The Real Threat of a New Draft
- Draft Resistance ! - USA51404
- McCain: World War III Would Justify Draft 6/0851406
- Sen. Hagel (R) says U.S. draft may be unavoidable 11/0751410
- Was Bush War Advisor Proposing a Draft? - COMD 8/0751411
- Congressman Tim Ryan's speech about the draft !51412
- H.R. 393: Universal National Service Act of 2007 - Charles Rangel (D)51413
- GOP Pressures Rock the Vote to Stop Talking About the Draft - Democracy Now! 10/0451415
- Administration's own actions fuel rumors of draft 10/0451416
- No Child Left Unrecruited: Army Recruiters Target High Schools - Democracy Now! 4/0451418
- The Peace & Justice Center for the Santa Cruz California Region - Resource Center for Nonviolence (RCNV)51419
- Committee Opposed to Militarism and the Draft - COMD51420
- Selective Service Draft Registration Freeze51421
- Entries in Draft - political soundoff51425