General Info
- Guardian - Smart Cities56939
- Sustainable Cities Blog - WB56940
- Sustainable Cities - TwentyThirty303720
- Twitter - Sustainable Cities56941
- European Green Capital (EU)56942
- Sustainable City - Wikipedia56943
- Sustainable Transportation !56944
- Podcast series: Sustainable Futures453515
- [Report] The Renewables in Cities 2019 Global Status Report - UN193648
- The London Climate Change Adaption Strategy 8/0856945
- London Environment56946
- Grist - Smart Cities56947
- Grist - Cities56948
- Ecocities - Wikipedia56949
- Ecopolis - Wikipedia56950
- Ecovillage - Wikipedia56951
- Sustainable Build (UK)56952
- BREEAM technical standards - BreGroup56953
- TIME Special - Intelligent Cities56955
- Cuba's Special Period - Wikipedia56956
- The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil - Wikipedia56957
- Creating Sustainable Cities - Herbert Girardet 4/06 (amazon)56958
- Zero Energy Building - Wikipedia56959
- Solutions for Sustainability in Cities and Counties - RMI56960
- Car-free Cities - Wikipedia56961
- Green Transport - Wikipedia56962
- U.N. City Summit Fell Short (Habitat II in Istanbul, 1996)56963
- Ecovian Green Living (USA)56964
- Permaculture - Wikipedia56965
- Bristol Green Capital56966
- Tyndall Centre (UK) - Engineering Cities: How Can Cities Grow Whilst Reducing Emissions and Vulnerability?56967
- Cities Scramble to Find Trees That Will Survive the Century - Gizmodo 24.04.24409132
- Measuring sustainable urban development in residential areas of the 20 biggest Finnish cities - Nature 21.08.23385318
- Trees for life: Making our cities greener can cut early deaths by a third - WEF 16.02.23329917
- Cities: how urban design can make people less likely to use public spaces - Conversation 05.07.22293971
- How to make your lawn wildlife friendly all year round – tips from an ecologist - Conversation 31.05.22289236
- Designing a Safe Walkable City185728
- Walkable City: How Downtown Can Save America, One Step at a Time185729
- Neighborhood Walkability - Built Environment and Health Research Group185814
- Walkable cities reduce blood pressure and hypertension risk- The Guardian 2018/02185815
- Movie : City for Sale56968
- Blog: How Walkable Communities Are Good for Us - LIFE185816
- Publication: Designing Healthy Living - Government of Canada186306
- Sustainable Cities - World Bank Blogs198491
- SDG Academy Course: Sustainable Cities381648
- @JSadikKhan - Janette Sadik-Khan, former NYCDOT commissioner237429