- Senior Citizen's Traveler's Health - CDC225427
- Fire-Safe Seniors program - US Fire Administration226172
- Seniors - Ready226174
- Older Adults - NFPA226175
- Publication: Disaster Preparedness For Seniors By Seniors - Red Cross226093
- For Health Care Workers: ABA/APA Assessment of Capacity in Older Adults - APA225667
- Report: Blueprint for Change: Achieving Integrated Health Care for an Aging - APA225767
- Driving Safely While Aging Gracefully - NHTSA 226179
- Older Drivers - NHTSA226182
- Enhanced Mobility of Seniors & Individuals with Disabilities - Federal Transit Administration226180
- Transportation - Office of Disability Employment Policy226183
- I Decide: Better Conversations, Better Decisions - Colorado Program for Patient Centered Decisions227681
- Video: The TRUTH About Being Old and Alone - elder gal 08.05.24436128
- This 65-year-old retiree just moved into a $420 per month apartment in Mexico ‘steps from the beach’ — take a look inside - CNBC 07.08.21252535
- Emotions get better with age - Knowledge Magazine 05.05.21243456
- A Prescription To Reform Canada’s Broken Eldercare System - Forbes 18.03.21238803
- State’s older LGBTQ residents experience higher rates of depression, poverty, and injuries due to falls than their straight, cisgender peers, according to a new report from T…229853
- Population aging and the historical development of intergenerational transfer systems - Springer Open 21.09.20229836
- Video: Three good things caregiver version - Dr Tony Back 4/20227819
- The Age Profile of Life-Satisfaction After Age 65 in the U.S. - RAND 2020225291
- The Importance of Addressing Advance Care Planning and Decisions About Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders During Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) - JAMA 27.03.20227682
- How Integrated Health Care Benefits You as You Get Older - Psychological Benefits Society - 5/18225668
- Publication: The Role of Education and Knowledge about Aging in Creating Young People’s Attitudes to the Elderly - Sciendo 25.04.18228908
- Publication: Providing Integrated Care for An Aging Population - SAMHSA 10/16226045
- Publication: Climate Change and the Health of Older Adults - EPA 5/16225586
- Adapting Motor Vehicles for Older Drivers - NHTSA 2/07226178