Moro Liberation Movement
- Moro National Liberation Front - Wikipedia 452146
- Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) - Reward for Justice 452142
- Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) - FAS 452144
- Moro Islamic Liberation Front - NLB 452162
- Moro National Liberation Front - Wikiwand 452164
- How big of a threat is ISIS in the Moro Islamic Liberation Front and the BARMM? - Modern Diplomacy 15.03.24451108
- Philippine military denies killing Moro Islamic Liberation Front members in weekend clash - Benar News 21.06.23452158
- Journal articles on the topic 'Moro National Liberation Front' - Grafiati 04.06.21451106
- Moro Islamic Liberation Front evaluates autonomy law - AA 29.07.18452156
- Philippines: Moro Islamic Liberation Front dreams of 'caliphate' on Mindanao - France24 19.05.16452136
- Moro National Liberation Front - Stanford 14.08.15452139
- The Journey of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front Fist Ex-Combatants (pdf) - CPCS 2015452153
- Peace in the Philippines, but what next for the Moro Islamic Liberation Front? - Monash 11.04.14451102
- Philippines: Interview with Moro liberation movement leader - Links 10.04.11452131
- The U.S. War of Terror in the Philippines and the Moro People's Struggle for Liberation - Axis of Logic 4/11105537
- Interview with Moro liberation movement leader - LINKS 4/11105538
- Factbox: The Philippines' Moro Islamic Liberation Front - Reuters 05.02.11451105
- Inside the Moro Islamic Liberation Front - Pulitzer Center 21.05.07452134
- The Political Strategies of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front for Self-Determination in the Philippines - Research Gate 05/07451107
- The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and Security in Southeast Asia - USIP 09.06.05451104
- The Moro National Liberation Front in the Philippines - Semantic Scholar 23.01.76451103