Proposals for Real Regulation & Reform of Banking
- Who Wants to Deregulate Finance? - Social Europe 06.09.17139882
- Book: Between Debt and the Devil: Money, Credit, and Fixing Global Finance (Adair Turner)139883
- Book: The Shifts and the Shocks: What we've learned - and have still to learn - from the financial crisis (Martin Wolf)139884
- The End of Alchemy: Money, Banking and the Future of the Global Economy (Mervyn King)139888
- Book: Just Money: How Society Can Break the Despotic Power of Finance (Ann Pettifor)139889
- Book: The Bubble and Beyond (Michael Hudson)139890
- Book: The Money Trap: Escaping the Grip of Global Finance (Robert Pringle)139894
- Book: The Squam Lake Report: Fixing the Financial System139895
- Book: Broke: America's Banking System, Common Sense Ideas to Fix Banking in America139900
- Public Citizen - Financial Reform139901
- Better Markets - Financial Reform Resources139902
- Citizens Dashboard of Finance139906
- VoxEu: Banking Reform - Do we know what needs to be done?139907
- IMF - Reforming the International Financial System139909
- Lord Adair Turner - Page on INET139910
- Righting Finance - Publications on Financial Regulation139911
- Capital Institute - Financial Reform139912
- Rethinking The International Financial System - Global Issues139913
- Volcker Rule (U.S.) - Wikipedia139914
- Vickers Report (UK) - Wikipedia 139915
- Vickers Report: Just the Facts (FT)139916
- Wikipedia - Basel III139920
- Occupy the SEC139921
- Occupy the SEC - Wikipedia139922
- Occupy the SEC: Former Wall Street Workers Defend Volcker Rule Against Banks’ Anti-Regulatory Push - DN 12/13139926
- Americans for Financial Reform139927
- Europeans for Financial Reform139928
- The Bank Reform Party (Australia)139932
- The Globalist - Reforming Global Finance Series139933
- Guardian - Articles on Banking Reform139934
- Huffington Post - Articles on Bank Regulation139938
- Huffington Post - Articles on Bank Reform139939
- Salon - Articles on Bank Reform139940
- Future of Finance Blog (Capital Institute)139944
- UNEP Inquiry into the Design of a Sustainable Financial System139945
- How Big Money Corrupts Our Politics (And How to Fix It) - CD 02.09.20215351
- INET Conference Video: Financial regulation that might have a chance of working (04/15)139946
- Report: How to restore a healthy financial sector that supports long-lasting, inclusive growth? - OECD 06/15139950
- Position Paper: Transforming Finance – priorities for the next Parliament (Transforming Finance Coalition, 01/15)139951
- Report: The Third Millennium: Economics, Finance, Governance, and Ethics for the Anthropocene - Capital Institute139955
- Report: Financial reform: New frontiers in transparency and accountability - Transparency Initiative139956
- Report: Banking 2020: A vision for the future (NEF)139957
- Report: The Future of Banking (VoxEu)139960
- No More Cheating: Restoring the Rule of Law in Financial Markets - Baseline Scenario 04/15139961
- Civil society urges politicians to transform the finance system - Guardian 01/15139962
- The Future of Financial Reform: Conceiving the Financial System of the 21st Century - INET 12/14139966
- UK banks grapple with threat of 5 percent leverage ratio - Reuters 09/14139968
- U.S. Bank Regulators Go Bigger Than Basel, Seek Tougher Capital Rules - Business Week 07/14139973
- Bankers braced for new UK regulatory scheme from Bank of England - Guardian 07/14139974
- Why the Bank Leverage Ratio Is Important - NYT 02/14139978
- We can end the despotism of finance, at a price - Open Democracy 02/14139979
- Britain must fix its banks – not its monetary policy - FT 06/13139980
- Equity capital requirements: The people versus the bankers - Economist 02/13139984
- Journal: Incorporating the Rentier Sectors into a Financial Model - Hudson, M & Bezemer, D 12 .pdf139985
- The Six Gaping Loopholes In The Controversial Volcker Rule - DN 12/12139986
- Mervyn King mobilises his tanks - Independent 10/10139990
- Mervyn King says banking must be reinvented - BBC 10/10139991
- Mervyn ponders abolition of banking as we know it - BBC 10/10139992
- The Money Man: Super-economist Joseph Stiglitz on how to fix the recession 2/10The Money Man: Super-economist Joseph Stiglitz on how to fix the recession 2/10139995
- Here's How To Fix The Banking System In 4 Steps - Business Insider 11/09139996
- Hoodwinked: Former Economic Hit Man John Perkins Reveals Why the World Financial Markets Imploded—and How to Remake Them - Dem. Now! 11/09139997
- Don't You Think It's Time to Reinstate the Laws That Would Have Prevented the Financial Crash? - Nomi Prins 11/09140000
- Fixing the financial system - VoxEu 01/09140001
- NGOs Call for Radical Reforms as IMF Offers New Loans 10/08140002
- A Better Bailout ! - Joseph E. Stiglitz 9/08140006
- World credit loss '£1.8 trillion' - BBC 10/08 (see Mervin King)140007