Education for Girls in refugee camps and during conflicts
- UNHCR - Why educate refugee girls?448648
- EIE Hub - Education in Emergencies & Gender448688
- FMR - Gender equality in education and emergencies448690
- Today nearly 120 million girls are out of school - Malala Fund 448682
- 5 facts about women, conflict, and education - Women for Women448680
- Global Compact on Refugees - Girls' Education for a Better Future448651
- Girls worst affected as conflict keeps more than 25 million children out of school – UNICEF448685
- Caught in the Cross Fire: The Battle for Girls’ Education in Conflict Zones Rages On - WENR 05.03.24448683
- Refugees' gendered experiences of education in Europe since 2015: A scoping review - BERA 27.11.23448654
- My Journey: How education helps refugee girls break the cycle of hardship - UNHCR 26.09.23448650
- Teacher professional guide on education and disasters - World Vision 31.07.23363181
- Promoting Climate-Sensitive Early Childhood Care and Education in Emergencies - INEE 26.07.23363257
- Schools in Syria - Education Sector in Areas outside the Control of the Government within Syria - 09.07.23363258
- Rebuilding: Syrian refugee girls pursue education - The Standard 04.05.23448656
- Against all odds: Why refugee girls stay in school - Girls Education Challenge 09.01.23448652
- INEE Guidance Note on Conflict Sensitive Education - INEE 01/23363256
- Let’s Recommit to Protecting Students, Educators and Schools from Attack - Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA) 09.09.22363244
- Global Estimates: Number of crisis-affected children and adolescents in need of education support - Education Cannot Wait 06/22363157
- Stories of suffering and hope: Afghanistan and Pakistan - UNICEF 03.03.22363159
- Why Refugee Girls Are Missing Out on Secondary School - CGD 13.01.22448653
- Making Schools in Conflict Safer for Girls - Plan International 23.09.21448689
- Improving Access to Education for Marginalised Girls in Conflict Areas - IDS 16.08.21448686
- Mind the gap in refugee education: where are all the girls? - EDT 21.06.21448649
- “A Plan beyond Survival”: Removing barriers for refugee girls and women to access higher education - INEE 08.03.21448668
- Reimagining Girls' Education Solutions to keep girls learning in emergencies - UNICEF 02/21363158
- Mind the Gap: The state of girls’ education in crisis and conflict - Save the Children, 2021448684
- Ensuring Access to Education for Girls During a Humanitarian Crisis and Conflict - CFR 18.11.20448666
- Pandemic Education and Viral Politics, by Michael A. Peters and Tina Besley - Routledge 08.10.20363259
- Reflect. Realize. Respond. Rising to new challenges: Accelerating gender parity in times of crisis and beyond - UN WOMEN 10/20363184
- In focus: Women in Afghanistan one year after the Taliban takeover - UN Women 15.08.20363186
- Securing the right to education for refugee girls in Bangladesh - UNV 19.06.20448675
- Safe Back to School: A Practitioner’s Guide - Global Education Cluster 05.20363246
- Technical note: Education during the COVID-19 pandemic - Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies 24.04.20363247
- Handbook on Facilitating Flexible Learning During Educational Disruption: The Chinese Experience in Maintaining Undisrupted Learning in COVID-19 Outbreak - UNESCO 15.03.20363248
- GUIDANCE NOTE Supporting Integrated Child Protection and Education Programming in Humanitarian Action - The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action 01/20363245
- This Powerful Film About Girls' Education Was Written and Performed by Refugees - Global Citizen 23.04.19448672
- The Dangers of Being a Girl in a Refugee Camp - HART 08.11.18448673
- Show Humanity for Her: Education Cannot Wait for Girls in Conflicts and Disasters - Education Cannot Wait 07.05.18448687
- Refugee girls deserve dreams and an education - WVI 07.03.18448670
- Refugee girls ‘face formidable barriers’ in getting an education - Their World 07.03.18448657
- The status of the right to education of migrants: International legal framework, remaining barriers at national level and good examples of states’ implementation - UNESCO 01/…363252
- 27 million children out of school in conflict zones – UNICEF 18.09.17363156
- Girls Inspire at the Zaatari Refugee Camp: Why All Children Deserve an Education - Medium 01.09.16448678
- Through education, youth act to prevent violence against women - UN Women 10/15363185
- ‘If I am alive, I must have an education’: the refugee girl who crossed a border to go to school - Guardian 06.03.15448676
- Publication: Education for girls and women refugees - Graduate Women 03/15448655
- Guidelines for Protecting Schools and Universities from Military Use during Armed Conflict - INEE 01.01.14363249
- Lebanon Minimum Standards for Education in Emergencies - INEE 31.12.13363250
- Reflection Tool for Designing and Implementing Conflict Sensitive Education Programmes in Conflict-Affected and Fragile Contexts - INEE 04/13363251
- Displaced Futures: Internally Displaced Persons and the Right to Education - Right to Education Initiative 12/10363255
- Minimum Standards for Education: Preparedness, Response, Recovery - INEE 12/10363253
- Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education: The right to Education of Migrants, Refugees and Asylum-seekers - Human Rights Council 16.04.10363254