global change and show them that they are not alone, and can make a difference.
  • To encourage people to contact decision makers, politicians, parties, journalists, and the media to activate change.
  • To be a counterbalance for the general lack of awareness, as well as non-informative or incorrect hushed up information put out by the corporate media.
  • To contribute to expanding horizons and forming democratic opinions, as well as reducing ignorance, prejudice and enemy images.
  • To create counter-publicity to the lobbyists in commerce and the military around the world, as well as some propaganda machines of governments, industry and media tycoons.
  • To promote peace, disarmament, non-violence, human rights, development in the southern hemisphere, environmental protection, sustainable development, democracy, freedom of opinion and expression, social justice, truth, tolerance, benevolence, compassion, and joy of life, as well as positive thinking, behaviour and actions.
  • To protest against war, the mad desire to possess more arms and weapons of mass destruction, violence and terror, dictatorships, abuse of power, greed, exploitation, violation of human rights, environmental pollution, destruction of the foundations of life, the wasting of tax-payers' money, brainwashing, inaction and resignation.

Humanism and Renaissance

Man penetrates his environment by means of his senses and his strength of intellect, thus making new discoveries about the universe. (German woodcut 16th Century)

Better World Info's objective is to provide the general public with a tool to be able to comprehensively inform themselves, and make a positive contribution towards a better world for everyone. 

Our service is free of charge, free of advertising and accessible to all. 

We aim to include links which are:

  • up-to-date, informative and independent
  • balanced, honest and for the common good
  • violence-free, environmentally friendly and socially compatible
  • non-dogmatic and free of propaganda and lies
  • non-commercial or non-profit-making
  • not racist or sexist
  • optimistic and encouraging
  • preferably free from advertising

Things to consider

  • We are not perfect! In fact, we welcome constructive criticism and suggestions. Please Contact Us
  • We do not cover topics related to consumption (luxury goods, cars, travel, beauty, fashion and shopping) and entertainment (sports, celebrities, sex, games, movies and TV shows) as they are provided by large commercial businesses.
  • We regard ourselves as a 'voice' for those who have none. Including the poor, the vulnerable, minorities, and individuals seeking worldwide peace.
  • The wealthy and powerful of this world do not need our assistance. They already possess significant access to, and control of commercial media and our governments. On the other hand, we endeavour to give both sides an opportunity to be heard.
  • We have, therefore, included some links, even though they do not follow the guidelines specified above. These are mainly from governments, political parties, the military and industrial companies. They are often primarily concerned with maintaining power, getting more influence and material gain. Nevertheless, they are listed because they add a different point of view, and to help the public make informed opinions and decisions. Additionally, they are included to help and encourage people to make contact with politicians and other decision makers.

Better World Info began in 1996 as the German website 'Norbert's Bookmarks for a Better World'.

This unique collection of links to interesting articles and websites was the brainchild of socially-committed German citizen and physician, Norbert.

"Medicine is a social science,
and politics is nothing else but medicine on a large scale."

Rudolf Virchow (1848)

The directory expanded from an initial 300 links to 650,000 links we have today. In 2003 it was renamed 'Better World Links', then in 2007 the website was relaunched with a new and interactive design as 'Better World Links'. Most recently, in June 2019 the site was relaunched in Drupal 8 under the new name 'Better World Info', in January 2022 Drupal 9 was established and Drupal 10 in November 2023.

Better World Info was created in 1996, before the popularity of search engines and social media dominance. Google was the earliest in 1998, followed by Wikipedia in 2001, Facebook in 2004 and YouTube in 2005. Although massively successful, they do not always offer the quality and objectivity of information that we hope to provide. In addition they sell our data. See FAQ for further information on why we need Better World Info.

Norbert's aim was, and still very much is to make an important contribution to the global internet community, providing access to pertinent information so that our common vision for a better world can be realised. The site continues to be expanded and updated with the help of volunteers, experts, and people like yourself.

"Many small people who in many small places do little things that can alter the face of the world"

'Menschen-Friedens-Band um die Erde'

(a symbol used by but not a part of Better World Info)

Copyright & Contact: Ev. Kirchengemeinde Rotenburg a. d. Fulda,
Martin-Luther-Kirche, Martin-Luther-Str. 20, D-36199 Rotenburg a. d. Fulda
Tel. 0049-6623-2797, E-Mail: pfarramt [dot] rotenburg2-sued [at] ekkw [dot] de (subject: Postkarte%20-%20Viele%20kleine%20Leute) (pfarramt[dot]rotenburg2-sued[at]ekkw[dot]de)


Irwin Abrams (Quaker)

"Large, varied site by German physician with thousands of links concerning issues such as Economics, Education, the Environment, Human Rights, Peace, Politics, Religion, and Social Justice. An exceptional resource."

