Child Sex Tourism & Prostitution
- Child Sex Tourism - The Zero41447
- Children of the Night - Rescuing America's Children from Prostitution41446
- Girls Educational & Mentoring Services (GEMS)41454
- The Code323297
- The Code - The Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism323312
- Stairway Foundation - Child sex tourism323294
- Saving Innocence41456
- Agape International Missions (AIM)41457
- Destiny Rescue 41458
- ECPAT323308
- ECPAT - Webcam Child Sex Tourism323309
- Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children - Wikipedia41442
- Child sex tourism - Wikipedia323288
- Pedophilia - Wikipedia41448
- Sex tourism - Wikipedia323303
- Child Sexual Abuse - Wikipedia41449
- Anti-pedophile Activism - Wikipedia41450
- Tulasa Thapa (Nepal/India) - Wikipedia41465
- Extraterritorial Sexual Exploitation of Children - US Department of Justice323289
- Trafficking of Children in the United States: Documentary Film41443
- Top Five Countries with Highest Rates of Child Prostitution - Academia323316
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft zum Schutz der Rechte der Kinder vor sexueller Ausbeutung - ECPAT, Austria41444
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft zum Schutz der Kinder vor sexueller Ausbeutung - ECPAT, Germany41445
- Campaign launched against child sex tourism - Swiss Info 02.11.22323324
- Campaign against child sex tourism gets boost - Nation 06.10.22323325
- Tourism rethink needed to protect children vulnerable to exploitation: UN expert - OHCHR 27.09.22323322
- Tourists' perceptions of and reactions to child sex tourism: an exploratory qualitative investigation - Emerald 04.08.22323300
- The Context of Sexual Exploitation of Children by Tourists and Travelers: A Cross-National Comparison of Destination Countries and Non-Destination Countries - SAGE 03.03.22323295
- Journal: Child sex tourism: Ambiguous spaces in Bali - Wiley 04/21323292
- The Truth About Sex Tourism - SOS International 11.03.21323298
- Underage prostitution in Thailand: the consequence of a mass sex tourism - IGG 03.10.20323290
- Indonesia’s child prostitution problem - Asean Post 04.05.20323317
- Journal: The sexual exploitation of children through prostitution and in travel and tourism - Science Direct, 2020323321
- Movie: Nameless - a Documentary about Child Sex Trafficking - We Are MCSR 22.11.19323319
- Here’s how to report child sexual abuse and exploitation when travelling—with help from the industry - ECPAT 04.11.19323302
- Child sex tourism fueled by cheap travel, technology - experts - Reuters 06.06.18323291
- Child sex tourism and exploitation are on the rise. Companies can help fight it - WEF 09.03.18323301
- Child sex tourists do 'dirty business' with impunity in Dominican Republic - Reuters 16.06.17323304
- Webcam Child Prostitution: An Exploration of Current and Futuristic Methods of Detection - Cyber Crime Journal, 2017323311
- Video: Unplugging online child sex tourism - Al Jazeera 22.05.14323310
- Report: Webcam Child Sex Tourism, Becoming Sweetie: a novel approach to stopping the global rise of Webcam Child Sex Tourism - Save the Children, 2014323299
- Combating child sex tourism - UN 10.04.13323293
- Combating the sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism. Achievements and challenges - ECPAT 06.03.13323315
- Report: Barriers against child sex tourism - National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings and Sexual Violence against Children, 2013323296
- Child Sex Tourism : It's a Crime (Canada) 3/1041451
- Child Sex Tourism: A Dark Journey - US Department of Justice 01/07323307
- Fight against child sex tourism - EU (Archive 2007)41452
- Southeast Asia a Haven for Pedophiles - ABC 17.08.06323305
- Underexposed child sex tourism industry in Guatemala - GALE, 2005323306
- Global campaign to police child sex tourism - CSM 4/0441453
- Catherine Schauer (KARO): Foe of Sex Tourism - Europe’s biggest open-air brothel at the German-Czech border 3/0441459
- U.S. Law Enforcement Targets Child Sex Tourism - US Embassy Japan 4/03 (Archive)41460
- Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation in Tourism - Tourism Training Module - UNWTO, 2001323314
- Child Sex Tourism (Australia) 6/0041461
- Child sex tourism spreading in Asia - CNN 8/00 (Archive)41462
- Book: No Hiding Place: Child Sex Tourism and the Role of Extra-Territorial Legislation - Jeremy Seabrook, 2000323318
- Sexual Trafficking and Forced Prostitution of Children - 11/9841463
- Wish you weren't here. Tourism and child prostitution in Thailand - Grin, 1998323320
- Tulasa and the horrors of child prostitution 1993 (Archive)41464
- Prostitution and violence against women and girls: Report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls, its causes and consequences - Human Rights Council 07…449892