Forced / Early Marriage / Child Marriage
- Child Marriage - The Elders69572
- Forced Marriage - Wikipedia69573
- Child Marriage - Wikipedia69574
- Plan Internacional 69577
- The Economic Impacts of Child Marriage69578
- Unchained at Last 69579
- Forced Marriage Guidance - FCO (UK)69601
- Zonta International - Ending child marriage301892
- Let´s BreakThrough69580
- France : Site d'information et de prevention des mariages forcés 69614
- Child Marriage (film) - Wikipedia69604
- Britain : Forced Marriage Unit 69615
- Dance4life (India) 69581
- Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007 - Wikipedia69600
- Child Marriage (Film)69605
- Austria : Orient Express - Women Counselling Bureau - Vienna - German, Turkish, English69616
- Nada Al-Ahdal fights for a self-determined life for girls - Good News For You419253
- ‘My childhood just slipped away’: Pakistan’s ‘monsoon brides’ - Al Jazeera 08.03.25460328
- Major step forward for child protection in Colombia, as politicians ban underage marriage - Global Issues 31.12.24448131
- Dreams of jewellery, phones and makeup: how young Iraqi girls are lured into marriage - Guardian 22.11.24442099
- Video: Why do child marriages persist on Jakarta’s coast? - Mongabay 28.10.24437568
- Iraq: Parliament Poised to Legalize Child Marriage - HRW 16.08.24428336
- Draft Iraqi law allowing 9-year-olds to marry would ‘legalise child rape’, say activists - Guardian 09.08.24427542
- How African Governments Can Lead the Way on Ending Child Marriage - IPS 24.07.24424521
- ‘I was handed to a complete stranger’: the survivors fighting to end child marriage in 37 US states – and the people who want to keep it legal - Guardian 09.07.24423028
- Mozambique: Rising Violence Driving Up Child Marriage In Cabo Delgado Province - Save the Children International 03.07.24421854
- Sierra Leone: Historic bill to end child marriage passed – sustained efforts to raise community awareness must now follow - Amnesty International 03.07.24421860
- Sierra Leone Acts to Ban Child Marriage - HRW 28.06.24421010
- Child marriage in Burkina Faso - Borgen Project 30.05.24417117
- Girls in Africa have every right to be children - Al Jazeera 07.05.24411949
- Child marriage is a problem in the US that needs urgent action - Al Jazeera 29.04.24410308
- Fighting Child Marriage In Ethiopia - UNICEF USA 28.03.24421856
- Southern Madagascar, where girls are sold into marriage before they are born - UN News 16.03.24402808
- Child marriage robs girls of their childhood and threatens their well-being and the future of society - UNICEF 08.03.24421855
- Unregistered Marriages Harm Women and Children - HRW 03.03.24401080
- Video: Married at 14: Zambia’s Child Brides | Woman with Gloria Steinem - VICE News 06.02.24403460
- Child marriage in the Dominican Republic - Borgen Project 05.02.24396917
- I have seen that women are not valued - New Int 18.01.24395912
- I’m not a toy’: how an antiquated tradition of forced marriage wrecked one girl’s life - Guardian 19.12.23 389855
- The impact of being a girl - Save the Children 18.12.23389857
- Action Leads and Hope Prevails: Success in Ending Child Marriage - Asia and the Pacific UNFPA 18.12.23389856
- Ending child marriage should not be a choice but a necessity - UNICEF 08.12.23389858
- Addresssing Child Marriage In Nigeria - The Borgen Project 08.12.23389859
- Video: Horrifying statistics that link child marriage in Bangladesh to climate crisis - Independent 07.12.23387613
- Bangladesh: IRC study reveals a staggering 39% surge in child marriage due to climate change - International Rescue Committee 06.12.23387614
- Child marriage: 'I was sold into marriage for £7 at the age of 12' - BBC 29.11.23387615
- Child marriage and women's rights in Burkina Faso - Borgen Project 22.11.23385179
- Obama, Clooney and Gates: 'We can end child marriage in a generation' - BBC 21.11.23387616
- For the ‘Social Media Child Brides’ of India, the Road to Justice Is Long - VOA 11.11.23387617
- Child marriage is still legal in most of the U.S. Here’s why - The Hill 31.10.23421858
- Portraits: Ethiopian drought and child marriage - Guardian 10.10.23421857
- Extreme weather events linked to increased child and forced marriages - Guardian 14.09.23421859
- Organizations working to end child marriage in Nepal - Borgen Project 10.09.23373092