Vijay Mehta (Uniting for Peace)

"Better World Info encourages and promotes nonviolent alternative solutions for lasting peace and more effective change. Congratulations for building a fantastic website which is very informative and useful for peace activists all around the world."

FW de Klerk (Global Leadership Foundation)

"As it grows it will increasingly become a prime site for those who write, and those who seek, articles on the key topics of 'peace' and 'humanitarian issues', and it underlines the importance of the internet and social media for peace campaigning.”

Fredrik Heffermehl (Nobel Peace Prize Watch)

"So great to see that you have brought your unique service to humanity to a new level by a remake of the website. A terrific tool for civil society."

Jan Oberg (Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research)

"All the sources you can ever need... People often ask me where they can get reliable information about our world - now they can't trust most of the mainstream media. HERE is the answer and only a fool would ignore such a site..."

This is what you can do:

  • Add links yourself. Help us improve Better World Info - You can recommend new links and inform us of expired or unsuitable links.
  • Share your knowledge and expertise with others - This applies in particular to experts, journalists, scientists and NGO campaigners, who can help us to improve.
  • Volunteer. Send us an email if you want to help us keep our links up-to-date. With just a few hours per week, YOU can make a real difference for thousands of people who also want to make this world a better place.
  • Work with us. Under special circumstances, we can offer to pay a compensation from 250 to 500 Euros per month in the case of good cooperation.
  • We just launched with Drupal 10 as CMS and plan to hire a part-time journalist or blogger - Texts & images, internet research & link maintenance, social media & outreach, newsletter & blog. Good English is essential; NGO experience advantageous. - You can work from the comfort of your home, flexible working times, remuneration negotiable, freelance preferred, long-term perspective offered. - Important: Interest in our topics, experience, passion, dedication & intelligence. - If you want to work with us towards a better world, write us an E-Mail and include your resume.
  • Donate. This enables us to improve the quality and quantity of our links, and implement more effective publicity and marketing strategies.


How to spread the word:

  • Recommend us to your friends, acquaintances and other activists! - So that other people can also use our service. Such an initiative depends entirely on the grassroots for this, because the big media and organizations are generally not interested.
  • Use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, SMS, or e-mail and inform your friends and other engaged people about us. - Important: Link Better World Info on your homepage or blog!
  • Print our information leaflet and display it on your notice board at work or in your community.
  • Order business cards or download small flyers and help distribute them around your university, school, office, library and community.
  • Ask your organization, school, or university magazine to publish our information leaflet and to refer to as a great resource for current affairs topics.
  • Consider writing about Better World Info on your blog, or notifying your local newspaper or radio station about us.
  • Add a link to on your homepage or blog via our banner logo. Click here and then save it as a JPG to download and link to our website.
  • Translate. Help us to translate our "About us" text into Spanish, French, Russian or other languages. Better still, create Better World Info in your language - Email us to learn how.
  • Share this with people of influence. Personalities in public life such as musicians, celebrities, sportsmen, politicians, writers, people from the media - YOU can make an important contribution in helping to make Better World Info well-known and popular.


We love to hear from you! Your assistance, feedback and suggestions for improvements are always very welcome - Contact us.

By offering comprehensive and nonbiased information on the most pressing global issues, users receive the full picture and not a snapshot of sensationalised headlines and corporate media narrative. With peace, human rights, social justice, and environment at our core this directory educates, networks, and empowers activists, movements, and campaigners.

Education is a fundamental solution to many of the world's biggest problems. Free access to the right information can help to shape our world, bolster worthy causes, spread kindness and positivity, and foster global unity – we play a crucial role in this revolution.

Supporting Better World Info is like fueling a revolution. It is not just a repository of links, but a catalyst for change, a beacon for those seeking to make a difference, and a unique project for mankind.

