Social Welfare
- OECD - Social and welfare issues307740
- OECD Social and Welfare Statistics307742
- IssueLab - Welfare & Public Assistance39793
- European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research307743
- My Welfare282827
- Social Watch - When social welfare is not a priority307768
- Science Direct - Social Welfare Policy307748
- Eurostat - Social protection statistics - social benefits307750
- OECD - Social Expenditure Database (SOCX)307763
- Welfare state - Wikipedia307777
- Welfare - Wikipedia282826
- Welfare dependency - Wikipedia307780
- Means test - Wikipedia282828
- Welfare's effect on poverty - Wikipedia307772
- List of countries by social welfare spending - Wikipedia307754
- OECD - The impact of COVID-19 on social and welfare issues307745
- Is our society addicted to welfare - The Systems Thinker307789
- Book: An Introduction to Social Problems, Social Welfare Organizations, and the Profession of Social Work - Sage307744
- Journal: International journal of social welfare - Wiley Online 10/22307741
- Video: Why Means Testing Is A Terrible Idea - Second Thought 08.04.22282825
- Welfare dependency: the history of an idea - Parliament of Australia 04.11.21307782
- More than 4 billion people still lack any social protection, ILO report finds - ILO 01.09.21307758
- The importance of social welfare in addressing poverty - Social Justice Ireland 05.04.21307765
- These countries spend the most, and the least, on social benefits - WEF 10.02.21307756
- Report: The Nordic social welfare model - Lessons for reform - Deloitte Development, 2020307760
- The Myth of Welfare Dependency - Project Syndicate 09.08.19307785
- Report: Migrants and Welfare Dependency: Evidence from the EU - European Commission, 2019307788
- Welfare dependence from one generation to the next - CEPR 29.05.18307783
- How US welfare compares around the globe - BBC 26.08.16307759
- Textbook: Social Welfare for a Global Era - James Midgley 02/16307769
- Which are the best countries in the world to live in if you are unemployed or disabled? - Guardian 15.04.15307753
- Video: What is the Welfare State? A Sociological Restatement - LSE 10.11.14307778
- Journal: Is global social welfare increasing? A critical-level enquiry - Science Direct 10/14307770
- Journal - Global Social Welfare - Springer Link, all issues from 2014307749
- Intergenerational Transmission of Welfare Dependency - NBER 11.11.13307791
- Ten myth-busting facts about welfare - Urban 11.09.13307752
- Journal - The Importance of Social Welfare in the Developing World - Winona University 09/12307764
- The Facts About Americans Who Receive Public Benefits - CAP 16.12.11307751
- Even poor countries can afford basic social protection schemes, from which their economic development will benefit, as well - IDOS, 2010307761
- Why are welfare states in the US and Europe so different? - Cairn, 2006307757
- Welfare Reform and Poverty - Brookings 01.07.01307773
- Book: Critical Social Welfare Issues - Tools for Social Work and Health Care Professionals - Arthur J Katz, Abraham Lurie, Carlos Vidal, 1997307746
- Poverty, equity and social welfare in Latin America: determinants of change over growth spells - ILO 01.06.95307775
- Welfare Dependency and Its Causes: Determinants of the Duration of Welfare Spells - US Census Bureau 05/89307786
- Welfare Without the Welfare State - FEE 01.12.66307766
- Journal: Individual Rights and Social Welfare: The Emerging Legal Issues - JSTOR 06/65307747