Events at COP 26
- COP 26 Coalition258226
- CLIMATE FRINGE Online258238
- Stop Climate Chaos Scotland258234
- Calendar List - United Nations Climate Change258991
- Glasgow Climate Change Conference - United Nations Climate Change 258990
- GREEN ZONE - Programme of Events258941
- PEOPLE's SUMMIT for Climate Justice - Nov 7-10258248
- Protest at UN climate change conference November 6th259654
- GLOBAL DAY of ACTION for Climate Justice - Nov 6258249
- Global Day of Action for Climate Justice – London November 6th 12:00 - 16:00259450
- Global Day of Action for Climate Justice – Derby - November 6th 11:00 - 13:00259452
- Global Day of Action for Climate Justice – Yorkshire and Humber - November 6th 12:00 - 15:00259451
- COP26 rally Glasgow – join the Peace and Demilitarisation bloc - November 6th 11:45 - 15:00259449
- Climate Fringe Events Calendar258247
- Glasgow Green Map for COP 26258240
- Youth4Climate: Driving Ambition at pre-COP 26 September 28 - October 02259779
- Glasgow Climate Dialogues - Sep 6-9258242
- OECD COP26 Virtual Pavilion 258993
- Climate Fringe Events - Stop Climate Chaos258237
- UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) - IIASA 258995
- Climate Fringe Online - Get involved with COP258245
- Glasgow Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 26) - SDG Knowledge Hub 258994
- Join the Coalition - Get involved in the COP26 Coalition259453
- 06 Nov march in Glasgow: Route, road closures and start time of Saturday's huge climate COP26 protest in Glasgow - The Scotsman260256
- Event: Code Red for Parliaments – vital institutions in the climate emergency - Nordic Co-operation 10th November 04:00 PM - 05:45 PM263613
- Cop26 and a greener future, with George Monbiot - 4th November 8pm - 9pm GMT260167
- Event: The UN and the climate-nuclear disarmament nexus - Thursday 28th October259357
- Youth climate activists: Can Cop26 save the world? - Highlights of event - Guardian 10.11.21261868
- Climate Fringe Week: Scotland’s big call for climate action ahead of COP26 - Press Release 18.09.21258239
- Scotland to promote priorities of Global South on the climate crisis during Glasgow Climate Dialogues ahead of COP26 - Press Release 06.09.21258241
- Volunteering is a unique opportunity to bring climate justice to COP26 - SCCS 05.08.21258243
- Volunteer with the Climate Justice Movement at COP26 - SCCS 29.06.21258244