Taxes in the US - General Info
- Paul Buchheit - Common Dreams150818
- Tax Policy Center - TPC150819
- Sally and Frank discuss Taxes (Video) 4/11150820
- OBAMA on Taxes150821
- Obama-Biden Tax Calculator150822
- NADER on Fair Tax !150824
- How Government Spends Your Taxes !150825
- Tax Justice237655
- Citizens for Tax Justice (CTJ)150826
- Taxpayers for Common Sense150827
- Fair Tax - simple, transparent, fair150828
- Opportunity zone - Wikipedia 453951
- Who Gets to RULE the World? - great flash presentation from the Texas Green Party (file download)150829
- Distribution of the FairTax burden (USA)150830
- What are donor-advised funds – and what’s the problem with them? - Open Democracy 15.03.24402736
- Blame Bush and Trump Tax Cuts for the US Revenue Problem - CD 29.10.23382666
- Tax pro-approved tips to make filing (a little) easier - Vox 18.04.23341398
- What doing other people’s taxes taught me about our broken tax code - Vox 15.04.23341216
- On Greed and Tax Avoidance, Says Bernie Sanders, 'Trump Is Not Alone' - CD 31.12.22327767
- The US Should Follow EU's Steps Toward Global Minimum Tax - CD 27.12.22 323390
- Congress Needs to Help Struggling Families More Than Corporations - CD 10.12.22319584
- Joe Manchin Agrees To Sweeping Legislation To Raise Taxes On Wealthy, Invest In Climate - Huffpost 27.07.22302287
- Tax-Dodging Billionaire Dynasties Could Cost US $8.4 Trillion: Report - CD 02.02.22272368
- Dynasty trusts: giant tax loopholes that supercharge wealth accumulation - AmericansForTaxFairness 01.02.22273155
- The United States of Tax Havens - CD 04.11.21261585
- A tax haven in America’s heartland - The Washington Post 04.10.21262116
- How Our Tax Code Is Rigged Against Black Americans - MJ 23.03.21239343
- 6 Ways the Trump Administration Is Rigging an Already Unfair Tax Code - Center for American Progress 28.10.20251200
- Retirees vow to 'fight this attempt to gut social security' as Trump announces executive order to suspend payroll tax - CD 06.08.20213616
- It's 2020 and Florida's Supreme Court Just Ruled in Favor of a Poll Tax - Common Dreams 16.01.20196214
- Where Your Tax Dollars Really Go | Robert Reich - YouTube 7/19240289
- What Real Tax Reform Could Look Like - Other Words 01.11.17150831
- Why the GOP Is Right On Taxes (?) - FoxNews 6/11150832
- Five Tax Fallacies Invented by the 1% - Common Dreams 4/12150833
- David Cay Johnston: "Corporate Socialism" Is Alive and Well in America - Reuters 4/12150834
- The Haves and Have-Nots -- Why the Wealthy Tend to Keep Getting Richer at Our Expense - AlterNet 12/10150836
- President Obama on the Tax Cut Agreement - YouTube 12/10150837
- The Rich Get Richer, the Poor Poorer - Huffington Post 12/10150838
- A Bitter, Losing Fight Against the Power of Money - Independent 12/10150839
- Obama tells Republicans he should have worked more with them - CNN 11/10150841
- Channeling Reagan on Tax Reform - TruthOut 11/10150844
- Did the Rich Cause the Deficit? - TruthOut 11/10150845
- Hateful Days - BBC 11/10150846
- Letter: Scrutinize defense spending - VOICES of Central Pa. 10/10150847
- Modest Tax on Billionaires Could Erase Budget Shortfalls of Every Single US State - AlterNet 9/10150850
- Gates & Buffett: Get Your Friends To Pay Taxes and We Won’t Need Their Donations! - Care2 6/10150852
- The Super-Rich Want You to Hate Taxes So They Can Keep Your Money - Sally Kohn 4/10150853
- The Tax Clock Is Ticking - Common Dreams 4/10150854
- A trillion here, a trillion there ... - NY Times 1/09150856
- What Are Rich People Thinking? - Why the wealthy voted for Obama and higher taxes 11/08150857
- Obama's 95% Illusion - WSJ 10/08150858