General Info
- Religious Society of Friends - Wikipedia42754
- Category: Quakerism - Wikipedia42755
- List of Quakers - Wikipedia42756
- George Fox (1624-1691) - Founder42757
- QuakerSpeak - YouTube Channel42758
- FCNL Quaker Lobby - YouTube Channel42759
- AFSC - American Friends Service Committee - YouTube Channel42760
- Digital Quaker Collection - Quaker works from the 17th and 18th centuries42761
- Meeting for Worship42762
- Explore the Quaker Way: Video Series42763
- Friends United Meeting - FUM42764
- Friends Service Council - 1947 Nobel Prize in Peace42765
- American Friends Service Committee - 1947 Nobel Prize in Peace42766
- FGC Quaker Resources for Adults42767
- Peace Testimony42768
- Quaker in Britain - Working for Peace42769
- @EApeaceful61277050
- Quaker Faith & Practice, 3rd edition (UK)42772
- Quaker Quaker42774
- Quaker Quaker Blog42775
- Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online42776
- Quaker Books Catalogue (New Zealand)42777
- Rise Up Singing - Songbook42778
- Tim Gee - tw321855
- Jessica Metheringham - tw 321856
- Quaker Council for European Affairs - tw 321857