Albert Schweitzer (Germany / France)
- International Albert Schweitzer Association - AISL8632
- Schweitzer Fellowship Foundation (Boston)8633
- Albert Schweitzer Fellowship8634
- Albert Schweitzer Info8635
- Albert Schweitzer - Biography (1875-1965)8636
- Albert Schweitzer - Nobel Peace Prize 19528637
- Presentation Speech - Nobel Peace Prize 19528638
- Albert Schweitzer - Nobel Lecture 1954: The Problem of Peace8639
- (Albert Schweitzer - Nobel Peace Prize 1952)8640
- Albert Schweitzer - Wikipedia8641
- Albert Schweitzer - Philosopher, Physician Humanitarian8642
- Dr. Schweitzer's Hospital Fund of Great Britain8643
- The Hospital in Lambarene8644
- Out of My Life and Thought: An Autobiography (amazon)8646
- The Quest of the Historical Jesus (online book)8647
- Google-Search: Pictures of "Albert Schweitzer"8648
- Albert Schweitzer - My Hero8650
- The Discovery & Meaning of Reverence for Life8652
- Book: Reverence for Life: The Ethics of Albert Schweitzer for the Twenty-First Century - Amazon 01.10.028653
- Albert Schweitzer's Reverence for Life 11/07 (amazon)8654
- Reverence for Life: The Ethics of Albert Schweitzer for the Twenty-First Century 6/02 (amazon)8655
- Reverence for Life (UK) - simple values for people and planet8656
- Reverence for Life - Wikipedia8657
- Schweitzer - History of Vegetarianism8658
- Albert Schweitzer Quotes - Quotations Page8660
- A. Schweitzer - QuoteWorld8662
- The Words of Albert Schweitzer8663
- Quotes from A. Schweitzer8664
- Albert Schweitzer - WikiQuote8665
- Quotes by A. Schweitzer8666