Dismantling of WELFARE
- When Welfare Pays Better than Work - Cato Institute 19.08.13246531
- Video: Sequestration will damage US social safety net - Al Jareeza English 01.03.13246664
- The Unfinished Work of Welfare Reform - National Affairs 12/13246815
- Video: On 77th Anniversary of Social Security, Paul Ryan Pushes Dismantling the Social Safety Net - 15.08.12246675
- Video: "An Extreme Choice": Touting Ayn Rand, GOP Pick Paul Ryan Backs Dismantling New Deal. 2 of 2 - Democracy Now! 13.08.12246672
- Video: "An Extreme Choice": Touting Ayn Rand, GOP Pick Paul Ryan Backs Dismantling New Deal. 1 of 2 - Democracy Now! 13.08.12246674
- Why Get off Welfare? - Cato Institute 22.08.13246821
- Video: Romney: Obama Dismantling Welfare Reform - AP 07.08.12246658
- The Controversial “Safety Net” (1981 to 2012) - National Coalition for the Homeless 24.04.12246723
- Video: Charles Murray's "Coming Apart": The Welfare State - AEI 07.02.12246656
- Return of the 'Welfare Queen' - CNN 23.01.12246824
- Top 10 lies about Social Security (from those who just want to dismantle government) - EPI 21.12.11246768
- 'Social Safety Net' Less Safe As Cuts Debated - NPR 05.03.11246550
- Video: The Welfare State and American Exceptionalism - The Federalist Society 26.02.11246660
- Video: Thomas Sowell: Dismantling America - Hoover Institution 19.08.10246679
- Video: William Voegeli, author of "Never Enough: America's Limitless Welfare State" - AEI 22.06.10246648
- Video: Paul Ryan: Do we want an opportunity society or a welfare state? - Speaker Paul Ryan 13.05.10246655
- The ACORN Standard - Nation 10/0979107
- The Right Isn‘t Only Trying to Take Down ACORN, It‘s Got a 25-Year Project to ‘Defund‘ the Left - RawStory 10/0979108
- An ACORN Amendment for Pfizer - Nation 10/0979109
- Defund ACORN Act - Library of Congress 9/0979110
- ACORN: The Most Cost-Effective Investment the Government (and Foundations) Have Ever Made - AlterNet 9/0979111
- Welfare Payments and Crime PDF - Harvard University 02/08246816
- Briefing Book: Social Safety Nets in the United States - World Bank 11/03246772
- The Real Welfare Problem - The American Prospect 05.12.00246529
- America‘s Disappeared - Nation 6/9979112
- Video: Dismantling the Welfare State - C-SPAN 16.11.96246535
- Changes in Welfare Policy in the 1980s PDF - National Bureau of Economic Research 01/91246541
- The Reagan administration's budget cuts: their impact on the poor PDF - Institute for Research on Poverty 06/81246831