Why Bush won ?
- Death Grip: How Political Psychology Explains Bush's Ghastly Success 8/0749790
- Election 2004: Americans Endorse War, Religious Fanaticism And State Terrorism 11/0449792
- Election 2004: How Bush Won - AlterNet 1/0549793
- Why Bush won - Washington Times 11/0449794
- Why They Won? - NYT 11/0449795
- The Values-Vote Myth - NYT 11/0449796
- The Lessons of Nov. 2 - Boston Globe 11/0449798
- Hello: You Are Now Living In A Fascist Empire. - Resilience 04.11.0449800
- Howard Dean: 'Bush used Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia'49802
- Frankly Speaking: "Kansas" and the 2004 Election - Democratic Underground 11/0449804