General Info
- US Defense Budget58569
- Military - Archive58570
- G.I. Dough (series) - ProPublica58571
- Here's How Much You Gave Last Year to The Pentagon (Hint: It Was a Lot) - CD 11.04.24408175
- In 2023, the average American’s income taxes funded $5,109 for militarism and its support systems - IPS 09.04.24406753
- Report: Average US Taxpayer Contributed More to Militarism Than Medicare in 2023 - CD 09.04.24406754
- United States Counterterrorism Operations Under the Biden Administration, 2021-2023 (pdf) - Watson Institute 11/23389034
- Average US Taxpayer Spent $1,087 on Pentagon Contractors in 2022 - CD 17.04.23341833
- Graphic: Dem, Gop opposition to Pentagon Budget - Stephen Semler 14.10.21260259
- Why Does The US Spend So Much On The Military? - Second Thought 01.05.20230495
- US Says No Money for Social Programs, But '$700 Billion to Kill People? Yeah That We Have' - Common Dreams 9/1758572
- 9/11 TRILLIONS: Follow The Money ! - Corbett Report 9/1558573
- How Government Spends Your Taxes ! - Military & Security - National Priorities58574
- Cooking Books: DOD, HUD Defrauded Taxpayers of $21 TRILLION from 1998 to 2015 - MintPress 07.10.1758575
- Trade-Offs: Your Money, Your Choices - National Priorities Project58576
- Military budget of the United States - Wikipedia58577
- Defense Budget Materials - FY201258578
- Overview - FY2012 Defense Budget *pdf58579
- President Obama's 2012 Budget - National Priorities 2/1158580
- US Defense Budget Resources 2011 (excellent !)58581
- What Did Martin Luther King Jr. Say About War Costs - GRTV58582
- National Security Spending - Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation58583
- Wake Up: America Can't Afford Its Military 12/1158584
- Facebook - War Costs58585
- Pentagon Paid Billions To Contractors Suspended For Fraud - Huff Post 2/1158587
- Ridiculous Military Spending: 12 Facts That Show America Can't Afford To Police The World Anymore - Peace Action58588
- The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Other Global War on Terror - US Congress 9/1058589
- Appropriations Committee Approves 2010 Emergency Supplemental - 5/1058590
- H.R.4899 - Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2010 - 3/1058591
- Massive US military budget passed (2008) - YouTube58593
- The Federal Pie Chart - Where Your Income Tax Money Really Goes ! (WRL) 200858594
- President Obama's War Budget: Analyzing the Numbers 5/0958595
- Time to Cut the Military Pork 12/0858596
- Just the Facts: Foreign Aid vs. Military Spending - Summer 200858597
- The True Cost of Oil - What are the military costs of securing “our” oil? 5/1058598
- Military Legislative News58599
- U.S. Military Budget Tops Rest of World by Far ! 200358600
- US Military Spending - CDI58601
- Defense Spending - Borgen Project58602
- Grand Theft Pentagon: Tales of Corruption and Profiteering in the War on Terror 1/06 (amazon)58603
- The Contractors - Mother Jones 06.10.0458606
- Military Spending Working Group List - MSWG (FAS)58607
- MSWG Archive - FAS58608
- Cost of Iraq War to States and Selected Cities - National Priorities Project 6/0458609
- Daily Defense Contracts58612
- The High Price of Militarism - Addicted to War (Cartoon)58613
- Military Spending - Black Hole (MetroActive)58614
- US Defense Budget Annual Request - Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation (Archive 2006)58615
- Military Budget & Oversight - Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation (Archive 2007)58616