Pope Francis
- ‘Insensitive’: pet owners react to pope’s remarks on animals and children - Guardian 06.01.22268459
- Choosing pets over babies is ‘selfish and diminishes us’, says pope - Guardian 05.01.22268199
- Pope calls for end to violence against women in new year message - Guardian 01.01.22267600
- China Orders Lockdown for 13 Million in Xi’an; Pope Francis Calls for Universal Access to Vaccines - Democracy Now 27.12.21267157
- In Christmas Address, Pope Francis Calls for Covid-19 Vaccines to Reach World's Poorest - CD 25.12.21266700
- To End 'Deafening Noise of War,' Pope Says Nations Must Fund Education Over Weapons - CD 21.12.21266274
- Pope Francis says domestic violence against women ‘almost satanic’ - Guardian 20.12.21265955
- Pope Francis urges leaders to take ‘radical’ climate action at Cop26 - Guardian 29.10.21259615
- Biden says pope said to keep receiving communion amid abortion row - Guardian 29.10.21259614
- Pope inadvertently quotes Vladimir Putin in Afghanistan comment - Guardian 01.09.21254115
- Pope Francis meets Grand Ayatollah Sistani on historic Iraq tour - Guardian 06.03.21237926
- For women who are victims of violence - The Pope Video 02/21235433
- Pope Francis backs same-sex civil unions - Guardian 21.10.20223103
- Pope: God loves even those who make 'a complete mess of things' - Guardian 25.12.19194137
- While Warning of Nazi-Like Fascism and Corporate Crimes, Pope Francis Proposes Adding 'Ecological Sin' to Church Teachings - Common Dreams 16.11.19193426
- Pope Denounces 'Mentality of Fear' Caused by Nuclear Regimes, Urges Disarmament 10.11.17123179
- 'Please... No More Wars': Pope Francis Issues Impassioned Call to End 'Useless Massacres' -3.11.17123183
- If Humanity Doesn't Turn Back from Climate Abyss, Says Pope, 'We Will Go Down' 11.09.17123184
- Pope criticizes climate change deniers and Trump on DACA - NYT 11.09.17123185
- Pope Francis urges Colombia to seize 'second chance' - NYT 07.09.17123189
- Pope Francis’ Latest Mission: Stopping Nuclear Weapons - Time 10.04.15123190
- Pope Francis uses new year mass to condemn slavery and human trafficking - Guardian 01.01.15123191
- Pope Francis condemns inequality, thus refusing to play the game - Guardian 28.04.14123196
- Pope Francis tells world to listen to 'cry for peace' - Guardian 01.01.14123197
- Pope Francis: 'Marxist Ideology Is Wrong, But I Know Many Marxist Who Are Good People' 14.12.13123201
- Pope Francis calls on countries to shrink gap between rich and poor - Guardian 12.12.13123202
- Pope Francis is a whistleblower for the poor. Thank you Time for recognising it - Guardian 11.12.13123203
- Pope Francis Prays For The Poor In Rome's Lavish Shopping District - HuffPost 12/13123207
- Pope Francis 'Evangelii Gaudium' Calls For Renewal Of Roman Catholic Church, Attacks 'Idolatry Of Money' - HuffPost 26.11.13123208
- Pope Francis denounces ‘trickle-down’ economic theories in critique of inequality 26.11.13123209
- Italy: 'Sinner' Pope goes to confession fortnightly - BBC 11/13123213
- Profile: New pope, Jesuit Bergoglio, was runner-up in 2005 conclave123214
- Pope urges G20 leaders to seek Syria peace talks - Guardian 9/13123215
- Pope Francis: Catholics must think like Christ - Catholic Herald 4/13123219
- Pope Francis and Argentina's 'disappeared' - BBC 4/13123220
- Noam Chomsky on Pope Francis (April, 2013)123221
- Pope Francis uses Easter address to denounce 'greed looking for easy gain' - Guardian 31.03.13123225
- Questions From a ‘Dirty War’ (military junta years) - Truthdig 17.03.13123226
- Pope Francis declares: 'I would like to see a church that is poor and is for the poor' - Guardian 16.03.13123231
- Pope wants a “poor Church” after Saint Francis of Assisi - Buenos Aires Herald 16.03.13123232
- Pope Francis wants 'poor Church for the poor' - BBC 16.03.13123227
- Pope Francis, the radical from Flores who will 'reshape' Catholic church 16.03.13123233
- Wikileaks and the new Pope - Pravda 16.03.13123237
- The “Dirty War” Pope - WSWS 16.03.13123238
- Response to accusations against Bergoglio in Argentina - Vatican 15.03.13123239
- Vatican denies Dirty War allegations against Pope - BBC 15.03.13123244
- Old stories target New World pope - Buenos Aires Herald 15.03.13123245
- Did You Hear the One About the Pope and the Dirty War? - Truthdig Radio 15.03.13123249
- 4 Twitter lessons Pope Francis can learn from the Dalai Lama - Daily Dot 14.03.13123250
- The New Pope: Bergoglio of Argentina - NY Times 13.03.13123251
- Argentina's Jorge Mario Bergoglio elected Pope Francis - BBC 13.03.13123255
- Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio elected pontiff, takes name Pope Francis - Guardian 13.03.13123256
- Argentine Cardinal Bergoglio elected Pope Francis - CatholicCulture 13.03.13123257
- Google - Jorge Mario Bergoglio123261
- Google Scholar (Spanish)123262
- Google Scholar123263
- Google Images123267
- The Pope / Church
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