By democratising information, it unlocks global potential for reinforcing human rights, driving social justice, and strengthening peace movements. This passion project is not just about information, it is about the impact that information can have. It is about creating a better, more informed world, where knowledge meets impact

Here at Better World Info we believe that tackling the root causes of global issues should be the priority. If we can prevent or cure, then why resort to providing relief? The relief that charities provide can be likened to distributing band aids in war. It is also costly, and effective mainly in the short term.

By focusing on the promotion of peace, nonviolence, tolerance, democracy, transparent and just governance, disarmament, and the creation of sustainable conditions for peaceful coexistence we can tackle many issues before they arise.

We resonate deeply with the famous expression by Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu,

'Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime'

By supporting Better World Info you are investing in a better future. You are helping to create a world where everyone, regardless of their background, beliefs, and geographical location have access to the information that they need to make a difference.

Support Better World Info, because a better future depends on it.

Hot Topics

Graphic for the Ukraine War. Biden, Zelynskyy, and Putin stand behind the planet with bombs raining down from war planes and a storm cloud. Protesters at the bottom of the Earth are holding banners which say 'No more weapons', 'Diplomacy now', and 'We demand peace'.
John Broadhurst | Better World Info CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Russia - Ukraine War

Now entering its third year, Russia’s invasion into Ukraine began back in February 2022. This unique platform provides 10,000 resources from a peace perspective. Find in-depth information on NATO and U.S. involvement, weapons exports, sanctions, peace voices, and neglected diplomacy. Uncover the disastrous humanitarian fallout and the devastating global ramifications. ➡️ - Please help to spread the word of peace.

Russia - Ukraine War
Cup of tea sits on a wooden table next to a stack of folded newspapers
Pixnio | Stevepb

Real News - not just main stream news

In times of disinformation and filter bubbles, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find critical quality media that provide reliable and fact-based news. In this section, we offer over 1.800 carefully selected resources dedicated to objective and independent journalism. In addition to established media outlets, we also highlight alternative news portals that provide important perspectives and add critical, often underrepresented voices to the public discourse.

Real News - not just main stream news
Poster calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. In the bottom left an Israel woman and a Palestinian woman hold hands in the air. There is a Palestinian flag which fills the background and in front the outline of burning black buildings with grey smoke and flames coming off them.
Mei | Better World Info

Israel's War on Gaza – Ongoing Atrocities

In October 2023, Hamas attacked Israel, as part of the longstanding conflict between Hamas militants and the Israeli army. Storming the border from Gaza, militants launched over 3,000 missiles. Israel declared war on Hamas and responded with ongoing airstrikes in the densely populated Gaza Strip. Until February 2025, bombs alone have killed more than 50,000 Palestinians, including over 18,000 children. The bombardment by Israel has destroyed Gaza and resulted in the displacement of 1.9 million Palestinians, cutting them off from supplies of food, water, electricity, and medicine. Visit ➡️ - Please share!

Israel's War on Gaza – Ongoing Atrocities
Donald Trump gives a public speech in front of a large crowd
Flickr | Michael Vadon

Donald Trump – Second Term as U.S. President

Voted in for a second term, Trump has a GOP majority in both the Senate and the House. The number one reason Trump voters gave was his promises on the economy, which he emphasized relentlessly during his campaign. From day one, Trump began implementing "Agenda 47", the policies detailed in his manifesto, and "Project 2025", the political initiative by the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation. His immediate departure from WHO and the Paris Climate Agreement suggests that Trump 2.0 will be similar to his previous presidency, marked by controversy, deregulation, and weakened international cooperation.

Donald Trump – Second Term as U.S. President
U.S. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders speaking with attendees at a "Fight Oligarchy" rally at Mullett Arena in Tempe, Arizona.
Flickr | Gage Skidmore

Bernie Sanders and the Fight Against the Oligarchy

Bernie Sanders has long been a prominent voice in the battle against oligarchy in the United States. His latest tour has shown unprecedented support as thousands gather at his rallies in the wake of the growing influence of billionaires and corporations in politics, namely Elon Musk and his outsized role in cutting federal spending and jobs. Sanders has emerged as the leading voice opposing Trump’s push to dismantle the government. Frustrated by the lack of response from the Democrats, Sanders is mobilising grassroots support for transformative change and to dissolve the concentration of wealth and power which undermines democracy and serves only the privileged few. 

