- Pension Rights Center - Poverty228447
- Webinar Series: Dignity for All: Ensuring Economic Security as America Ages - Justice in Ageing229752
- Reducing Poverty Among Mexico's Elderly - RAND Solution229763
- Pensioner poverty in the world’s sixth largest economy is a political choice - LFF 27.01.25454471
- We Need a New Movement to End Old-Age Poverty - Jacobin 11.08.24428157
- 3 solutions to elderly poverty in Japan - Borgen Project 11.08.24427757
- Addressing elderly poverty in Iran - Borgen Project 02.06.24417115
- Elderly poverty in Burundi - Borgen Project 06.04.23340182
- Elderly poverty in Palestine - Borgen Project 10.12.22319176
- Elderly poverty in India - Borgen Project 11.09.22304908
- Govt urged to offer pension support to Gen X - Pensions Age 30.11.20228434
- Covid-19 could reverse pensioner poverty progress - Pensions Age 19.11.20228433
- Discarded: the Australian women over 50 left to languish in poverty - Guardian 10.10.20228442
- Factcheck: will half of Americans over 55 retire poor? - Forbes 08.10.20228443
- The cost of pensioner poverty and non-take-up of Pension Credit - Independent Age 14.09.20228450
- Four in 10 pensioners missing out on key benefit, says report - Guardian 14.09.20228437
- Millions of pensioners are in poverty. We can’t let the Tories scrap the ‘triple lock’ - Left Foot Forward 19.06.20228436
- Retirement poverty: what it is and how you could avoid being a penniless pensioner - Aviva 15.06.20228445
- Will coronavirus spike the rate of poverty in retirement? - Forbes 24.05.20228444
- The impact of poverty transitions on frailty among older adults in South Korea - BMC 15.04.20229760
- Social Security Lifts More Americans Above Poverty Than Any Other Program - CBPP 20.02.20229756
- Pensioner poverty on the rise again - Pensions Age 07.02.20228435
- Gender bias will create pension poverty for all women until 2100 - Independent 24.01.20228439
- Rising poverty among Germany's elderly - DW 09.01.20228438
- 3 Reasons for Elderly Poverty in the UK - Borgen Project 15.12.19229850
- Poverty after retirement: How a German pensioner makes ends meet - DW 11.11.19228440
- Report: Poverty Among Americans Aged 65 and Older - FAS 01.07.19229757
- A million pensioners in poverty because of unclaimed benefits - Guardian 26.06.19228441
- Retirement should not mean hardship – but many older Americans live in poverty - Guardian 24.05.19228429
- Webinar: Improving Economic Security for Older Adults - Justice in Ageing 2019229751
- Report: Older Women & Poverty - Justice in Aging 12/18229755
- Old age poverty: A scoping review of the literature - Tandfonline 26.06.18229764
- This is what life without retirement savings looks like - The Atlantic 22.02.18228448
- 6 main causes of poverty in older adults - Home Care Assistance 03.07.17228426
- Retirement Security Task Force Report (pdf) - State Treasurer WI229762
- Publication: Explore the Factors that Influence Elderly Poverty - IBIMA 1/17229847
- Old-Age Income Poverty - OECD 2017229749
- Women 80% more likely to be in poverty after retiring than men: study - Benefits Canada 13.07.16228449
- Report: Aging, Women and Poverty in California we must do more - Justice in Ageing 6/16229750
- Report: How to Prevent and End Homelessness Among Older Adults - Justice in Ageing 4/16229753
- Report: Income poverty in old age: an emerging development priority - UNDESA 2015228423
- Presentation: Race, Gender, Poverty And Income Inequalities Among America's Seniors - National Aging & Law Conference 2015229754
- Financial Security of Elderly Americans at Risk - EPI 06.06.13229761
- Eliminating poverty in old age: are social pensions the answer? - World Bank Blogs 06.10.10228428
- Elderly poverty: the challenge before us - American Progress 30.07.08228425
- Report: Elderly in Poverty - Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 6/07 229848
- Report: Poverty among the elderly in Latin America and the Caribbean - UN 15.01.07228427
- Social Security and the Evolution of Elderly Poverty (pdf) - Urban Policy 03/04229759
- UK's landscape of poverty in retirement - IPE 01/04228446
- Reducing Poverty Among Elderly Women - SSA 1/01229758