NGOs - peace, environment and others
- agir pour la paix142389
- CNAPD - Coordination Nationale d’Action pour la Paix et la Démocratie142390
- Centre National de Coopération au Développement / CNCD-11.11.11142391
- EBCO - European Bureau for Conscientious objectors142395
- Oxfam solidarite142396
- attac - Bruxelles 1142397
- attac - bruxelles 2142401
- Quaker Council for European Affairs142402
- Pax Christi International142403
- Pax Christi Wallonie-Bruxelles142407
- UPJB - Union des progressistes juifs de Belgique142408
- MRAX - Mouvement contre le racisme142409
- La Ligue des droits de l'Homme142412
- écolo j142413
- place o velo142414
- Association Belgo-Palestinienne142418
- demoshere - Agenda alternatif belgo-bruxellois142419
- Friends of the Earth Europe436071
- European Bureau for Conservation and Development436072
- European Environmental Bureau436073
- European Peacebuilding Liaison Office 436074
- Service Civil International436076
- Interpeace Brussels Office436077
- Vlaams Vredes Instituut 436078
- European Institute of Peace436079
- Greenpeace Belgium436080
- We Forest436081
- WWF Belgium436082
- IFAW - International Fund For Animal Welfare436083
- Serve The City Brussels436085
- Caritas Belgium436086
- EAPN - European Anti Poverty Network436087
- Social Platform436088
- International Federation for Human Rights436089
- Avocats Sans Frontières436090
- Unia436091
- European Women’s Lobby436092
- Women Now436093
- RoSa436094
- Reclaim EU436095
- Unia- Instagram 436306
- Rosa - fb436308
- Women Now ASBL - Instagram 436309
- Caritas - Instagram436883
- FIDH - Instagram436886
- scibelgium - Instagram436875
- ifaw - Instagram436882
- WeForest - Instagram436880
- interpeace - Instagram436876
- Vlaams Vredesinstituut - Instagram436877
- Greenpeace Belgium - Instagram 436879
- European Environmental Bureau - Instagram436874
- @Rosa_vzw436307
- @stcbrussels436305
- @agirpourlapaix_ 436864
- @cncd111111436865
- @ebcobeoc436866
- @OxfamBE436867
- @QCEA436868
- @liguedh_be436869
- @ecoloj436870
- @ABP_asbl436871
- @foeeurope436872
- @EBCD_bxl436873
- @Eurpeace436878
- @WWF_Belgie436881
- @EAPNEurope436884
- @social_platform436885
- @EuropeanWomen436888
- @ASF_NGO436887