Bernie Sanders and the Fight Against the Oligarchy
Many male muslim worshippers sit on the red carpeted floor of a mosque wearing tradional white skullcaps
Flickr | Omar Chatriwala

Ramadan 2025, March 1-29

The Muslim fasting month takes place this year from March 1 to 29. Faithful Muslims will not eat or drink anything during this time from sunrise to sunset. In Islam, fasting stands for inner contemplation and spiritual fulfilment. At its end is the three-day festival of breaking the fast, after the Feast of Sacrifice, one of the most important celebrations in Islam. Better World Info wishes "Ramadan Mubarak" to all muslims.

Ramadan 2025, March 1-29
Gaza Ceasefire Poster. Gaza Ceasefire is written in white in the centre and all around are abstract triangles in the colours of the Palestinian flag.
Flickr | Duncan Cumming

Hamas – Israel Ceasefire Agreement

As of January 15, 2025, reports confirmed both parties have reached a final draft agreement. The deal proposes a hostage/prisoner exchange, a six-week ceasefire, and Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza. It also includes massive humanitarian efforts to the people of Palestine, security to Israel, and a reconstruction process spanning many years. The situation remains fragile, and support from the international community is crucial during this pivotal opportunity for peace.

Hamas – Israel Ceasefire Agreement
Large blue doors with the letters UNRWA painted above it with the United Nations symbol either side stand surrounded by rubble and destroyed buildings. Two men pushing bicycles are walking by.
FMT | CC BY 4.0

Israeli Ban on Palestinian Lifeline UNRWA

In October 2024, Israel’s Knesset passed legislation which bans the UNRWA from operating in Israeli-occupied territories – it came into effect on January 30. With 5.9 million Palestinian refugees facing serious human rights violations, UNRWA’s services are lifesaving. The ban revokes the UN agency's diplomatic privileges and prevents Israeli authorities from cooperating with them. UNRWA director Philippe Lazzarini has vowed to continue their essential operations despite the legal consequences.

Israeli Ban on Palestinian Lifeline UNRWA
Strong white women wearing a red and white polka dot bandana and blue shirt, raising her hand into a fist and displaying her biceps
Pixabay | Clker-Free-Vector-Images

Gender Inequality

Even in 2021, much work still remains in order to achieve gender parity. The social and economic benefits of a gender equal world have been widely proven, yet the gap persists. Current estimates predict it will take another 108 years to close it! Our huge resource covers all the issues including girls’ education, child marriage, political participation, discrimination in the workplace, the wage gap, and cultural norms and expectations of women’s role in society. You will also find the organisations working tirelessly to achieve equality. Here’s to ALL women reaching their full potential, and to empowering women everywhere.

Gender Inequality
Purple poster celebrating International Women's Day. The profile of 8 different womens head all face the same direction under a banner with flowers and a strong fist above them.
Mei | Better World Info

International Women's Day 2025 - March 8 - #AccelerateAction

On 8 March, the world will observe International Women's Day, with this year's theme: "For ALL women and girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment." This powerful theme calls for concrete action to unlock equal rights, opportunities and power for every woman and girl, paving the way for a feminist future where no one is left behind. -  This year's commemoration is particularly significant as it marks the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action - a landmark commitment that remains the most progressive and widely endorsed blueprint for advancing the rights of women and girls worldwide.

International Women's Day 2025 - March 8 - #AccelerateAction
COP29 logo - 5 different green leaves are positioned in a circle on the left. On the right in black letters is says 'COP29 Baku, Azerbaijan'
COP29 | Fair Use

COP29 – UN Climate Change Conference 2024, Azerbaijan

In November world leaders once again met in Baku to discuss pressing climate issues including funding, climate debt, and the state of the climate emergency. Azerbaijan has pledged to create the historic Baku accord – a major new deal on climate financing for developing and vulnerable countries. Critics have warned about the crackdown on dissents, independent groups, and the media. NGOs and climate activists are also concerned about the appointment of former oil-executive Mukhtar Babayev as this year’s COP president. Find everything you need to know right here! ➡️ - Please share!

COP29 – UN Climate Change Conference 2024, Azerbaijan
Protesters stand in a green park holding signs calling for free education and a tax on the rich
Flickr | RCP

Income Inequality

Economic inequality effects almost every corner of the world. Unequal distribution of wealth, income, and opportunity traps people in a cycle of poverty only serving the interests of the rich. The world’s top 1% now own more wealth than 95% of humanity. Economic inequality lowers economic growth, creates political polarisation, and destroys the fabric of society. How wide are we willing to let the wealth gap grow before workers receive fair pay, wealth is taxed, and we stop funnelling endless profits to shareholders and offshore tax havens?

