Fun Activities
- Muddle Puddle - home education39608
- KidCast for Peace - Creativity Cafe39609
- History of England Posters for Colouring - English Heritage277139
- World Peace Day's Kids Peace Page (Archive)39610
- Loop Scoops - Videos to get you thinking about the STUFF in your life39611
- Camp Quest - Secular Summer Camp (USA)39612
- Young Friends British Museum : Calligraphy with Paul Antonio 17.06.20212748
- Make Your Own Box Lyre (musical instrument) - BM245163
- Make your own origami inspired by Japanese prints - BM213099
- Make a Crafty Cartouches from Ancient Egypt! - British Museum 231325
- Make Celtic knot bread! - British Museum216434
- Craft your own Chinese ceramics! - British Museum213300
- Create your own coins! - BM232880
- Design an Islamin-inspired tile! - British Museum214722
- Design your own bestiary! - British Museum 213098
- Design your own currency! - BM289696
- How to make a bug trap! - BM249036
- Make an (edible) cuneiform tablet! - British Museum 212747
- Make a kite! - British Museum213388
- Make your own Chinese hanging scroll! - British Museum213299
- Make an ancient Greek amphora! - British Museum 214153
- Make an (edible) cuneiform tablet! - BM 257277
- Make a Chinese lantern! - British Museum213390
- Make a diva for Diwali! - British Museum 225032
- Make an Incredible Indian block printing! - British Museum219818
- Make your own Gayer-Anderson Cat! - BM252669
- Make your own crown replica! - British Museum213644
- Make your own herbarium tile sheets inspired by Maria Sibylla Merian’s drawings! - BM237582
- Make your own hourglass! - BM 214339
- Make your own Indian boardgame: Pachisi - BM234440
- Make your own salt dough Lewis Chessmen! - BM234441
- Make your own Mancala Game! - BM234442
- Make a rangoli suncatcher! - British Museum225033
- Make a Sutton Hoo helmet! - BM239220
- Make a Venetian carnival mask! - BM213389
- Make your own Viking shield - BM239219
- Make your own crown! - BM289668
- Make pan pipes! (musical instrument) - BM245162
- Make a tangram! - British Museum213301
- Mix and Match Monsters! - BM257926
- Is it weird to sing my kids lullabies? Maybe, but science is clear about the benefits - Guardian 31.01.22276341
- Learning the ropes: why Germany is building risk into its playgrounds - Guardian 24.10.21258999
- What does SEA-PLM 2019 tell us about child well-being and learning in six Southeast Asian countries? - UNICEF 15.07.22307633