Women & Economy
- More Women Than Men Are Going to College. That May Change the Economy - NYT 23.11.21277093
- Women bore brunt of social and economic impacts of Covid - Guardian 22.11.21277106
- COP26: Why Addressing Climate Change Requires New Metrics And Women - Forbes 15.11.21277124
- Women’s Participation in the Bangladeshi Economy - Borgen 13.11.21277098
- How China’s ‘leftover women’ are using their financial power to fight the stigma of being single - The Conversation 12.11.21277117
- Many Women Have Left the Workforce. When Will They Return? - U.S. News 04.11.21277123
- Women’s economic empowerment in the face of Covid-19 and displacement: Restoring resilient futures - ReliefWeb 21.10.21277103
- Getting women back to work is crucial to boosting economy, White House says - CNBC 14.10.21277097
- More women left the work force in September than the US economy added jobs - Insider 09.10.21277125
- The Economy Is Shrinking for Women. That's Why We Need Build Back Better - News Week 08.10.21277119
- How One Chicago Bank Is Growing The Economy And Advancing Women In Business - Forbes 27.09.21277118
- Less than 12% of August job gains went to women - CNBC 03.09.21277121
- Economic Security for Women and Families in Florida - Center for American Progress 13.08.21277122
- What really counts? How the patriarchy of economics finally tore me apart - The Guardian 31.07.21312554
- These Interconnected Policies Would Sustain Families, Support Women, and Grow the Economy - Center for American Progress 30.07.21277120
- Making The Gig Economy Work For Women - Forbes 12.07.21277129
- Expanding opportunities for women and economic uncertainty are both factors in declining US fertility rates - The Conversation 06.07.21277133
- The gig economy is making the future of work brighter for women - Fortune 13.05.21277130
- Do woker workplaces await mothers who quit jobs due to pandemic? - Al Jazeera 07.05.21243279
- In 1 year, women globally lost $800 billion in income due to Covid-19, new report finds - CNBC 30.04.21277134
- COVID-19 and women’s labor, the care economy, and more - Brookings 22.04.21277128
- Here’s how women are changing the way economies are run - Al Jazeera 07.04.21312559
- What happens when women run the economy? - Reuters 06.04.21277104
- The Women Powering Biden's Economy Are Rewriting The Course Of American History - NPR 15.03.21277127
- Women Could Give $20 Trillion Boost to Economic Growth by 2050 - Bloomberg 09.03.21277132
- Canada takes steps to make ‘feminist’ budget addressing women’s post-pandemic challenges - Reuters 08.03.21312583
- Yellen, Georgieva urge more women to consider career in economics - Al Jazeera 08.03.21312561
- Calls to help US women falling out of labour force grow louder - Al Jazeera 24.02.21312563
- How Women Make The Economy Better - Forbes 18.01.21277099
- Publication: Women in the Workplace Study - McKinsey & Company 2020218335
- The only way to future-proof Britain is through a ‘caring economy’ - The Telegraph 30.09.20312576
- Global nonprofit leaders on why women’s time and work must be part of future policy choices - Hewlitt Foundation 19.10.20222066
- Citi names Jane Fraser as first female CEO of big Wall St bank - Al Jazeera 10.09.20216051
- Russia should repeal no-women jobs list - HRW 06.07.20212054
- We're sleepwalking into an economic crisis by overlooking women - The Telegraph 19.06.20312577
- Pakistan's younger women riding a digital wave in drive for better jobs - Reuters 28.04.20312586
- Where Women Stand - Project Syndicate 4/20204857
- Mujeres Albañiles rompiendo prejuicios machista - Grupo de Mujeres Ixchel 06.04.20208391
- More women are entering company boardrooms, but not everywhere - Al Jazeera 06.03.20 200833
- The sharing economy helps women find new economic opportunities in Jordan - The Conversation 04.03.20277131
- World survey on the role of women in development: Report of the Secretary-General (2019): Why addressing women’s income and time poverty matters for sustainable development -…297263
- Want to add trillions to the global economy? Back female founders - Reuters 30.07.19312582
- Women in Brazil earn 20.5 percent less than men: statistics agency - Reuters 08.03.19312584
- Saudi Arabia's $90 Billion Reason to Allow Women to Drive - Bloomberg 24.06.18312571
- Video: Why so few women work in economics - Financial Times 12.04.18312569
- Why Do Low-income Women Entrepreneurs Fail? New Research Provides Some Answers - Next Billion 28.02.1840919
- Small Business Grants for Women - The Simple Dollar 27.02.1840920
- Educated but not at work: lack of women in Middle East workforce hinders growth - Reuters 17.10.17312585
- Report: Tourism's Dirty Secret: the Exploitation of Hotel Housekeepers - Oxfam Canada 10/1740921
- Report: An economy that works for women - Oxfam 02.03.1740922
- The power of procurement: How to source from women-owned businesses - UNWOMEN 2017297266
- Yazidi Women Find Economic Independence - UNDP 08.09.1640923
- Green Jobs: Women and the Birth of Earth-Care - Peace X Peace 4/1040924
- In the Office, Nice Girls Finish Last 12/0840925
- Norway to rule on board room girl power - BBC 8/0240926
- The truth about women bosses - Sunday Times 10/99 (Archive)40927
- Equality Can't Wait198305
- @TimesUpUK198306
- The Female Lead221342
- @the_female_lead221343
- Category:Women farmers - Wikipedia240290
- The power of procurement: How to source from women-owned businesses - UN WOMEN297260