Income Inequality
United Nations

2030 Agenda / SDGs

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a collection of 17 interlinked Global Goals designed to be a "blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all". The SDGs were set up in 2015 by the UN General Assembly and are intended to be achieved by the year 2030. Here you find all the info & updates on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

2030 Agenda / SDGs
Black and which image showing the top left quarter of a clock. In this Doomsday clock, the hands are positioned at 1 minute to midnight
Ryanicus Girraficus | CC0 1.0

The Doomsday Clock - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

January 28 - Now at 89 seconds to midnight, the metaphorical clock symbolises how close we are to global catastrophe and the existential threat from nuclear weapons. The symbol was created in 1947 by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists to remind us of the perils we must address such as climate change, the nuclear arms race, future pandemics, and environmental destruction if we are to survive on this planet. It was last moved in 2023 when the clock hands were moved from 100 seconds to midnight, to 90 seconds.

The Doomsday Clock - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Former Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad stands in front of a blue background wearing a grey suit, he is looking away from the camera
Fabio Rodrigues Pozzebom | CC BY 3.0 BR

The Fall of Bashar al-Assad – A Turning Point for Syria

Gripped under brutal dictatorships for decades, the Assad regime fell in less than two weeks. Assad's regime killed, tortured, dispossessed, and exiled millions of its people. Bashar was stripped of his power by rebel forces, an offshoot of al-Qaeda, as Syrians rejoiced in the streets. There are many opposition forces in and outside of the country, and the implications for Russia, Iran, Israel, and the U.S. remain to be seen. In a country where 90% of the population lives below the poverty line, there is much hope for a future of freedom and greater autonomy.

The Fall of Bashar al-Assad – A Turning Point for Syria
Graphic representing the ongoing conflict in Sudan. The silhouettes of civilians and soldiers are across a yellow background. The Sudanese flag of red, white, black, and green is in the top right corner. The words ‘Sudan Conflict 2023 – Present' fill the bottom part of the image.
Better World Info | Mei

Sudan Conflict 2023 - Ongoing

After failed efforts to implement democratic civilian-led rule, mid-April saw the beginning of intense fighting between two main factions of the Sudanese military regime. 12,000 lives have been lost so far, 8 million people are displaced, and 18 million face acute hunger. With no signs of a peaceful resolution, this civil war could spread internationally and create further instability in this volatile part of Africa. As the conflict intensifies, food and basic supplies are compromised, hospitals are inoperational, and electricity and water supplies have been cut off. In a battle for further influence, involvement from Russia, the US, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and the UK has added further complexity to the situation.

Sudan Conflict 2023 - Ongoing
Blue simple logo on a white background of 2 connected flowers

Right Livelihood Awards 2024

The Right Livelihood Award (RLA) was established in 1980 to “honour and support courageous people solving global problems”. The 'Alternative Nobel Prize' has so far celebrated 198 laureates from 77 countries. - The 2024 Right Livelihood Award goes to: 1) Joan Carling (Philippines) 2) Issa Amro and Youth Against Settlements (Palestine) 3) Anabela Lemos and Justiça Ambiental! (Mozambique), and 4) Forensic Architecture (UK). - CLICK HERE to find out more about the 2024 laureates and their work.

Right Livelihood Awards 2024
International Court of Justice Seal - A figure in a blue tunic sits on a grand chair holding a balance. Below is two images of different sides of the Earth. It is suurrounded by a golden circle and many green leaves
FOX 52 | CC BY-SA 4.0

South Africa’s ICJ Genocide Case Against Israel

Attention: The Court delivered its Order on January 26. - As the war in Gaza continues, South Africa, supported by many other nations, aims to hold Israeli officials accountable for genocidal intent in Gaza. The South Africa against the State of Israel proceedings began December 29, 2023. The case will decide whether Israel is in violation of the Genocide Convention for their atrocities against Palestinian people in Gaza. Israel has so far denied all allegations and accused South Africa of cooperating with terrorist organisation Hamas. Follow updates on the allegations and proceedings here.

South Africa’s ICJ Genocide Case Against Israel
Harris vs Trump image - Kamela Harris on the left, Donald Trump on the right.
Mei / Better World Info

U.S. Presidential Election 2024 – Harris vs. Trump!

