Video News - UK
- DOUBLE DOWN NEWS ! - highly recommended218728
- REAL MEDIA - the news that you don't see193851
- REELNEWS - news from the frontline103912
- INDYMEDIA UK - Video Projects !103911
- The GUARDIAN409440
- George GALLOWAY278299
- OWEN Jones - You Tube Channel301979
- NOVARA MEDIA - left wing406659
- Novara Media406660
- Novara Media - Wikipedia459725
- Russell BRAND103917
- UnderCurrents - Blog103919
- VISION On TV103920
- Vision on TV - Grassroots103925
- CULTURE of RESISTANCE - activist network103926
- BBC NewsNight at 10.30 PM103927
- Frontline Club - You Tube103928
- OCCUPY News Network UK103933
- John PILGER - YouTube103943
- John PILGER - his films103942
- The CANARY103934
- Max Keiser TV103935
- UnderCurrents Paulo - YouTube103936
- The Peoples‘ Voice TV103944
- Oxford Union Society103949
- Rinf TV103950
- Amnesty UK TV103951
- Rebellious Media Conference 2011103952
- Big Picture TV - society, business, environment (Archive)103957
- @kennardmatt367154
- @JamesMelville435640