SOLUTIONS & REFORMS for fixing the financial system
- Proposals for Real Regulation & Reform of Banking[66]
- Robin Hood Tax / Financial Transaction Tax (FTT)[114]
- Separate Casino & Retail Banking[21]
- Break-up / Downsize the Mega Banks (End TBTF)[28]
- Public Banking & Cooperative Banking[62]
- Sovereign Money Creation / Full-reserve Banking[63]
- Debt Jubilee & "QE for the People"[49]
- Move Your Money / Vote With Your Feet ![27]
- Rethink & Reform Economics[154]
- Local Currencies & Alternative Currencies[34]
- Curb Bonus Culture & Executive Pay[39]
- Prosecute Corrupt "Banksters" / End TBTJ[19]
- The Icelandic Example? (Let the banks go bust, jail the bankers)[31]
- Financial Activism & Campaigning[11]