November 5th will see American voters head to the polls to decide between the election of Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris and Republican Ex President Donald Trump. Key issues for voters include the struggling economy, inflation, immigration, abortion, and healthcare . Disillusioned with the stance from congress and both parties, voter turnout is sadly expected to be low. Given the huge influence the U.S. has on the international stage, the outcome of this election will have far-reaching implications particularly in regard to the wars in Gaza and Ukraine, the global fight against climate change, and the likelihood of World War III erupting in our lifetimes.

U.S. Presidential Election 2024 – Harris vs. Trump!
Info image on the EU Parliament's seven political groups: The European Parliament counts 705 members or MEPs in seven political groups. Date: 16.02.23
European Parliament

European Union Elections 2024

Elections for a new EU Parliament will take place June 6 - 9. About 350 million Europeans are called upon to help decide the future of European policy. In the last EU election, enthusiasm and voter turnout were low. Voters were impeded by language barriers, apathy regarding EU affairs, and lack of focus on national issues. With right-wing parties and militarism on the rise across Europe, increasing urgency of the climate crisis and growing social inequality, every vote counts! Make sure to stay informed and support democracy in Europe.

European Union Elections 2024
Profile of a woman with flowing hair, painted in the colours of the Iranian flag, holding a hijab in her fist.
Better World Info | Mei Lau

Mahsa Amini and Iran Anti-Regime Protests 2022

Protests sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini whilst under arrest for violation of the strict hijab law rocked Iran and the world. Demonstrations against mandatory hijab use evolved into demands for greater freedoms, women's rights, and against the controversial morality police and harsh Iranian regime. Being labelled the Iran Revolution, the government has responded with widespread internet blackouts, tear gas, and gun fire. Hundreds have already lost their lives as Iranians desperately fight for massive governmental change. - ➡️ with 1,500 links - Share! - In 2023 the Nobel Prize for Peace was awarded to human rights advocate Narges Mohammadi.

Mahsa Amini and Iran Anti-Regime Protests 2022
Image shows two scientists working on Covid-19 and two Students with books and working on notebook and tablet
Mei I Better World Info

Coronavirus Pandemic Resource

At Better World Info we aim to provide a world leading medical information resource on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19: Over 19,000 links in English, German, French and Spanish have been carefully selected by a physician and were updated daily. Plus our great Twitter list with 385 virus experts. - Help us to share this unique internet guide so that this collection of information can benefit many people in the current pandemic. Expert input is most welcome!

Coronavirus Pandemic Resource
Colourful scene of many young children holding signs about climate change
Flickr | School Strike 4 Climate

Climate Crisis & the 1.5oC Goal

There is a climate crisis that is unfolding in our lifetime. Here you can find all the information you need to take action, along with the consequences that we can already see, and the solutions to tackle them. Spread the word, get involved, and be part of the change!

Climate Crisis & the 1.5oC Goal
The World Summit for Social Development, 1995. United Nations Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali addresses the Summit meeting.
Flickr | United Nations Photo

2nd World Summit for Social Development - Nov 2025, Qatar

The primary goal of the WSSD2 is to advance global social development and bolster renewed momentum for the 2030 Agenda set out in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Set to take place 4 - 6 November 2025 in Doha, Qatar, the WSSD2 provides an opportunity to reassess social challenges and recommit to inclusivity, equity, and sustainability. The first summit in 1995 resulted in the adoption of the Copenhagen Declaration and Programme of Action, which outlined several targets and initiatives. With mounting global tensions and spiralling humanitarian crises worldwide, this conference must go beyond other United Nations summits.

2nd World Summit for Social Development - Nov 2025, Qatar
Four key representatives of the COP16 UN Biodiversity talks stand infront of the logo for the 2024 conference
Flickr | UN Biodiversity

COP16 Biodiversity Conference – Cali, Colombia 2024

The vast majority of countries are way off track from meeting this decade's biodiversity targets. With the red-light flashing, hopes of a breakthrough were left dashed as the talks ended in disarray. COP16 was a display of poor leadership, lack of accountability, and the failure of countries to agree on financing, monitoring, and implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. In a major achievement for Indigenous people, the creation of a permanent body to ensure their participation in decision making was a small beacon of hope for the next round of talks in Armenia in 2026.

COP16 Biodiversity Conference – Cali, Colombia 2024

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