- Why Nepal’s Supreme Court is wrong on child marriages and rape - Al Jazeera 29.08.23369166
- Another Drive Against Child-Marriages in Assam Expected - Pressenza 05.08.23364426
- 5 facts about child marriage in Mali - Borgen Project 11.07.23358896
- What to know about child marriage in Ethiopia - Borgen Project 09.07.23358897
- 5 organisations ending child marriage in Pakistan - Borgen Project 23.05.23347131
- Child marriage in Vietnam - Borgen Project 19.05.23347135
- Child marriage in decline – but will take 300 years to eliminate - Guardian 05.05.23351269
- Is an End to Child Marriage within Reach? - UNICEF 05.05.23351268
- Fragile gains on reducing child marriage, under threat from ‘polycrisis’ - UN News 02.05.23344232
- Indian child marriage crackdown leaves families in anguish - AP News 16.02.23330723
- Assam: India child brides desperate after mass arrests - BBC 10.02.23328715
- ‘We have no one’: The women and girls sold as brides in Kashmir - Al Jazeera 15.01.23324843
- Geneva Witness: Chmba Ellen Chilemba offers trainings for vulnerable girls to child marriage - UN Geneva 28.12.22323258
- Interview: ‘Child marriage law has been weaponised by parents of girls who marry men they choose’ - Scroll 28.12.22323252
- Reducing Child Marriage In Zimbabwe - Borgen Project 23.12.22323248
- India’s female cane cutters face child marriage and hysterectomy - Climate Home News 20.12.22323245
- Child marriage country profiles - UNICEF 19.12.22323234
- Four areas of influence driving child marriage - UNICEF 19.12.22323233
- Early marriage traps disadvantaged girls in poverty cycle - Kathmandu Post 15.12.22323259
- Economic vulnerability pushing parents to marry off their minor daughters - The Week 12.12.22323257
- Child Marriage - a human rights violation happening every two seconds - The Journal 10.12.22323255
- Journalist faces online harassment after revealing alleged child marriage in Islamic group - Bianet 09.12.22323238
- Averting a child marriage-UNDP supports local group under EU/UN Spotlight Initiative - UNDP 09.12.22323250
- In Turkey, a child bride scandal puts religious cults in the spotlight - Global Voices 09.12.22323241
- Turks Unite to Condemn Alleged Child Marriage in Religious Group - Balkan Insight 08.12.22323231
- Polygamous 'prophet' leader had child brides, documents say - NPR 08.12.22323260
- Ministry will intervene in child marriage case sparking strong reaction - Bianet 08.12.22323237
- IRR on law prohibiting child marriage signed - CNN Philippines 07.12.22323254
- Law banning child marriage in the Philippines now in full force - Rappler 07.12.22323239
- Delay in enacting law against underage marriage sparks concern in Egypt - Arab News 03.12.22323244
- Egypt, Spain launch Not Brides Study on Child Marriage - Daily News Egypt 30.11.22323240
- Child marriage rears its ugly head in Rajasthan - The Hindu 25.11.22323243
- The Yemeni child bride activist leading the fight against the scourge of early marriage - Arab Showcase 24.11.22323247
- Police attacked in bid to stop child marriage - The Telegraph India 23.11.22323251
- Girls in crisis: Decreasing international investment to end sexual violence and child marriage - World Vision 22.11.22323236
- Calls renew for tightening laws banning child marriage in Egypt - The New Arab 22.11.22323256
- Video: Child marriage: 'I should've been protected' - BBC 19.11.22323246
- Child Marriage in South Asia: A Systematic Review - National Library of Medicine 19.11.22323235
- Let girls be girls, not brides - Modern Diplomacy 18.11.22323249
- Child marriage and the mental health of adolescent girls: A longitudinal cohort study from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, India - The Lancet 17.11.22323232
- Maharashtra Cops Stop Child Marriage, Rescue 16-Year-Old - NDTV 16.11.22317143
- Idaho Supreme Court won’t weigh legality of child marriage - The State 23.10.22311441
- Child marriage, teenage pregnancies among Muslims 30 per cent higher than Hindus - DNA India 20.10.22311438
- Children’s Parliament Raises Alarm Over Child Marriage - Naija News 19.10.22311439
- Nobel Peace Laureate Kailash Satyarthi begins 'Child Marriage Free India' campaign - One India 19.10.22311440
- Lakes State declares war on child marriage - City Reviewss 17.10.22311442
- ‘Child marriage’: Two priests attached to Chidambaram temple in Tamil Nadu arrested - Indian Express 17.10.22311443