Online Guides & Manuals
- Your 6-step guide to increasing acquisition - Matomo 197616
- How do you define lawful peaceful protest? The UN Human Rights Committee has a clear answer - UN News 29.07.20213051
- Advocacy Action Guide A ToolKit for Strategic Policy Advocacy Campaigns - Consumers International 06/17158474
- 198 Methods of Nonviolent Action - Films for Action 09/16158475
- Theory of change for advocacy and campaigns - BOND 07/16158476
- Advocacy for development: Effectiveness, Monitoring and Evaluation - Wageningen 03/16158477
- CANVAS Core Curriculum - CANVAS 08/15158479
- Effective Advocacy: Planning Success - PETA 10/15158480
- Action Strategy Guide - Ruckus Society 05/15158482
- The Complete Guide to Advocacy - Campaign Workshop 2015158483
- Grassroots Campaigns & Advocacy Toolkit - Leadership Conference Education Fund 2015158484
- Advocacy strategy toolkit - ACT2015, 2014158485
- A Citizen’s Guide to Advocacy - World Vision 2015158486
- Global Agreements, Grassroots Advocacy. Youth and governance in a post-2015 world. A toolkit for young people who want to make sure their voice is heard in a post-2015 world …158487
- The Super Duper Impact Planning Guide - IBP 2014158489
- Advocacy Toolkit - CSO Forum for Development Effectiveness 2013158490
- Stratified Advocacy: Models and Tactics for Working Across Different Levels of Government - IBP 12/13158491
- Women's Rights Campaigning: Info-Activism Toolkit - Tactical Technology Collective 2013158492
- Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning in NGO Advocacy: Findings from Comparative PolicyAdvocacy MEL Review Project - Oxfam 02/13158494
- Participatory Advocacy A toolkit for VSO staff, volunteers and partners (pdf) - Tools For Change 158495
- From Expert To Advocate! Tools For Evidence-Based Advocacy In Your Community - ACTION 2012158497
- Advocacy Skills Handbook - ACTION 2012158498
- Effective social justice advocacy: a theory-of-change framework for assessing progress - RHM 11/11158499
- Advocacy capacity building: A training toolkit - Conciliation Resources 10/11158500
- Advocacy and Policy Influencing for Social Change - TACSO 29.07.18158501
- Capacity Building for Advocacy - INTRAC 01/11158502
- Is the Policy Win All? A Framework for Effective Social-Justice Advocacy - Foundation Review 2011158503
- Evidence, Messages, Change! An Introductory Guide to Successful Advocacy - Open Society Foundations 2010158504
- Evaluating Social Justice Advocacy: A Values Based Approach - Innonet 08/10158505
- Maps for Advocacy: An Introduction to Geographical Mapping Techniques (pdf) 158506
- Advocacy Toolkit - A guide to influencing decisions that improve children's lives - UNICEF 2010158507
- Handbook for Advocacy Planning - IPPF 01/10158508
- Handbook for Budget Analysis and Tracking in Advocacy Projects - IPPF 2010158509
- Handbook for Political Analysis and Mapping - IPPF 2010158510
- Mobilising communities on young people's health and rightsÑ An advocacy Training guide - Family Care International 07/08158511
- A Practical Guide to Advocacy Evaluation - Pathfinder 2008158512
- Advocacy Guide - ASCD 04/08158513
- Advocacy and Campaigning Course Toolkit - INTRAC 01/08158514
- Best Practices for Advocacy: A Dozen Tactics, Tools & Strategies - ACTION 2007158515
- A Guide to Measuring Advocacy and Policy - Annie E. Casey Foundation 12/07158516
- Building National Campaigns: Activists, alliances, and how change happens - Oxfam 11/07158517
- The Advocacy Sourcebook - WaterAid 2007158518
- Advocacy Matters: Helping children change their world - Save the Children 2007158519
- Policy Engagement How Civil Society Can be More Effective (pdf) - ODI 2007158520
- Mapping Political Context: A Toolkit for Civil Society Organisations - ODI 07/06158521
- Stop the Global Epidemic of Chronic Disease; A Guide to Successful Advocacy - WHO 05/06158522
- 5 ad campaigns that changed the world - CB 11.06.19158523
- Critical Webs of Power and Change: Resource Pack for Planning, Reflection & Learning in People-Centred Advocacy - ActionAid 11/05158524
- The Challenge of Assessing Policy & Advocacy Initiatives - California Endowment 10/05158525
- Public Policy Advocacy: A Grassroots Guide - Statewide Parent Advocacy Network, 03/04158526
- New Tactics in Human Rights: A Resource for Practitioners - Center for Victims of Torture 2004158527
- Advocacy Resource Handbook - Advocacy Institute 2004158528
- An Activist’s Manual On The International Covenant On Economic, Social And Cultural Rights - CESR 03/03158529
- Networking for Policy Change: An Advocacy Training Manual - POLICY 01/03158530
- Activist Handbook - Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Bosnia-Herzegovina (2002) 158531
- Roots Advocacy Toolkit - Tearfund 2002158532
- Advocacy in action: A toolkit to support NGOs and CBOs - HIVJT 2002158533
- Making Change Happen: Advocacy and Citizen Participation - JASS 01/02158534
- From Dictatorship to Democracy A Conceptual Framework for Liberation - Gene Sharpe, 2002158535
- Amnesty International Campaigning Manual - Amnesty 12/01158536
- Advocacy: Building Skills for NGO Leaders - CEDPA 11/99158537